If you don't know what you are talking about why do you participate in the discussion? Seriously. Did you not watch what your leaders promised in the two debates? By some estimates their promises would cost 93 trillion and who would be forced to pay for all their promises? Me and every other hard worker in this country. You sound like a taker, a net negative draw on society so I doubt you would be making any contributions.
Your lack of depth on this topic is astounding. We are way past healthcare here.
Then you get brain dead followers like APAG posting typical liberal tripe about how the Nazi's were anything other than a different brand of socialism when their own leader cited socialism in his critical thinking/conclusions and you can see that you goose stepping followers will swallow the whole load when your leaders tell you to.
To be clear, the liberal tripe he’s referring to is the encyclopedia Britannica.
Please, by all means, post for us the link to the "encyclopedia Britannica" that equates Nazi's to everyone that disagrees with liberals.
Your post is bullshit. Common tripe that is shit out by TDS liberals in the media 24/7 and regurgitated by goose stepping followers like you.
I think it's right after the entry that defines Nazi as anyone who wants to incrementally tax the populace for more social programs and push social "diversity" agendas. Two sections before the alternative definition of "anti-Semite" as anyone who's ever disagreed with anything Israel has ever done. See also, "Nazi".
You're a real independent thinker. Not a goose stepper at all. There's no irony here. There just isn't.
You want to post those accusations of antisemitism I have supposedly thrown around or do you just want me to drop it and let you lie without having to back up your mouth?
You want to post those accusations of antisemitism I have supposedly thrown around or do you just want me to drop it and let you lie without having to back up your mouth?
You sound guilty though.
Oh so its FEELINGS based. Got it.
No, you don't got it. IDKWTFYATA, and IDRGAF because you don't seem very intent on discussing anything above board.
So, fuck off and all that.
Ahh......more FEELINGS. Well good for you Mr. Helper!
I personally don't know a single Jew so have no opinion. Why does the right insist we get down on our knees and suck Israel's dick?
Under trumptardism, it’s because of “Christian” white evangelicals. These lunatics advocate that End times and the rapture are the culmination of Old Testament and New Testament prophecies. Jerusalem and Israel is the promised land and center of Jesus’ return. Good luck finding that in any founding US document. It’s bedrock US foreign policy today.
This guy claims to be concerned about religious bigotry
I seriously don't know what the fuck you're trying to convey with this 'feelings' bit of yours. Our interaction here has been rather straight forward. You want to invoke "but Nazi" when it's convenient, and get sandy vag when it's not. Moreover, you want to invoke it on the basis of the wrong fucking principles.
With that in mind, my feelings on the matter are rather unremarkable. Perhaps the issue we have here is that your overflow of feelings makes it hard for you to imagine that other people aren't as worked up about it as you seem to be.
If you don't know what you are talking about why do you participate in the discussion? Seriously. Did you not watch what your leaders promised in the two debates? By some estimates their promises would cost 93 trillion and who would be forced to pay for all their promises? Me and every other hard worker in this country. You sound like a taker, a net negative draw on society so I doubt you would be making any contributions.
Your lack of depth on this topic is astounding. We are way past healthcare here.
Then you get brain dead followers like APAG posting typical liberal tripe about how the Nazi's were anything other than a different brand of socialism when their own leader cited socialism in his critical thinking/conclusions and you can see that you goose stepping followers will swallow the whole load when your leaders tell you to.
To be clear, the liberal tripe he’s referring to is the encyclopedia Britannica.
Please, by all means, post for us the link to the "encyclopedia Britannica" that equates Nazi's to everyone that disagrees with liberals.
Your post is bullshit. Common tripe that is shit out by TDS liberals in the media 24/7 and regurgitated by goose stepping followers like you.
I think it's right after the entry that defines Nazi as anyone who wants to incrementally tax the populace for more social programs and push social "diversity" agendas. Two sections before the alternative definition of "anti-Semite" as anyone who's ever disagreed with anything Israel has ever done. See also, "Nazi".
You're a real independent thinker. Not a goose stepper at all. There's no irony here. There just isn't.
You want to post those accusations of antisemitism I have supposedly thrown around or do you just want me to drop it and let you lie without having to back up your mouth?
You want to post those accusations of antisemitism I have supposedly thrown around or do you just want me to drop it and let you lie without having to back up your mouth?
You sound guilty though.
Oh so its FEELINGS based. Got it.
No, you don't got it. IDKWTFYATA, and IDRGAF because you don't seem very intent on discussing anything above board.
