Обговорення прогнозу площі Національна служба погоди Сіетл, штат Вашингтон 306 PM PDT ср 16 жовтня 2019
.SYNOPSIS ... Лобова система рухатиметься через Західний Вашингтон у цей вечір, наближаючи все більш поширений дощ та вітер до місцеві вітряні умови до району. Мокрий і невлаштований візерунок триватиме протягом решти тижня і в наступному тиждень, як низка систем прогресує через регіон.
. ШОРТИЙ ТЕРМІН / СЬОГОДНІ ПО П’ятницю / ... Поточні спостереження показані вітри, що починають назбирати в межах поточного Вітру Консультативні ... особливо це стосується Беллінгема, який повідомляє про пориви вітру 40 миль / год ... що падає прямо на нижній поріг дорадчої. Поточний радіолокатор показує велику частину CWA між проміжками дощу ... з один, пов’язаний з фронтом з минулої ночі та сьогодні вранці на сході каскадного гребеня, в той час як той, що асоціюється з вхідним фронт на даний момент в положенні вздовж узбережжя та над північним заходом частина Олімпійського півострова. На найближчу найближчу перспективу ... все це означає, що вітри вздовж східної сторони Звуку побачать швидкість вітру збільшується, але терміни все ще виглядають добре для початку вітру зменшити після 5 або 6 вечора ПДТ. Швидкість досі в цілому легкий до місцева вітряна для більшості локацій ..., включаючи метро в Сіетлі область ... в той час як північний інтер'єр виглядає добре щодо свого Вітру Консультативні та з тим, що терміни виглядають послідовно ... не передбачають необхідно, щоб це було продовжено в цей час.
And Yella, you're a wuss; definitely not Joe Rantz tuff.
Few people alive are Joe Rantz tuff.
Sorry for making this all serious. But Rantz ... holy shit. A man's man if there ever was one.
How many actual college graduates can say his/her parents moved, and on moving day told them, "you can't come with us. your step mom doesn't like you."? At the age of 15, he was living in house with no electricity hunting to eat and going to school. I think he was 17 before his uncle let him come live with him here.
And Yella, you're a wuss; definitely not Joe Rantz tuff.
Few people alive are Joe Rantz tuff.
Sorry for making this all serious. But Rantz ... holy shit. A man's man if there ever was one.
How many actual college graduates can say his/her parents moved, and on moving day told them, "you can't come with us. your step mom doesn't like you."? At the age of 15, he was living in house with no electricity hunting to eat and going to school. I think he was 17 before his uncle let him come live with him here.
I know you don't Reed Skrong @creepycoug but read the book already.
And Yella, you're a wuss; definitely not Joe Rantz tuff.
Few people alive are Joe Rantz tuff.
Sorry for making this all serious. But Rantz ... holy shit. A man's man if there ever was one.
How many actual college graduates can say his/her parents moved, and on moving day told them, "you can't come with us. your step mom doesn't like you."? At the age of 15, he was living in house with no electricity hunting to eat and going to school. I think he was 17 before his uncle let him come live with him here.
I know you don't Reed Skrong @creepycoug but read the book already.
And Yella, you're a wuss; definitely not Joe Rantz tuff.
Few people alive are Joe Rantz tuff.
Sorry for making this all serious. But Rantz ... holy shit. A man's man if there ever was one.
How many actual college graduates can say his/her parents moved, and on moving day told them, "you can't come with us. your step mom doesn't like you."? At the age of 15, he was living in house with no electricity hunting to eat and going to school. I think he was 17 before his uncle let him come live with him here.
I know you don't Reed Skrong @creepycoug but read the book already.
What did I get skwrong?
You told me you hadn't ready the Joe Rantz book yet.
And Yella, you're a wuss; definitely not Joe Rantz tuff.
Few people alive are Joe Rantz tuff.
Sorry for making this all serious. But Rantz ... holy shit. A man's man if there ever was one.
How many actual college graduates can say his/her parents moved, and on moving day told them, "you can't come with us. your step mom doesn't like you."? At the age of 15, he was living in house with no electricity hunting to eat and going to school. I think he was 17 before his uncle let him come live with him here.
I know you don't Reed Skrong @creepycoug but read the book already.
What did I get skwrong?
