The “metabolism slowing down” as you get older is so exaggerated. It’s mostly due to shittier eating/drinking habits and not moving around or exercising as much as you were younger.
The “metabolism slowing down” as you get older is so exaggerated. It’s mostly due to shittier eating/drinking habits and not moving around or exercising as much as you were younger.
Having reread your statement I can agree somewhat. It is an easy/handy excuse for people who have less ambition than when they were young.
But anyone who claims its not a real thing has no clue what they are talking about.
I probably have doubled my activity level and likely halved my caloric intake to maintain (when I do) the weight I was at in my twenties.
Anyone who doesn't agree can feel free to provide links proving that metabolism doesn't slow as you age. It be interesting to see documentation that proves that.
Listen, guys, if we’re going to start bashing having shittier eating/drinking habits and not moving around or exercising as much as when we were younger then I’m fucking out!
But anyone who claims its not a real thing has no clue what they are talking about.
I probably have doubled my activity level and likely halved my caloric intake to maintain (when I do) the weight I was at in my twenties.
Anyone who doesn't agree can feel free to provide links proving that metabolism doesn't slow as you age. It be interesting to see documentation that proves that.
Problem fucking solved