I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
Stop handing out free money for life and see how fast they switch.
Free money? Like taxpayer funded pensions for retired mall cops. Let’s stop giving away free money and let the leeches fend for themselves.
You mean my pension I paid into? And that my city paid into as part of my salary package? The pension system democrats once stole 4 billion dollars from to balance the state budget and screamed bloody murder when when Pete Wilson paid it back? That pension?
Somewhat different then multi generational welfare families.
Yes, that pension. And medical insurance. The one taxpayers are subsidizing as a life long welfare payment to you. A simple thanks and expression of gratitude to me would seem appropriate but apparently you are too small of a man for that.
No I'm not. You are. I appreciate my pension. You hate it. You didn't live in my city. Go beg your cities retired police to thank you. HTH
Enjoy your welfare! Could you explain to GayBob how your welfare was established? I’d respond to the rest of this post but it’s illiterate, unintelligible, gibberish.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
Stop handing out free money for life and see how fast they switch.
Free money? Like taxpayer funded pensions for retired mall cops. Let’s stop giving away free money and let the leeches fend for themselves.
You mean my pension I paid into? And that my city paid into as part of my salary package? The pension system democrats once stole 4 billion dollars from to balance the state budget and screamed bloody murder when when Pete Wilson paid it back? That pension?
Somewhat different then multi generational welfare families.
Yes, that pension. And medical insurance. The one taxpayers are subsidizing as a life long welfare payment to you. A simple thanks and expression of gratitude to me would seem appropriate but apparently you are too small of a man for that.
No I'm not. You are. I appreciate my pension. You hate it. You didn't live in my city. Go beg your cities retired police to thank you. HTH
Enjoy your welfare! Could you explain to GayBob how your welfare was established? I’d respond to the rest of this post but it’s illiterate, unintelligible, gibberish.
Think you could get a job and pay taxes so your police can get a better pension? They lowered it for the new guys. Looking out for them.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
Stop handing out free money for life and see how fast they switch.
Free money? Like taxpayer funded pensions for retired mall cops. Let’s stop giving away free money and let the leeches fend for themselves.
You mean my pension I paid into? And that my city paid into as part of my salary package? The pension system democrats once stole 4 billion dollars from to balance the state budget and screamed bloody murder when when Pete Wilson paid it back? That pension?
Somewhat different then multi generational welfare families.
Yes, that pension. And medical insurance. The one taxpayers are subsidizing as a life long welfare payment to you. A simple thanks and expression of gratitude to me would seem appropriate but apparently you are too small of a man for that.
No I'm not. You are. I appreciate my pension. You hate it. You didn't live in my city. Go beg your cities retired police to thank you. HTH
Enjoy your welfare! Could you explain to GayBob how your welfare was established? I’d respond to the rest of this post but it’s illiterate, unintelligible, gibberish.
Think you could get a job and pay taxes so your police can get a better pension? They lowered it for the new guys. Looking out for them.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
Stop handing out free money for life and see how fast they switch.
Free money? Like taxpayer funded pensions for retired mall cops. Let’s stop giving away free money and let the leeches fend for themselves.
You mean my pension I paid into? And that my city paid into as part of my salary package? The pension system democrats once stole 4 billion dollars from to balance the state budget and screamed bloody murder when when Pete Wilson paid it back? That pension?
Somewhat different then multi generational welfare families.
Yes, that pension. And medical insurance. The one taxpayers are subsidizing as a life long welfare payment to you. A simple thanks and expression of gratitude to me would seem appropriate but apparently you are too small of a man for that.
No I'm not. You are. I appreciate my pension. You hate it. You didn't live in my city. Go beg your cities retired police to thank you. HTH
Enjoy your welfare! Could you explain to GayBob how your welfare was established? I’d respond to the rest of this post but it’s illiterate, unintelligible, gibberish.
Think you could get a job and pay taxes so your police can get a better pension? They lowered it for the new guys. Looking out for them.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
I think Trump's share of the black vote increases in 2020.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
You morons elected a guy who cut his political chops pushing birtherism and who’s election emboldened these pleasant chaps. They heard his message and they LOVED it.