You told me you hadn't ready the Joe Rantz book yet.
I haven't. I'm lazy. There's a Netflix "Boys of '36" piece. I get all my information from there!
And Yella, you're a wuss; definitely not Joe Rantz tuff.
Few people alive are Joe Rantz tuff.
Sorry for making this all serious. But Rantz ... holy shit. A man's man if there ever was one.
How many actual college graduates can say his/her parents moved, and on moving day told them, "you can't come with us. your step mom doesn't like you."? At the age of 15, he was living in house with no electricity hunting to eat and going to school. I think he was 17 before his uncle let him come live with him here.
I know you don't Reed Skrong @creepycoug but read the book already.
What did I get skwrong?
You told me you hadn't ready the Joe Rantz book yet.
And Yella, you're a wuss; definitely not Joe Rantz tuff.
Few people alive are Joe Rantz tuff.
Sorry for making this all serious. But Rantz ... holy shit. A man's man if there ever was one.
How many actual college graduates can say his/her parents moved, and on moving day told them, "you can't come with us. your step mom doesn't like you."? At the age of 15, he was living in house with no electricity hunting to eat and going to school. I think he was 17 before his uncle let him come live with him here.
I know you don't Reed Skrong @creepycoug but read the book already.
What did I get skwrong?
You told me you hadn't ready the Joe Rantz book yet.
I will read the book. You have my word.
You should read it. It will make you moist.
I held out on reading it for a while. Mistake. Outstanding book.
And Yella, you're a wuss; definitely not Joe Rantz tuff.
Few people alive are Joe Rantz tuff.
Sorry for making this all serious. But Rantz ... holy shit. A man's man if there ever was one.
How many actual college graduates can say his/her parents moved, and on moving day told them, "you can't come with us. your step mom doesn't like you."? At the age of 15, he was living in house with no electricity hunting to eat and going to school. I think he was 17 before his uncle let him come live with him here.
I know you don't Reed Skrong @creepycoug but read the book already.
What did I get skwrong?
You told me you hadn't ready the Joe Rantz book yet.
I will read the book. You have my word.
You should read it. It will make you moist.
I held out on reading it for a while. Mistake. Outstanding book.
Обговорення прогнозу площі
Національна служба погоди Сіетл, штат Вашингтон
306 PM PDT ср 16 жовтня 2019
.SYNOPSIS ... Лобова система рухатиметься через Західний Вашингтон
у цей вечір, наближаючи все більш поширений дощ та вітер до
місцеві вітряні умови до району. Мокрий і невлаштований візерунок
триватиме протягом решти тижня і в наступному
тиждень, як низка систем прогресує через регіон.
. ШОРТИЙ ТЕРМІН / СЬОГОДНІ ПО П’ятницю / ... Поточні спостереження показані
вітри, що починають назбирати в межах поточного Вітру
Консультативні ... особливо це стосується Беллінгема, який повідомляє про пориви вітру 40
миль / год ... що падає прямо на нижній поріг дорадчої.
Поточний радіолокатор показує велику частину CWA між проміжками дощу ... з
один, пов’язаний з фронтом з минулої ночі та сьогодні вранці на сході
каскадного гребеня, в той час як той, що асоціюється з вхідним
фронт на даний момент в положенні вздовж узбережжя та над північним заходом
частина Олімпійського півострова. На найближчу найближчу перспективу ... все
це означає, що вітри вздовж східної сторони Звуку побачать
швидкість вітру збільшується, але терміни все ще виглядають добре для початку вітру
зменшити після 5 або 6 вечора ПДТ. Швидкість досі в цілому легкий до
місцева вітряна для більшості локацій ..., включаючи метро в Сіетлі
область ... в той час як північний інтер'єр виглядає добре щодо свого Вітру
Консультативні та з тим, що терміни виглядають послідовно ... не передбачають
необхідно, щоб це було продовжено в цей час.
Even for the Throbber. Ruth and pup. No bueno.
Sorry for making this all serious. But Rantz ... holy shit. A man's man if there ever was one.
How many actual college graduates can say his/her parents moved, and on moving day told them, "you can't come with us. your step mom doesn't like you."? At the age of 15, he was living in house with no electricity hunting to eat and going to school. I think he was 17 before his uncle let him come live with him here.
I will read the book. You have my word.