I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
You morons elected a guy who cut his political chops pushing birtherism and who’s election emboldened these pleasant chaps. They heard his message and they LOVED it.
Who in the hell are you talking about? What "chaps"? Give us a link to your photo, I am curious who you are talking about. I keep hearing about all these hate groups but I never see them. I see antifa, farrakahn and a lot of libs who hate Jews and are advocating for socialism and communism which have combined to murder over 100,000,000 people that disagreed with them but I am not seeing the big rally's of white hate groups. I am curious who these big bad groups are because I never have seen them around. The KKK is probably the most well known but it is a democrat group, always has been and there can't be but a couple thousand nation wide.
Come on, give us the details.
Yes we already know what your news source tells you. And what your news source hides from you. You're Ignorance isn't Rubberfists fault.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
You morons elected a guy who cut his political chops pushing birtherism and who’s election emboldened these pleasant chaps. They heard his message and they LOVED it.
Who in the hell are you talking about? What "chaps"? Give us a link to your photo, I am curious who you are talking about. I keep hearing about all these hate groups but I never see them. I see antifa, farrakahn and a lot of libs who hate Jews and are advocating for socialism and communism which have combined to murder over 100,000,000 people that disagreed with them but I am not seeing the big rally's of white hate groups. I am curious who these big bad groups are because I never have seen them around. The KKK is probably the most well known but it is a democrat group, always has been and there can't be but a couple thousand nation wide.
Come on, give us the details.
Liberals love to pretend that there were no Klan rallies until Trump took office.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
You morons elected a guy who cut his political chops pushing birtherism and who’s election emboldened these pleasant chaps. They heard his message and they LOVED it.
Who in the hell are you talking about? What "chaps"? Give us a link to your photo, I am curious who you are talking about. I keep hearing about all these hate groups but I never see them. I see antifa, farrakahn and a lot of libs who hate Jews and are advocating for socialism and communism which have combined to murder over 100,000,000 people that disagreed with them but I am not seeing the big rally's of white hate groups. I am curious who these big bad groups are because I never have seen them around. The KKK is probably the most well known but it is a democrat group, always has been and there can't be but a couple thousand nation wide.
Come on, give us the details.
Liberals love to pretend that there were no Klan rallies until Trump took office.
They also like to pretend that they have not done damage to our AA brothers and sisters.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
You morons elected a guy who cut his political chops pushing birtherism and who’s election emboldened these pleasant chaps. They heard his message and they LOVED it.
Who in the hell are you talking about? What "chaps"? Give us a link to your photo, I am curious who you are talking about. I keep hearing about all these hate groups but I never see them. I see antifa, farrakahn and a lot of libs who hate Jews and are advocating for socialism and communism which have combined to murder over 100,000,000 people that disagreed with them but I am not seeing the big rally's of white hate groups. I am curious who these big bad groups are because I never have seen them around. The KKK is probably the most well known but it is a democrat group, always has been and there can't be but a couple thousand nation wide.
Come on, give us the details.
Yes we already know what your news source tells you. And what your news source hides from you. You're Ignorance isn't Rubberfists fault.
What news source did you read that told you this Hondo?
The debt isn't growing because of SS or Medicare.
Should a fucking moron who never gets anything right really be criticizing anyone else's news source?
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
30% of the black population in this country is at the poverty level. A great deal more are just above the poverty level. 41% of the black population receives some sort of government assistance.
Black leadership decided to go to the left in 1965 right after civil rights legislation. In 1973, poverty levels in the black community and those on government assistance were a third of what they are now.
You have them right where you want them: Dependent upon the government. You and your liberal cohorts are a heartless and racist bunch that has literally killed the black family and inner city education. Keep minorities down, tell them they can't survive in this country of opportunity because they are a minority. It is what you bastards do to keep your power.
I know we are all shocked but here’s another AtlDuck lie. Poverty level among AA community has dropped from 31% in 73 to 21% today.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
30% of the black population in this country is at the poverty level. A great deal more are just above the poverty level. 41% of the black population receives some sort of government assistance.