Who in the hell are you talking about? What "chaps"? Give us a link to your photo, I am curious who you are talking about. I keep hearing about all these hate groups but I never see them. I see antifa, farrakahn and a lot of libs who hate Jews and are advocating for socialism and communism which have combined to murder over 100,000,000 people that disagreed with them but I am not seeing the big rally's of white hate groups. I am curious who these big bad groups are because I never have seen them around. The KKK is probably the most well known but it is a democrat group, always has been and there can't be but a couple thousand nation wide.
Come on, give us the details.
Yes we already know what your news source tells you. And what your news source hides from you. You're Ignorance isn't Rubberfists fault.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
30% of the black population in this country is at the poverty level. A great deal more are just above the poverty level. 41% of the black population receives some sort of government assistance.
Black leadership decided to go to the left in 1965 right after civil rights legislation. In 1973, poverty levels in the black community and those on government assistance were a third of what they are now.
You have them right where you want them: Dependent upon the government. You and your liberal cohorts are a heartless and racist bunch that has literally killed the black family and inner city education. Keep minorities down, tell them they can't survive in this country of opportunity because they are a minority. It is what you bastards do to keep your power.
I know we are all shocked but here’s another AtlDuck lie. Poverty level among AA community has dropped from 31% in 73 to 21% today.
Post the links scotti. Prove yourself.
Persons and families below poverty level 1973 Black or African American only.... 31.4
African American Poverty Rate in 2017: 21.2%
Why over the course of three different websites do you continue to hop on anonymous message boards and just lie your ass off? Seek help Atl...
Let's talk about the poverty rates Scotty. Why do you suspect that the poverty rates for everyone in America were dropping so steeply in the 1950s and early 60s but then leveled off and maintained a steady level despite billions of dollars in increased welfare spending since the start of the Great Society?
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
You morons elected a guy who cut his political chops pushing birtherism and who’s election emboldened these pleasant chaps. They heard his message and they LOVED it.
Who in the hell are you talking about? What "chaps"? Give us a link to your photo, I am curious who you are talking about. I keep hearing about all these hate groups but I never see them. I see antifa, farrakahn and a lot of libs who hate Jews and are advocating for socialism and communism which have combined to murder over 100,000,000 people that disagreed with them but I am not seeing the big rally's of white hate groups. I am curious who these big bad groups are because I never have seen them around. The KKK is probably the most well known but it is a democrat group, always has been and there can't be but a couple thousand nation wide.
Come on, give us the details.
Yes we already know what your news source tells you. And what your news source hides from you. You're Ignorance isn't Rubberfists fault.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
30% of the black population in this country is at the poverty level. A great deal more are just above the poverty level. 41% of the black population receives some sort of government assistance.
Black leadership decided to go to the left in 1965 right after civil rights legislation. In 1973, poverty levels in the black community and those on government assistance were a third of what they are now.
You have them right where you want them: Dependent upon the government. You and your liberal cohorts are a heartless and racist bunch that has literally killed the black family and inner city education. Keep minorities down, tell them they can't survive in this country of opportunity because they are a minority. It is what you bastards do to keep your power.
I know we are all shocked but here’s another AtlDuck lie. Poverty level among AA community has dropped from 31% in 73 to 21% today.
Post the links scotti. Prove yourself.
Persons and families below poverty level 1973 Black or African American only.... 31.4
African American Poverty Rate in 2017: 21.2%
Why over the course of three different websites do you continue to hop on anonymous message boards and just lie your ass off? Seek help Atl...
Let's talk about the poverty rates Scotty. Why do you suspect that the poverty rates for everyone in America were dropping so steeply in the 1950s and early 60s but then leveled off and maintained a steady level despite billions of dollars in increased welfare spending since the start of the Great Society?
Poverty rate alone doesn't account for the welfare spending to assist people in poverty. If you look at the population today and include the benefits from programs like SNAP, school lunches, eic etc then the poverty rate has been cut by about half since '64.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
You morons elected a guy who cut his political chops pushing birtherism and who’s election emboldened these pleasant chaps. They heard his message and they LOVED it.
Who in the hell are you talking about? What "chaps"? Give us a link to your photo, I am curious who you are talking about. I keep hearing about all these hate groups but I never see them. I see antifa, farrakahn and a lot of libs who hate Jews and are advocating for socialism and communism which have combined to murder over 100,000,000 people that disagreed with them but I am not seeing the big rally's of white hate groups. I am curious who these big bad groups are because I never have seen them around. The KKK is probably the most well known but it is a democrat group, always has been and there can't be but a couple thousand nation wide.
