Eason looked a little lost out there against USC. He could benefit from another year. I think right now he is borderline round 1 and could go a lot higher next year.
Borderline round 1?
Are you & @FirePete in a competition to usurp @Ballz as dumbest poaster yet no one else knows about this competition?
Yeah. Borderline round 1.
Strongly disagree. The NFL is full of dumb motherfuckers. For example, look at the Bears drafting Trubisky. They traded up when they didn't need to and they passed on Watson and Mahomes.
The Bills took Josh Allen 7th overall. I can keep going.
Eason has played well enough to be a 1st rounder without NFL stupidity helping him along. NFL stupidity puts him in the top half of the 1st round.
All it take one dumb fucking GM (there are 32 of them) to fall in love with the Eason and it over.
Keep Bill Belichick’s name out of your mouth motherfucker.
FWIW, our messiah @sonics1993 still thinks Eason is coming back next year. There's no doubt that he'd get drafted in the first round if he were to leave this year. What should be more important for someone in his position is determining if an extra year of seasoning in college will set him up for better success in the pros. He's played less than 1.5 years of college football so I tend to think the answer is yes. The NFL and the money will be there, but I think staying an extra year will help his odds of getting that big second contract payday.
He's basing that on what Eason's saying right now. Of course during the season Eason's telling people he thinks he's coming back, he'd have to be a major dumbfuck to say he's going to go.
After the season he'll sit down with his family, look at the numbers, and do the obvious thing.
In this case having inside sources makes you less likely to get this right.
It's not from what Eason is telling people.
Okay based on the vibe that people around Eason are getting? Or what do you mean?
I dunno. I've heard a handful of times from different places (and have said so multiple times since Fall Camp) that Eason has said he's coming back unless he's projected a top 10 pick. Maybe the kid wants to win a championship? Maybe he sees the handful of top QBs coming out this year. Maybe he's just saying what people want to hear and there is zero chance he's coming back.
Who knows. But he's said it to enough people that he plans on coming back that there seems to at least be a chance.
I dunno. I've heard a handful of times from different places (and have said so multiple times since Fall Camp) that Eason has said he's coming back unless he's projected a top 10 pick. Maybe the kid wants to win a championship? Maybe he sees the handful of top QBs coming out this year. Maybe he's just saying what people want to hear and there is zero chance he's coming back.
Who knows. But he's said it to enough people that he plans on coming back that there seems to at least be a chance.
Unless YOU have PROOF in HAND...it’s speculation for YOU. ‘Those who know’....meaning YOU are not a ‘THOSE’. I didn’t create the English language but ‘speculation’ is pretty cut and dry. Unless you are an eye witness, YOU are speculating. Word of mouth is not @proof.
Who knows. But he's said it to enough people that he plans on coming back that there seems to at least be a chance.