So, fuck off and all that.
Ahh......more FEELINGS. Well good for you Mr. Helper!
I personally don't know a single Jew so have no opinion. Why does the right insist we get down on our knees and suck Israel's dick?
Under trumptardism, it’s because of “Christian” white evangelicals. These lunatics advocate that End times and the rapture are the culmination of Old Testament and New Testament prophecies. Jerusalem and Israel is the promised land and center of Jesus’ return. Good luck finding that in any founding US document. It’s bedrock US foreign policy today.
This guy claims to be concerned about religious bigotry
Only when LowIQCirrho isn’t being retarded.
Which is almost never.
Is he henceforth known as LIQC? Asking for a friend,
If you don't know what you are talking about why do you participate in the discussion? Seriously. Did you not watch what your leaders promised in the two debates? By some estimates their promises would cost 93 trillion and who would be forced to pay for all their promises? Me and every other hard worker in this country. You sound like a taker, a net negative draw on society so I doubt you would be making any contributions.
Your lack of depth on this topic is astounding. We are way past healthcare here.
Then you get brain dead followers like APAG posting typical liberal tripe about how the Nazi's were anything other than a different brand of socialism when their own leader cited socialism in his critical thinking/conclusions and you can see that you goose stepping followers will swallow the whole load when your leaders tell you to.
To be clear, the liberal tripe he’s referring to is the encyclopedia Britannica.
Please, by all means, post for us the link to the "encyclopedia Britannica" that equates Nazi's to everyone that disagrees with liberals.
Your post is bullshit. Common tripe that is shit out by TDS liberals in the media 24/7 and regurgitated by goose stepping followers like you.
I think it's right after the entry that defines Nazi as anyone who wants to incrementally tax the populace for more social programs and push social "diversity" agendas. Two sections before the alternative definition of "anti-Semite" as anyone who's ever disagreed with anything Israel has ever done. See also, "Nazi".
You're a real independent thinker. Not a goose stepper at all. There's no irony here. There just isn't.
You want to post those accusations of antisemitism I have supposedly thrown around or do you just want me to drop it and let you lie without having to back up your mouth?
You want to post those accusations of antisemitism I have supposedly thrown around or do you just want me to drop it and let you lie without having to back up your mouth?
You sound guilty though.
Oh so its FEELINGS based. Got it.
No, you don't got it. IDKWTFYATA, and IDRGAF because you don't seem very intent on discussing anything above board.
So, fuck off and all that.
Ahh......more FEELINGS. Well good for you Mr. Helper!
I seriously don't know what the fuck you're trying to convey with this 'feelings' bit of yours. Our interaction here has been rather straight forward. You want to invoke "but Nazi" when it's convenient, and get sandy vag when it's not. Moreover, you want to invoke it on the basis of the wrong fucking principles.
With that in mind, my feelings on the matter are rather unremarkable. Perhaps the issue we have here is that your overflow of feelings makes it hard for you to imagine that other people aren't as worked up about it as you seem to be.
Either way, NOFC.
You make zero sense.
Go suck down another bud and rethink what it is you are trying to say.
Nazi's are marching in Portland right now. They look like them, they are violent like them and they have zero respect for any differing opinion other than theirs. They are called antifa and your party supports them.
I made my point on Hitler and socialism and you have done nothing to refute that.
I seriously don't know what the fuck you're trying to convey with this 'feelings' bit of yours. Our interaction here has been rather straight forward. You want to invoke "but Nazi" when it's convenient, and get sandy vag when it's not. Moreover, you want to invoke it on the basis of the wrong fucking principles.
With that in mind, my feelings on the matter are rather unremarkable. Perhaps the issue we have here is that your overflow of feelings makes it hard for you to imagine that other people aren't as worked up about it as you seem to be.
Either way, NOFC.
You make zero sense.
Go suck down another bud and rethink what it is you are trying to say.
Nazi's are marching in Portland right now. They look like them, they are violent like them and they have zero respect for any differing opinion other than theirs. They are called antifa and your party supports them.
I made my point on Hitler and socialism and you have done nothing to refute that.
You are a sad and pathetic liberal.
Lolz. Shut up Sally; you're hysterical and bleeding through your panties.
Your points, all of them, are generalized and exposed garbage hung by a brown shirt paper hangar.
Talk to me some more about how tolerant you and your goons are of differing opinions.