Come on, give us the details.
Yes we already know what your news source tells you. And what your news source hides from you. You're Ignorance isn't Rubberfists fault.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
30% of the black population in this country is at the poverty level. A great deal more are just above the poverty level. 41% of the black population receives some sort of government assistance.
Black leadership decided to go to the left in 1965 right after civil rights legislation. In 1973, poverty levels in the black community and those on government assistance were a third of what they are now.
You have them right where you want them: Dependent upon the government. You and your liberal cohorts are a heartless and racist bunch that has literally killed the black family and inner city education. Keep minorities down, tell them they can't survive in this country of opportunity because they are a minority. It is what you bastards do to keep your power.
I know we are all shocked but here’s another AtlDuck lie. Poverty level among AA community has dropped from 31% in 73 to 21% today.
Post the links scotti. Prove yourself.
Persons and families below poverty level 1973 Black or African American only.... 31.4
African American Poverty Rate in 2017: 21.2%
Why over the course of three different websites do you continue to hop on anonymous message boards and just lie your ass off? Seek help Atl...
Let's talk about the poverty rates Scotty. Why do you suspect that the poverty rates for everyone in America were dropping so steeply in the 1950s and early 60s but then leveled off and maintained a steady level despite billions of dollars in increased welfare spending since the start of the Great Society?
Poverty rate alone doesn't account for the welfare spending to assist people in poverty. If you look at the population today and include the benefits from programs like SNAP, school lunches, eic etc then the poverty rate has been cut by about half since '64.
Doesn't really answer the question Scotty. You saw that graph I posted did you not? The poverty rate was falling faster and steeper when there were no welfare programs. Why do you suspect the poverty rate has mostly held steady for the last 30 years? What would you say is the biggest cause of poverty in America today? Does letting in millions of low skilled poorly educated immigrates help or hurt the poverty rate in America?
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
You morons elected a guy who cut his political chops pushing birtherism and who’s election emboldened these pleasant chaps. They heard his message and they LOVED it.
Who in the hell are you talking about? What "chaps"? Give us a link to your photo, I am curious who you are talking about. I keep hearing about all these hate groups but I never see them. I see antifa, farrakahn and a lot of libs who hate Jews and are advocating for socialism and communism which have combined to murder over 100,000,000 people that disagreed with them but I am not seeing the big rally's of white hate groups. I am curious who these big bad groups are because I never have seen them around. The KKK is probably the most well known but it is a democrat group, always has been and there can't be but a couple thousand nation wide.
Come on, give us the details.
Yes we already know what your news source tells you. And what your news source hides from you. You're Ignorance isn't Rubberfists fault.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
30% of the black population in this country is at the poverty level. A great deal more are just above the poverty level. 41% of the black population receives some sort of government assistance.
Black leadership decided to go to the left in 1965 right after civil rights legislation. In 1973, poverty levels in the black community and those on government assistance were a third of what they are now.
You have them right where you want them: Dependent upon the government. You and your liberal cohorts are a heartless and racist bunch that has literally killed the black family and inner city education. Keep minorities down, tell them they can't survive in this country of opportunity because they are a minority. It is what you bastards do to keep your power.
I know we are all shocked but here’s another AtlDuck lie. Poverty level among AA community has dropped from 31% in 73 to 21% today.
Post the links scotti. Prove yourself.
Persons and families below poverty level 1973 Black or African American only.... 31.4
African American Poverty Rate in 2017: 21.2%
Why over the course of three different websites do you continue to hop on anonymous message boards and just lie your ass off? Seek help Atl...
Let's talk about the poverty rates Scotty. Why do you suspect that the poverty rates for everyone in America were dropping so steeply in the 1950s and early 60s but then leveled off and maintained a steady level despite billions of dollars in increased welfare spending since the start of the Great Society?
Poverty rate alone doesn't account for the welfare spending to assist people in poverty. If you look at the population today and include the benefits from programs like SNAP, school lunches, eic etc then the poverty rate has been cut by about half since '64.
