And yet the opinions of some random guy at a Tea Party or Trump Rally as long as you can use it to smear all their supporters is of great interest to you.
Random chants at Trump rallies? How “random”?
Are they running for President? Any of them hosting a daily TV show on one of the big three networks?
A teevee personality said something stupid!
Chessmate libtards!
Some guy who's name you don't even know says something stupid at a Tea Party rally and you were all over it Kunt.
He remember when you swallowed like a bitch a posted all those bogus quotes you thought Rush Limbaugh had said. Was he running for President?
Remember when we were all told that the ''Gentle Giant'' had his hands up?
The first witness to say that was Darren Wilson. Remember the lack of curiosity shown by the DA about his changed story?
And yet the opinions of some random guy at a Tea Party or Trump Rally as long as you can use it to smear all their supporters is of great interest to you.
Random chants at Trump rallies? How “random”?
Are they running for President? Any of them hosting a daily TV show on one of the big three networks?
A teevee personality said something stupid!
Chessmate libtards!
Some guy who's name you don't even know says something stupid at a Tea Party rally and you were all over it Kunt.
He remember when you swallowed like a bitch a posted all those bogus quotes you thought Rush Limbaugh had said. Was he running for President?
Remember when we were all told that the ''Gentle Giant'' had his hands up?
The first witness to say that was Darren Wilson. Remember the lack of curiosity shown by the DA about his changed story?
Wilson never said Brown had his arms up as if her were surrendering liar.
And yet the opinions of some random guy at a Tea Party or Trump Rally as long as you can use it to smear all their supporters is of great interest to you.
Random chants at Trump rallies? How “random”?
Are they running for President? Any of them hosting a daily TV show on one of the big three networks?
A teevee personality said something stupid!
Chessmate libtards!
Some guy who's name you don't even know says something stupid at a Tea Party rally and you were all over it Kunt.
He remember when you swallowed like a bitch a posted all those bogus quotes you thought Rush Limbaugh had said. Was he running for President?
Remember when we were all told that the ''Gentle Giant'' had his hands up?
The first witness to say that was Darren Wilson. Remember the lack of curiosity shown by the DA about his changed story?
Wilson never said Brown had his arms up as if her were surrendering liar.
We never got to explore what he meant because he lied about having said it. There's some expression about seeing forests and trees that fits your post.
Redeaux from yesterday's rant - say WHATEVER the fuck you want within the guidelines of free speech set forth by the SCOTUS. Don't yell "fire" in a crowded movie house and shit.
But after you say whatever the fuck stupid shit you want, it's the other guy's turn to rebuke, dissect and dismantle whatever stupid shit is spewed forth. And that means you, Squad. You say stupid shit, you get hit because you say stupid shit not because you're black, green, purple, mormon, jew, palestinean....whatever. IT'S BECAUSE YOU SAY STUPID SHIT!!!!
Trump says stupid shit. Deal with it. Call out his stupid shit. But stupid shit lives on both ends of the bell curve.
The grand jury testimony is still online, blob. It's very unclear why the racist sergeant Wilson met at the scene would have made the detail up. If anything, his motives were stronger to lie for Wilson. Guess he didn't want to perjure himself. The DA wasn't very curious about the discrepancy.
He never claimed Brown had his arms raised over his head as if he were surrendering. You're flat out lying.
Given that he chose to lie about ever having said it at all, again, he wasn't going to explain it. He's a liar, not an idiot. You, by contrast, are a dual threat.
Weird the way you don't address your fucking lie O'Keefed. Wilson never claimed that Brown had his arms up in the air as if he were surrendering, in fact he said the exact opposite.
Why was the Obama Administration in on this racist conspiracy O'Keefed?
Redeaux from yesterday's rant - say WHATEVER the fuck you want within the guidelines of free speech set forth by the SCOTUS. Don't yell "fire" in a crowded movie house and shit.
But after you say whatever the fuck stupid shit you want, it's the other guy's turn to rebuke, dissect and dismantle whatever stupid shit is spewed forth. And that means you, Squad. You say stupid shit, you get hit because you say stupid shit not because you're black, green, purple, mormon, jew, palestinean....whatever. IT'S BECAUSE YOU SAY STUPID SHIT!!!!
