Arrogance from a road win 3 seasons ago. High off of beating Ute at home. Complete ignorance of being down two defensive starters and every QB but one.
Lousy coaching, undisciplined defense.
UW appears to be improving. They appear like they're just shedding depth.
If you were more astute, you would read that as “I have no idea what to expect for the USC game”.
Your mom is astute
That’s what’s gonna happen
We have something there with McGrew and Big Dick Newton
Lousy coaching, undisciplined defense.
UW appears to be improving. They appear like they're just shedding depth.
No gameday. No black helmet fucking losing.
Not much pointing to a SC road win again.
Shutout holds until they block the last xp and take it back. Eason throws 10 TDs and they are all fucking LAZERS.