Doesn't really answer the question Scotty. You saw that graph I posted did you not? The poverty rate was falling faster and steeper when there were no welfare programs. Why do you suspect the poverty rate has mostly held steady for the last 30 years? What would you say is the biggest cause of poverty in America today? Does letting in millions of low skilled poorly educated immigrates help or hurt the poverty rate in America?
It does answer your question and I did see the graph. The reason it has not continued to drop is because the official poverty rate does not take into account the benefits from many of the welfare programs you are highlighting we? spend money on. If you adjust the measurement to reflect peoples peoples ability to acquire the resources to live (which includes said welfare programs like snap, school lunches, eic, etc) instead of measuring a persons income then we have continued to cut the number of people living in poverty about in half.
It doesn't answer the question of why the poverty rate was falling faster and steeper when there was no welfare state. It doesn't answer the question about what's the biggest cause of poverty in America today and and doesn't answer he question about what letting millions of low skilled, poorly educated immigrants into the country does to our poverty rate.
Crap Scotty, you didn't used to be this big a Kunt.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
You morons elected a guy who cut his political chops pushing birtherism and who’s election emboldened these pleasant chaps. They heard his message and they LOVED it.
Who in the hell are you talking about? What "chaps"? Give us a link to your photo, I am curious who you are talking about. I keep hearing about all these hate groups but I never see them. I see antifa, farrakahn and a lot of libs who hate Jews and are advocating for socialism and communism which have combined to murder over 100,000,000 people that disagreed with them but I am not seeing the big rally's of white hate groups. I am curious who these big bad groups are because I never have seen them around. The KKK is probably the most well known but it is a democrat group, always has been and there can't be but a couple thousand nation wide.
Come on, give us the details.
Yes we already know what your news source tells you. And what your news source hides from you. You're Ignorance isn't Rubberfists fault.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
30% of the black population in this country is at the poverty level. A great deal more are just above the poverty level. 41% of the black population receives some sort of government assistance.
Black leadership decided to go to the left in 1965 right after civil rights legislation. In 1973, poverty levels in the black community and those on government assistance were a third of what they are now.
You have them right where you want them: Dependent upon the government. You and your liberal cohorts are a heartless and racist bunch that has literally killed the black family and inner city education. Keep minorities down, tell them they can't survive in this country of opportunity because they are a minority. It is what you bastards do to keep your power.
I know we are all shocked but here’s another AtlDuck lie. Poverty level among AA community has dropped from 31% in 73 to 21% today.
Post the links scotti. Prove yourself.
Persons and families below poverty level 1973 Black or African American only.... 31.4
African American Poverty Rate in 2017: 21.2%
Why over the course of three different websites do you continue to hop on anonymous message boards and just lie your ass off? Seek help Atl...
Let's talk about the poverty rates Scotty. Why do you suspect that the poverty rates for everyone in America were dropping so steeply in the 1950s and early 60s but then leveled off and maintained a steady level despite billions of dollars in increased welfare spending since the start of the Great Society?
Poverty rate alone doesn't account for the welfare spending to assist people in poverty. If you look at the population today and include the benefits from programs like SNAP, school lunches, eic etc then the poverty rate has been cut by about half since '64.
Doesn't really answer the question Scotty. You saw that graph I posted did you not? The poverty rate was falling faster and steeper when there were no welfare programs. Why do you suspect the poverty rate has mostly held steady for the last 30 years? What would you say is the biggest cause of poverty in America today? Does letting in millions of low skilled poorly educated immigrates help or hurt the poverty rate in America?
It does answer your question and I did see the graph. The reason it has not continued to drop is because the official poverty rate does not take into account the benefits from many of the welfare programs you are highlighting we? spend money on. If you adjust the measurement to reflect peoples peoples ability to acquire the resources to live (which includes said welfare programs like snap, school lunches, eic, etc) instead of measuring a persons income then we have continued to cut the number of people living in poverty about in half.
Is this groundhog day? I don't think he'll ever get what you mean. "But the chart said!!!!"
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
You morons elected a guy who cut his political chops pushing birtherism and who’s election emboldened these pleasant chaps. They heard his message and they LOVED it.
Who in the hell are you talking about? What "chaps"? Give us a link to your photo, I am curious who you are talking about. I keep hearing about all these hate groups but I never see them. I see antifa, farrakahn and a lot of libs who hate Jews and are advocating for socialism and communism which have combined to murder over 100,000,000 people that disagreed with them but I am not seeing the big rally's of white hate groups. I am curious who these big bad groups are because I never have seen them around. The KKK is probably the most well known but it is a democrat group, always has been and there can't be but a couple thousand nation wide.