Black leadership decided to go to the left in 1965 right after civil rights legislation. In 1973, poverty levels in the black community and those on government assistance were a third of what they are now.
You have them right where you want them: Dependent upon the government. You and your liberal cohorts are a heartless and racist bunch that has literally killed the black family and inner city education. Keep minorities down, tell them they can't survive in this country of opportunity because they are a minority. It is what you bastards do to keep your power.
I know we are all shocked but here’s another AtlDuck lie. Poverty level among AA community has dropped from 31% in 73 to 21% today.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Dems are the party of racism. Always have been. All of them are responsible for slavery and should pay reparations to the republicans who died ending slavery in the civil war.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
30% of the black population in this country is at the poverty level. A great deal more are just above the poverty level. 41% of the black population receives some sort of government assistance.
Black leadership decided to go to the left in 1965 right after civil rights legislation. In 1973, poverty levels in the black community and those on government assistance were a third of what they are now.
You have them right where you want them: Dependent upon the government. You and your liberal cohorts are a heartless and racist bunch that has literally killed the black family and inner city education. Keep minorities down, tell them they can't survive in this country of opportunity because they are a minority. It is what you bastards do to keep your power.
I know we are all shocked but here’s another AtlDuck lie. Poverty level among AA community has dropped from 31% in 73 to 21% today.
But they are slaves man.
Being dependent on the government is a form of slavery. Now tell us why you believe blacks and Hispanics are too stupid to compete with whites and Asians on a level playing field?
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Dems are the party of racism. Always have been. All of them are responsible for slavery and should pay reparations to the republicans who died ending slavery in the civil war.
White Rats no longer want to turn dogs and fire hoses on them but they certainly don't view blacks as their equals.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
30% of the black population in this country is at the poverty level. A great deal more are just above the poverty level. 41% of the black population receives some sort of government assistance.
Black leadership decided to go to the left in 1965 right after civil rights legislation. In 1973, poverty levels in the black community and those on government assistance were a third of what they are now.
You have them right where you want them: Dependent upon the government. You and your liberal cohorts are a heartless and racist bunch that has literally killed the black family and inner city education. Keep minorities down, tell them they can't survive in this country of opportunity because they are a minority. It is what you bastards do to keep your power.
Are you really saying that because liberals implemented social after nets, which help black communities, that action actually makes liberals racist? Hawt take.
Anybody with a cursory understanding of economics could have predicted how this 'safety net' would result in impoverishing large swaths of people. In this case blacks. We also know that back in the 60's Economics was required curriculum. So yes the Democrats knew, and you still support it.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
30% of the black population in this country is at the poverty level. A great deal more are just above the poverty level. 41% of the black population receives some sort of government assistance.
Black leadership decided to go to the left in 1965 right after civil rights legislation. In 1973, poverty levels in the black community and those on government assistance were a third of what they are now.
You have them right where you want them: Dependent upon the government. You and your liberal cohorts are a heartless and racist bunch that has literally killed the black family and inner city education. Keep minorities down, tell them they can't survive in this country of opportunity because they are a minority. It is what you bastards do to keep your power.
Are you really saying that because liberals implemented social after nets, which help black communities, that action actually makes liberals racist? Hawt take.
Anybody with a cursory understanding of economics could have predicted how this 'safety net' would result in impoverishing large swaths of people. In this case blacks. We also know that back in the 60's Economics was required curriculum. So yes the Democrats knew, and you still support it.
Why do you ignore facts like the poverty level for African Americans is much lower than before the social safety nets began....
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
30% of the black population in this country is at the poverty level. A great deal more are just above the poverty level. 41% of the black population receives some sort of government assistance.
Black leadership decided to go to the left in 1965 right after civil rights legislation. In 1973, poverty levels in the black community and those on government assistance were a third of what they are now.
You have them right where you want them: Dependent upon the government. You and your liberal cohorts are a heartless and racist bunch that has literally killed the black family and inner city education. Keep minorities down, tell them they can't survive in this country of opportunity because they are a minority. It is what you bastards do to keep your power.
Are you really saying that because liberals implemented social after nets, which help black communities, that action actually makes liberals racist? Hawt take.
