Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.

Hondo Bro's and lil' buddy HH, please post your tax returns.



  • 2001400ex
    2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    I would like see what you make and what your write offs are.

    I make more than you and just bought a $79k pickup and am writing it off. I'm in Vegas right now and a good chunk will be written off.

    Any more questions? Why so angry?
    You will never be worth as much as me. You know why I now that? You are the dumb fuck who spent 80K on a fucking truck.

    Now good luck making rent.
    You sound poor.
    I am sure everyone on The Tug considers you rich and successful because you mentioned how much you paid for a truck.

    Not a chance.

    I can hear you now "Ma, meatloaf.....meatloaf..........I never know what she is doing.....".
    Imagine bragging about a truck and a trip to Vegas. What a low class loser. You realize half the population of Mississippi has the same truck and takes trips to Vegas, right?
    Actually, the Mississippi truck owners use them for work. Hondo buys the truck to drive the strip in Vegas.
    My guess is it’s lifted with a custom Seahawk 12 paint job
    That's my golf cart. Dick.
    You think you’re funny, but you’re not. Fucking idiot
    It would be funny if I wasn't that douchy. But at last I am. It was a good deal.
  • Kaepsknee
    Kaepsknee Member Posts: 14,757
    HHusky said:

    I would like see what you make and what your write offs are.

    It would just look like I was bragging . . . again.

    Union lawyering in Oregon is a profitable career path.