Come on, give us the details.
Yes we already know what your news source tells you. And what your news source hides from you. You're Ignorance isn't Rubberfists fault.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
30% of the black population in this country is at the poverty level. A great deal more are just above the poverty level. 41% of the black population receives some sort of government assistance.
Black leadership decided to go to the left in 1965 right after civil rights legislation. In 1973, poverty levels in the black community and those on government assistance were a third of what they are now.
You have them right where you want them: Dependent upon the government. You and your liberal cohorts are a heartless and racist bunch that has literally killed the black family and inner city education. Keep minorities down, tell them they can't survive in this country of opportunity because they are a minority. It is what you bastards do to keep your power.
I know we are all shocked but here’s another AtlDuck lie. Poverty level among AA community has dropped from 31% in 73 to 21% today.
Post the links scotti. Prove yourself.
Persons and families below poverty level 1973 Black or African American only.... 31.4
African American Poverty Rate in 2017: 21.2%
Why over the course of three different websites do you continue to hop on anonymous message boards and just lie your ass off? Seek help Atl...
Let's talk about the poverty rates Scotty. Why do you suspect that the poverty rates for everyone in America were dropping so steeply in the 1950s and early 60s but then leveled off and maintained a steady level despite billions of dollars in increased welfare spending since the start of the Great Society?
Poverty rate alone doesn't account for the welfare spending to assist people in poverty. If you look at the population today and include the benefits from programs like SNAP, school lunches, eic etc then the poverty rate has been cut by about half since '64.
Doesn't really answer the question Scotty. You saw that graph I posted did you not? The poverty rate was falling faster and steeper when there were no welfare programs. Why do you suspect the poverty rate has mostly held steady for the last 30 years? What would you say is the biggest cause of poverty in America today? Does letting in millions of low skilled poorly educated immigrates help or hurt the poverty rate in America?
It does answer your question and I did see the graph. The reason it has not continued to drop is because the official poverty rate does not take into account the benefits from many of the welfare programs you are highlighting we? spend money on. If you adjust the measurement to reflect peoples peoples ability to acquire the resources to live (which includes said welfare programs like snap, school lunches, eic, etc) instead of measuring a persons income then we have continued to cut the number of people living in poverty about in half.
Is this groundhog day? I don't think he'll ever get what you mean. "But the chart said!!!!"
Yeah, I'll never get why Kunts like you and Scotty dodge questions put to you on an anonymous message. That's not true, we both know why you do it Hondo. You're dumb as fucking dogshit and you know it.
It doesn't answer the question of why the poverty rate was falling faster and steeper when there was no welfare state. It doesn't answer the question about what's the biggest cause of poverty in America today and and doesn't answer he question about what letting millions of low skilled, poorly educated immigrants into the country does to our poverty rate.
Crap Scotty, you didn't used to be this big a Kunt.
There's a lot of reasons poverty fell in the 50's. We saw a significant economic boom in the late 50's. You can also point to the minimum wage being implemented in '39, increasing women in the workforce, GI Bill allowed people returning from WW2 to attend college that otherwise maybe couldn't afford to, social security helped drop poverty rates among elderly Americans etc etc. I already answered your question about why your graph looks the way it looks. If you don't like my answer then why don't you spit out your point.
It doesn't answer the question of why the poverty rate was falling faster and steeper when there was no welfare state. It doesn't answer the question about what's the biggest cause of poverty in America today and and doesn't answer he question about what letting millions of low skilled, poorly educated immigrants into the country does to our poverty rate.
Crap Scotty, you didn't used to be this big a Kunt.
There's a lot of reasons poverty fell in the 50's. We saw a significant economic boom in the late 50's. You can also point to the minimum wage being implemented in '39, increasing women in the workforce, GI Bill allowed people returning from WW2 to attend college that otherwise maybe couldn't afford to, social security helped drop poverty rates among elderly Americans etc etc. I already answered your question about why your graph looks the way it looks. If you don't like my answer then why don't you spit out your point.
