Notice that leftards like O'Keefe never want to deal with the actual facts and policy positions of the squad. After all this time I haven't heard if Mr. Conservative supports giving up his private health care insurance. Or which policy positions of the squad he supports or doesn't support. So easy to be a real conservative. I have no problem telling someone who hates me because I'm a white male, who wants my speech to be criminalized, who wants the US economy destroyed th go phu*ck themselves. Or go leave and go to some 3rd world shithole.
Notice that leftards like O'Keefe never want to deal with the actual facts and policy positions of the squad. After all this time I haven't heard if Mr. Conservative supports giving up his private health care insurance. Or which policy positions of the squad he supports or doesn't support. So easy to be a real conservative. I have no problem telling someone who hates me because I'm a white male, who wants my speech to be criminalized, who wants the US economy destroyed th go phu*ck themselves. Or go leave and go to some 3rd world shithole.
Once Trump got the Squad to be the face of the party, the party had no choice but to lie and obfuscate about their positions
Its worse to be called a racist than it is to embrace an ideology that kills countries and people. Or to be a Jew hater wanting them pushed into the sea but its only about Israel you see
H doesn't care what they stand for. TDS is a hellova drug
The point that's being missed is that his supporters enthusiastically supported the position he took on the matter, regardless of the slogans. I would not be surprised to start hearing "Love it or Leave it" and similar expressions, which isn't a good thing. But here's the rub: It will blow over when figures on the Right start telling the crowds, "She can believe or say what she wants. That's her right." (1st Amendment and all). Meanwhile the Left will be demanding censorship, de-platforming, and accusing all MAGA types of hate crimes, because they hate the 1st Amendment.
And Trump supporters support the position that the squad should be sent back to their country even tho 3 of the 4 were born here.
Stupid shit cuts both ways shitdick.
I'm a Trump supporter, I don't support that. Which Trump supporter here wants that?
I support a significant portion of what Trump is doing, but see him as a Dennis Rodman type character who gets under the oppositions skin like nothing I’ve ever seen. But he’s undeniably effective and baits his opposition to the point they lose their fucking minds, say ridiculous, hypocritical shit and make complete fools of themselves like Biden saying “no Russian collusion or involvement would happen under my watch” after whatever happened absolutely happened “on his watch.” Duh, Joe.
That’s his talent vs. a bunch of easily triggered hysterical Dems pandering and trying to play the race card all the way to the White House, which is simply pathetic.
Would I vote for Trump over that freak show? Definitely. All day long.
Trump has managed to swing the Republican party to the left, all while triggering liberals so bad they went as far left on the spectrum as possible.
It's pretty interesting. Trump is just a brash 90s Democrat with the best trolling skills known to man
The Dems take everything way too seriously, and pretend to take it even more seriously than that.
Trump doesn’t take any of it too seriously, and therefore isn’t afraid to speak his mind and call out bullshit.
Say what you will about his anti-Squad tweets, but he attacked their ideas, plain and simple.
Those who see racism in everything will say it was racist simply and solely because the women were “of color.”
What does it say about people who can only see one characteristic that matters to them among a group of four separate and distinct human beings?
"Go back where you came from" is not really something that gets said to WASPS.
Redeaux from yesterday's rant - say WHATEVER the fuck you want within the guidelines of free speech set forth by the SCOTUS. Don't yell "fire" in a crowded movie house and shit.
But after you say whatever the fuck stupid shit you want, it's the other guy's turn to rebuke, dissect and dismantle whatever stupid shit is spewed forth. And that means you, Squad. You say stupid shit, you get hit because you say stupid shit not because you're black, green, purple, mormon, jew, palestinean....whatever. IT'S BECAUSE YOU SAY STUPID SHIT!!!!
Trump says stupid shit. Deal with it. Call out his stupid shit. But stupid shit lives on both ends of the bell curve.
Who are you arguing with? Is anyone actually saying that either side should be denied their legal right to say stupid shit?
Don't blame me because you're making bullshit arguments that are easily refuted and that you can't defend O'Keefed.
Its worse to be called a racist than it is to embrace an ideology that kills countries and people. Or to be a Jew hater wanting them pushed into the sea but its only about Israel you see
H doesn't care what they stand for. TDS is a hellova drug
But in his defense, he led the troops who captured the British airports in 1814.
Maybe start at home. Just a thought
Pretty common really. Not a big deal.