I seriously don't know what the fuck you're trying to convey with this 'feelings' bit of yours. Our interaction here has been rather straight forward. You want to invoke "but Nazi" when it's convenient, and get sandy vag when it's not. Moreover, you want to invoke it on the basis of the wrong fucking principles.
With that in mind, my feelings on the matter are rather unremarkable. Perhaps the issue we have here is that your overflow of feelings makes it hard for you to imagine that other people aren't as worked up about it as you seem to be.
Either way, NOFC.
You make zero sense.
Go suck down another bud and rethink what it is you are trying to say.
Nazi's are marching in Portland right now. They look like them, they are violent like them and they have zero respect for any differing opinion other than theirs. They are called antifa and your party supports them.
I made my point on Hitler and socialism and you have done nothing to refute that.
You are a sad and pathetic liberal.
Lolz. Shut up Sally; you're hysterical and bleeding through your panties.
Your points, all of them, are generalized and exposed garbage hung by a brown shirt paper hangar.
Talk to me some more about how tolerant you and your goons are of differing opinions.
I seriously don't know what the fuck you're trying to convey with this 'feelings' bit of yours. Our interaction here has been rather straight forward. You want to invoke "but Nazi" when it's convenient, and get sandy vag when it's not. Moreover, you want to invoke it on the basis of the wrong fucking principles.
With that in mind, my feelings on the matter are rather unremarkable. Perhaps the issue we have here is that your overflow of feelings makes it hard for you to imagine that other people aren't as worked up about it as you seem to be.
Either way, NOFC.
You make zero sense.
Go suck down another bud and rethink what it is you are trying to say.
Nazi's are marching in Portland right now. They look like them, they are violent like them and they have zero respect for any differing opinion other than theirs. They are called antifa and your party supports them.
I made my point on Hitler and socialism and you have done nothing to refute that.
You are a sad and pathetic liberal.
Lolz. Shut up Sally; you're hysterical and bleeding through your panties.
Your points, all of them, are generalized and exposed garbage hung by a brown shirt paper hangar.
Talk to me some more about how tolerant you and your goons are of differing opinions.
I seriously don't know what the fuck you're trying to convey with this 'feelings' bit of yours. Our interaction here has been rather straight forward. You want to invoke "but Nazi" when it's convenient, and get sandy vag when it's not. Moreover, you want to invoke it on the basis of the wrong fucking principles.
With that in mind, my feelings on the matter are rather unremarkable. Perhaps the issue we have here is that your overflow of feelings makes it hard for you to imagine that other people aren't as worked up about it as you seem to be.
Either way, NOFC.
You make zero sense.
Go suck down another bud and rethink what it is you are trying to say.
Nazi's are marching in Portland right now. They look like them, they are violent like them and they have zero respect for any differing opinion other than theirs. They are called antifa and your party supports them.
I made my point on Hitler and socialism and you have done nothing to refute that.
You are a sad and pathetic liberal.
Lolz. Shut up Sally; you're hysterical and bleeding through your panties.
Your points, all of them, are generalized and exposed garbage hung by a brown shirt paper hangar.
Talk to me some more about how tolerant you and your goons are of differing opinions.
Which is almost never.
Do you get it now?
I seriously don't know what the fuck you're trying to convey with this 'feelings' bit of yours. Our interaction here has been rather straight forward. You want to invoke "but Nazi" when it's convenient, and get sandy vag when it's not. Moreover, you want to invoke it on the basis of the wrong fucking principles.
With that in mind, my feelings on the matter are rather unremarkable. Perhaps the issue we have here is that your overflow of feelings makes it hard for you to imagine that other people aren't as worked up about it as you seem to be.
Either way, NOFC.
Or did he say that he didn’t know him like he has never met him?
I don’t “know” Trump, never met him never spoke with him but I “know” who he is.
You make zero sense.
Go suck down another bud and rethink what it is you are trying to say.
Nazi's are marching in Portland right now. They look like them, they are violent like them and they have zero respect for any differing opinion other than theirs. They are called antifa and your party supports them.
I made my point on Hitler and socialism and you have done nothing to refute that.
You are a sad and pathetic liberal.
It's just midly amusing to see the lack of self awareness when they dress up in black to violently scare people into submission
Your points, all of them, are generalized and exposed garbage hung by a brown shirt paper hangar.
Talk to me some more about how tolerant you and your goons are of differing opinions.
You are a sad and pathetic faggot.
Imagine agreeing with a little Cuban man