And none of those reasons had anything to do with the creation of the Great Society. Weird. Poverty was falling despite the fact that we didn't have a massive Welfare State. But after the creation of that welfare state we saw the drop in poverty slow, the number of kids born out of wedlock grow and crime explode.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
Stop handing out free money for life and see how fast they switch.
Free money? Like taxpayer funded pensions for retired mall cops. Let’s stop giving away free money and let the leeches fend for themselves.
So are you criticizing the California public employee pension program El Monte?
It’s shocking that so many posters call you an idiot. What does it sound like to you GayBob?
I'm not a mind reader Kunt. It was a simple question. Are you criticizing CalPERS?
Cal prs doesn’t set public pension policies for retired mall cops GayBob. You’re making bitr sound informed and smart.
White flag.
Hold on a second there turbo. You stated emphatically and as fact that you are leaving California. Now you backtrack and claim you are simply criticizing specific public policies because you live in the Golden State. Which is it GayBob? Are you looking for the exit door to escape the living hell you describe daily, or are you an aging old fool in contra costa county screaming at the clouds?
Create a strawman and then fuck it right in the ass. Did Hondo teach you that?
Yes when I retire I will leave California. I'm not "backtracking" on anything. You on the other hand claimed that simply criticizing California's polices on homelessness and energy and taxes was proof that I hated myself. So do hate yourself because you're criticizing CalPERs El Monte?
So your homoerotic and pedophilia rants are all about making California a better place to live before you leave in a year or two?
And no, I am not criticizing cal prs at all because they have nothing to do with why bobsled is receiving lifelong welfare payments from taxpayers.
Got it, you love public employee pension programs.
Somewhere in contra costa county, a straw man is filing a police report right now.
So do you hate them or do you like them?
Does CalPERs give "free" money to "leeches" and other retired cops El Monte?
Somewhere there is a Kunt in El Monte dancing like a jackass and dodging the questions.
Cal prs is an administrative department that executes the retirement plans for the state, and local government participants. Retirement program benefit policy is established by the state for its employees, and the local government participants for theirs. Getting mad at cal prs is the ultimate ignorant old man living in Hercules argument that could ever be mustered. Cal prs has nothing to do with bobsled’s welfare and leeching.
Does CalPERs pay people "free" money? Yes or no Kunt? Who knew that question was so tough.
It doesn't answer the question of why the poverty rate was falling faster and steeper when there was no welfare state. It doesn't answer the question about what's the biggest cause of poverty in America today and and doesn't answer he question about what letting millions of low skilled, poorly educated immigrants into the country does to our poverty rate.
Crap Scotty, you didn't used to be this big a Kunt.
There's a lot of reasons poverty fell in the 50's. We saw a significant economic boom in the late 50's. You can also point to the minimum wage being implemented in '39, increasing women in the workforce, GI Bill allowed people returning from WW2 to attend college that otherwise maybe couldn't afford to, social security helped drop poverty rates among elderly Americans etc etc. I already answered your question about why your graph looks the way it looks. If you don't like my answer then why don't you spit out your point.
And none of those reasons had anything to do with the creation of the Great Society. Weird. Poverty was falling despite the fact that we didn't have a massive Welfare State. But after the creation of that welfare state we saw the drop in poverty slow, the number of kids born out of wedlock grow and crime explode.
It's not weird at all. You asked for reasons why poverty rates fell in the 50's. Before the programs of the Great Society. Hence why they had nothing to do with the Great Society. Not sure why you think that's "weird".
I also told you why the current poverty rate measurement doesn't capture the benefits of many of the welfare programs.
Kids born out of wedlock increased after the sexual revolution and a decrease in the number of shotgun weddings.
Crime rates have dropped substantially since 1990, not "exploded".
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
Stop handing out free money for life and see how fast they switch.
Free money? Like taxpayer funded pensions for retired mall cops. Let’s stop giving away free money and let the leeches fend for themselves.
So are you criticizing the California public employee pension program El Monte?
It’s shocking that so many posters call you an idiot. What does it sound like to you GayBob?
I'm not a mind reader Kunt. It was a simple question. Are you criticizing CalPERS?
Cal prs doesn’t set public pension policies for retired mall cops GayBob. You’re making bitr sound informed and smart.
White flag.
