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TurdBomber said:Race should kill me for turning his thread into this Whoregon is or isn't racist shit-show. But fuck Oregon's faggot fanbase for saying OKG was racist. Cheap-shot of the decade, you feathered fairy fucks.
Race should kill me for turning his thread into this Whoregon is or isn't racist shit-show. But fuck Oregon's faggot fanbase for saying OKG was racist. Cheap-shot of the decade, you feathered fairy fucks.
TurdBomber said: greenblood said: TurdBomber said: BennyBeaver said: dnc said: BennyBeaver said:G. Hussie Stadium is full of Honkies. Why do you hate Asians? I love me some Asian.What @TurdBomber is missing is all the Mexican Duck fans.Mexicans @ Autzen = Asians @ Huskie Stadium Where were they on Saturday? Put the tape on, bro. Crowd as white as their white hoods. Close to two dozen in that section alone. Not a lot, but I'd imagine it's proportionate if not more so than the US Northwest. @GrandpaSankey can see that crowd is white AF.
greenblood said: TurdBomber said: BennyBeaver said: dnc said: BennyBeaver said:G. Hussie Stadium is full of Honkies. Why do you hate Asians? I love me some Asian.What @TurdBomber is missing is all the Mexican Duck fans.Mexicans @ Autzen = Asians @ Huskie Stadium Where were they on Saturday? Put the tape on, bro. Crowd as white as their white hoods. Close to two dozen in that section alone. Not a lot, but I'd imagine it's proportionate if not more so than the US Northwest.
TurdBomber said: BennyBeaver said: dnc said: BennyBeaver said:G. Hussie Stadium is full of Honkies. Why do you hate Asians? I love me some Asian.What @TurdBomber is missing is all the Mexican Duck fans.Mexicans @ Autzen = Asians @ Huskie Stadium Where were they on Saturday? Put the tape on, bro. Crowd as white as their white hoods.
BennyBeaver said: dnc said: BennyBeaver said:G. Hussie Stadium is full of Honkies. Why do you hate Asians? I love me some Asian.What @TurdBomber is missing is all the Mexican Duck fans.Mexicans @ Autzen = Asians @ Huskie Stadium
dnc said: BennyBeaver said:G. Hussie Stadium is full of Honkies. Why do you hate Asians?
BennyBeaver said:G. Hussie Stadium is full of Honkies.
G. Hussie Stadium is full of Honkies.
But fuck Oregon's faggot fanbase for saying OKG was racist. Cheap-shot of the decade, you feathered fairy fucks.