"You really can’t get entertainment this good anywhere else. It’s like living in a trailer park that includes a bar and a strip club."

Those immortal words by StLouisDawg sum up Hardcore Husky. It's hard to believe but our little site is now halfway through its 7th year. What was once a backwater of the internet has now grown into something more. Take for instance this past July -- we had a record 1.71 million page views. We broke the previous record for July by 600,000 page views. This has become a busy place.
Lest I forget, you can
CLICK HERE to donate and receive your shitty little badge.
Our annual fundraiser is now underway. Swaye and Bot have got the Dong Meter up and ready to stand at attention. As you can see, a full-on effort of $8,000 in donations would not only keep the pirate ship plenty afloat, but it would also send Stalin to Thailand on a booze-filled weekend romp, while also providing sexual gratification stateside to our beloved
For the first time ever, we're also running a special promotion for the fundraiser. Oh sure, we previously had Stalin's famous Buy 14 Months for the Price of 12 special.
But this year, the first 50 donors to Swaye's Wigwam get a free mousepad. 
(I sequestered the help of
@CFetters_Nacho_Lover's contact who provided the popular HH Rose Bowl shirts, which we received just in time for 2019 Spring Ball).
The three levels of donating are:
Standard Supporter $25
Butler Cabin $80
Swaye's Wigwam $129
For those not in the know: The Wigwam is a secret board available only to donors. Its a hybrid between Shangri-la and the DeJa Vu strip club in Lake City.
And yes, The Wam
really exists!!!
Big things are in store for the site this fall. The Huskies are looking to have a banner season and Hardcore Husky is exploding with traffic. Stalin is pleased.
Stalin has also been under the weather this week, so he will keep this shorter than usual.

But I just want to say that I love our community here and so many of you with your creative personalities and neurotic disorders.. There's never a boring day, either on the boards or in my inbox, which none of you would want to answer for a day.
Lastly, I will leave this gif here because I like it so:

You can
CLICK HERE to help donate.
Final note: If donations go bezerk and we reach 100 subscriptions to Swaye's Wigwam, Stalin will buy and mail out another 50 mousepads for those who donated to make it possible.
The vu was many a firsts strip club for young adolescents.