Hold on a second there turbo. You stated emphatically and as fact that you are leaving California. Now you backtrack and claim you are simply criticizing specific public policies because you live in the Golden State. Which is it GayBob? Are you looking for the exit door to escape the living hell you describe daily, or are you an aging old fool in contra costa county screaming at the clouds?
Create a strawman and then fuck it right in the ass. Did Hondo teach you that?
Yes when I retire I will leave California. I'm not "backtracking" on anything. You on the other hand claimed that simply criticizing California's polices on homelessness and energy and taxes was proof that I hated myself. So do hate yourself because you're criticizing CalPERs El Monte?
So your homoerotic and pedophilia rants are all about making California a better place to live before you leave in a year or two?
And no, I am not criticizing cal prs at all because they have nothing to do with why bobsled is receiving lifelong welfare payments from taxpayers.
Got it, you love public employee pension programs.
Somewhere in contra costa county, a straw man is filing a police report right now.
So do you hate them or do you like them?
Does CalPERs give "free" money to "leeches" and other retired cops El Monte?
Somewhere there is a Kunt in El Monte dancing like a jackass and dodging the questions.
Cal prs is an administrative department that executes the retirement plans for the state, and local government participants. Retirement program benefit policy is established by the state for its employees, and the local government participants for theirs. Getting mad at cal prs is the ultimate ignorant old man living in Hercules argument that could ever be mustered. Cal prs has nothing to do with bobsled’s welfare and leeching.
Does CalPERs pay people "free" money? Yes or no Kunt? Who knew that question was so tough.
Damn my checks say Cal PERS on 'em. Yup. A offered benefit from my employer as part of my compensation for work performed.
How dare I!
So CD what part of the allowance Mom gives you do you refuse to take? Since that seems to be your point that I somehow got something I didn't work for. just curious how that works for your situation. Did you take out the trash? Watch out for the needles!
It doesn't answer the question of why the poverty rate was falling faster and steeper when there was no welfare state. It doesn't answer the question about what's the biggest cause of poverty in America today and and doesn't answer he question about what letting millions of low skilled, poorly educated immigrants into the country does to our poverty rate.
Crap Scotty, you didn't used to be this big a Kunt.
There's a lot of reasons poverty fell in the 50's. We saw a significant economic boom in the late 50's. You can also point to the minimum wage being implemented in '39, increasing women in the workforce, GI Bill allowed people returning from WW2 to attend college that otherwise maybe couldn't afford to, social security helped drop poverty rates among elderly Americans etc etc. I already answered your question about why your graph looks the way it looks. If you don't like my answer then why don't you spit out your point.
And none of those reasons had anything to do with the creation of the Great Society. Weird. Poverty was falling despite the fact that we didn't have a massive Welfare State. But after the creation of that welfare state we saw the drop in poverty slow, the number of kids born out of wedlock grow and crime explode.
It's not weird at all. You asked for reasons why poverty rates fell in the 50's. Before the programs of the Great Society. Hence why they had nothing to do with the Great Society. Not sure why you think that's "weird".
I also told you why the current poverty rate measurement doesn't capture the benefits of many of the welfare programs.
Kids born out of wedlock increased after the sexual revolution and a decrease in the number of shotgun weddings.
Crime rates have dropped substantially since 1990, not "exploded".
Crime exploded after the creation of the welfare state. Was the welfare state created in 1990 Scotty? Crime rates have dropped but they are still higher than they were pre-Welfare state. 77% of all black children today are born out of wedlock and you want to blame the sexual revolution? Why aren't everyone's out of wedlock birth rates at 77%? Were blacks the only ones to go through the Sexual Revolution?
It doesn't answer the question of why the poverty rate was falling faster and steeper when there was no welfare state. It doesn't answer the question about what's the biggest cause of poverty in America today and and doesn't answer he question about what letting millions of low skilled, poorly educated immigrants into the country does to our poverty rate.
Crap Scotty, you didn't used to be this big a Kunt.
There's a lot of reasons poverty fell in the 50's. We saw a significant economic boom in the late 50's. You can also point to the minimum wage being implemented in '39, increasing women in the workforce, GI Bill allowed people returning from WW2 to attend college that otherwise maybe couldn't afford to, social security helped drop poverty rates among elderly Americans etc etc. I already answered your question about why your graph looks the way it looks. If you don't like my answer then why don't you spit out your point.