Anybody with a cursory understanding of economics could have predicted how this 'safety net' would result in impoverishing large swaths of people. In this case blacks. We also know that back in the 60's Economics was required curriculum. So yes the Democrats knew, and you still support it.
Why do you ignore facts like the poverty level for African Americans is much lower than before the social safety nets began....
Why do you ignore the fact that black poverty rate was falling at a much more rapid pace before the passage of the Great Society legislation.
Also, compare the black out of wedlock birth rate, the real driver of poverty, prior to the passage of the "social after nets" and after the passage of the "social after nets."
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
Stop handing out free money for life and see how fast they switch. Blacks were always the party of Lincoln until The Great PurchaseSociety deal in 1964. The following destruction of the black family was a special kind of evil from the party of evil.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
30% of the black population in this country is at the poverty level. A great deal more are just above the poverty level. 41% of the black population receives some sort of government assistance.
Black leadership decided to go to the left in 1965 right after civil rights legislation. In 1973, poverty levels in the black community and those on government assistance were a third of what they are now.
You have them right where you want them: Dependent upon the government. You and your liberal cohorts are a heartless and racist bunch that has literally killed the black family and inner city education. Keep minorities down, tell them they can't survive in this country of opportunity because they are a minority. It is what you bastards do to keep your power.
Are you really saying that because liberals implemented social after nets, which help black communities, that action actually makes liberals racist? Hawt take.
Anybody with a cursory understanding of economics could have predicted how this 'safety net' would result in impoverishing large swaths of people. In this case blacks. We also know that back in the 60's Economics was required curriculum. So yes the Democrats knew, and you still support it.
Why do you ignore facts like the poverty level for African Americans is much lower than before the social safety nets began....
Nets are designed to catch and capture.
Free economy's lift all of society.
A REAL accountant would understand this. Because economics.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
Stop handing out free money for life and see how fast they switch.
Free money? Like taxpayer funded pensions for retired mall cops. Let’s stop giving away free money and let the leeches fend for themselves.
Weird how the poverty rate was falling so steeply for everyone long before there was any "social after nets." And then for some odd reason the poverty rates stabilizes and remains pretty much the same despite the fact that we've increased the spending on poverty programs.
Why it's almost as if welfare became a way of life that eroded self-sufficiency, and increased dependence on government.
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
Stop handing out free money for life and see how fast they switch.
Free money? Like taxpayer funded pensions for retired mall cops. Let’s stop giving away free money and let the leeches fend for themselves.
So are you criticizing the California public employee pension program El Monte?
I don’t have any interest in peeling off a section of Trump’s racist base.
Ha ha ha....try being black and leaving the white dem plantation. You will find out real quick which side is racist when they call you an Uncle Tom for leaving. How about being an AA parent. Try advocating for school choice only to be told by white liberals that you have to keep your kid in substandard schools and that you have no choice.
The left embodies racism. It is in every single fiber of your being. You only see color differences and you vote for people who legislate by color.
Every two years black voters get a choice and every two years they choose to vote democrat. If we embody racism, imagine how fucking terrible you must be to not even get 10% of the black vote.
Stop handing out free money for life and see how fast they switch.
Free money? Like taxpayer funded pensions for retired mall cops. Let’s stop giving away free money and let the leeches fend for themselves.
So are you criticizing the California public employee pension program El Monte?
It’s shocking that so many posters call you an idiot. What does it sound like to you GayBob?
The debt isn't growing because of SS or Medicare.
Should a fucking moron who never gets anything right really be criticizing anyone else's news source?
Also, compare the black out of wedlock birth rate, the real driver of poverty, prior to the passage of the "social after nets" and after the passage of the "social after nets."
PurchaseSociety deal in 1964. The following destruction of the black family was a special kind of evil from the party of evil.Free economy's lift all of society.
A REAL accountant would understand this. Because economics.
Weird how the poverty rate was falling so steeply for everyone long before there was any "social after nets." And then for some odd reason the poverty rates stabilizes and remains pretty much the same despite the fact that we've increased the spending on poverty programs.
Why it's almost as if welfare became a way of life that eroded self-sufficiency, and increased dependence on government.