And none of those reasons had anything to do with the creation of the Great Society. Weird. Poverty was falling despite the fact that we didn't have a massive Welfare State. But after the creation of that welfare state we saw the drop in poverty slow, the number of kids born out of wedlock grow and crime explode.
It's not weird at all. You asked for reasons why poverty rates fell in the 50's. Before the programs of the Great Society. Hence why they had nothing to do with the Great Society. Not sure why you think that's "weird".
I also told you why the current poverty rate measurement doesn't capture the benefits of many of the welfare programs.
Kids born out of wedlock increased after the sexual revolution and a decrease in the number of shotgun weddings.
Crime rates have dropped substantially since 1990, not "exploded".
Crime exploded after the creation of the welfare state. Was the welfare state created in 1990 Scotty? Crime rates have dropped but they are still higher than they were pre-Welfare state. 77% of all black children today are born out of wedlock and you want to blame the sexual revolution? Why aren't everyone's out of wedlock birth rates at 77%? Were blacks the only ones to go through the Sexual Revolution?
Crime was on it's way up already before the Great Society. Children born out of wedlock has gone up for all races. It started going up after the sexual revolution and contraceptives became more widespread, while shotgun weddings decreased.
It doesn't answer the question of why the poverty rate was falling faster and steeper when there was no welfare state. It doesn't answer the question about what's the biggest cause of poverty in America today and and doesn't answer he question about what letting millions of low skilled, poorly educated immigrants into the country does to our poverty rate.
Crap Scotty, you didn't used to be this big a Kunt.
There's a lot of reasons poverty fell in the 50's. We saw a significant economic boom in the late 50's. You can also point to the minimum wage being implemented in '39, increasing women in the workforce, GI Bill allowed people returning from WW2 to attend college that otherwise maybe couldn't afford to, social security helped drop poverty rates among elderly Americans etc etc. I already answered your question about why your graph looks the way it looks. If you don't like my answer then why don't you spit out your point.
And none of those reasons had anything to do with the creation of the Great Society. Weird. Poverty was falling despite the fact that we didn't have a massive Welfare State. But after the creation of that welfare state we saw the drop in poverty slow, the number of kids born out of wedlock grow and crime explode.
It's not weird at all. You asked for reasons why poverty rates fell in the 50's. Before the programs of the Great Society. Hence why they had nothing to do with the Great Society. Not sure why you think that's "weird".
I also told you why the current poverty rate measurement doesn't capture the benefits of many of the welfare programs.
Kids born out of wedlock increased after the sexual revolution and a decrease in the number of shotgun weddings.
Crime rates have dropped substantially since 1990, not "exploded".
Crime exploded after the creation of the welfare state. Was the welfare state created in 1990 Scotty? Crime rates have dropped but they are still higher than they were pre-Welfare state. 77% of all black children today are born out of wedlock and you want to blame the sexual revolution? Why aren't everyone's out of wedlock birth rates at 77%? Were blacks the only ones to go through the Sexual Revolution?
Crime was on it's way up already before the Great Society. Children born out of wedlock has gone up for all races. It started going up after the sexual revolution and contraceptives became more widespread, while shotgun weddings decreased.
But for some odd reason the allure of the sexual revolution was just so much stronger for black folks.
I’m sure it had nothing to do with the fact that blacks were/are more heavily “enslaved” on Welfare than other races.
Help me to understand the Kunt logic, contraceptives become more wide spread and that causes more people to have kids out of wedlock?
And crime today is still far higher than it was in the late 50s.
Crap Scotty, you didn't used to be this big a Kunt.
I also told you why the current poverty rate measurement doesn't capture the benefits of many of the welfare programs.
Kids born out of wedlock increased after the sexual revolution and a decrease in the number of shotgun weddings.
Crime rates have dropped substantially since 1990, not "exploded".
How dare I!
So CD what part of the allowance Mom gives you do you refuse to take? Since that seems to be your point that I somehow got something I didn't work for. just curious how that works for your situation. Did you take out the trash? Watch out for the needles!
I’m sure it had nothing to do with the fact that blacks were/are more heavily “enslaved” on Welfare than other races.
Help me to understand the Kunt logic, contraceptives become more wide spread and that causes more people to have kids out of wedlock?
And crime today is still far higher than it was in the late 50s.