Trump says stupid shit. Deal with it. Call out his stupid shit. But stupid shit lives on both ends of the bell curve.
Who are you arguing with? Is anyone actually saying that either side should be denied their legal right to say stupid shit?
Redeaux from yesterday's rant - say WHATEVER the fuck you want within the guidelines of free speech set forth by the SCOTUS. Don't yell "fire" in a crowded movie house and shit.
But after you say whatever the fuck stupid shit you want, it's the other guy's turn to rebuke, dissect and dismantle whatever stupid shit is spewed forth. And that means you, Squad. You say stupid shit, you get hit because you say stupid shit not because you're black, green, purple, mormon, jew, palestinean....whatever. IT'S BECAUSE YOU SAY STUPID SHIT!!!!
Trump says stupid shit. Deal with it. Call out his stupid shit. But stupid shit lives on both ends of the bell curve.
Who are you arguing with? Is anyone actually saying that either side should be denied their legal right to say stupid shit?
Joy Behar wants hate speech invoked.
Which is stupid shit said by the left. Edit ;to include the OP
Weird the way you don't address your fucking lie O'Keefed. Wilson never claimed that Brown had his arms up in the air as if he were surrendering, in fact he said the exact opposite.
Why was the Obama Administration in on this racist conspiracy O'Keefed?
Wilson told his sergeant, at the scene, that Brown's hand were up. I can't worry about all the things he didn't say; that's your game. A prosecutor with even a semblance of curiosity would have explored the issue.
Redeaux from yesterday's rant - say WHATEVER the fuck you want within the guidelines of free speech set forth by the SCOTUS. Don't yell "fire" in a crowded movie house and shit.
But after you say whatever the fuck stupid shit you want, it's the other guy's turn to rebuke, dissect and dismantle whatever stupid shit is spewed forth. And that means you, Squad. You say stupid shit, you get hit because you say stupid shit not because you're black, green, purple, mormon, jew, palestinean....whatever. IT'S BECAUSE YOU SAY STUPID SHIT!!!!
Trump says stupid shit. Deal with it. Call out his stupid shit. But stupid shit lives on both ends of the bell curve.
Who are you arguing with? Is anyone actually saying that either side should be denied their legal right to say stupid shit?
Joy Behar wants hate speech invoked.
Which is stupid shit said by the left. Edit ;to include the OP
Redeaux from yesterday's rant - say WHATEVER the fuck you want within the guidelines of free speech set forth by the SCOTUS. Don't yell "fire" in a crowded movie house and shit.
But after you say whatever the fuck stupid shit you want, it's the other guy's turn to rebuke, dissect and dismantle whatever stupid shit is spewed forth. And that means you, Squad. You say stupid shit, you get hit because you say stupid shit not because you're black, green, purple, mormon, jew, palestinean....whatever. IT'S BECAUSE YOU SAY STUPID SHIT!!!!
Trump says stupid shit. Deal with it. Call out his stupid shit. But stupid shit lives on both ends of the bell curve.
Who are you arguing with? Is anyone actually saying that either side should be denied their legal right to say stupid shit?
Joy Behar wants hate speech invoked.
Which is stupid shit said by the left. Edit ;to include the OP
Weird the way you don't address your fucking lie O'Keefed. Wilson never claimed that Brown had his arms up in the air as if he were surrendering, in fact he said the exact opposite.
Why was the Obama Administration in on this racist conspiracy O'Keefed?
Wilson told his sergeant, at the scene, that Brown's hand were up. I can't worry about all the things he didn't say; that's your game. A prosecutor with even a semblance of curiosity would have explored the issue.
Wilson never told anyone that Browns arms were raised over his head as if he were surrendering and you know it and that's why you're playing lame ass word games.
Weird the way you don't address your fucking lie O'Keefed. Wilson never claimed that Brown had his arms up in the air as if he were surrendering, in fact he said the exact opposite.
Why was the Obama Administration in on this racist conspiracy O'Keefed?
Wilson told his sergeant, at the scene, that Brown's hand were up. I can't worry about all the things he didn't say; that's your game. A prosecutor with even a semblance of curiosity would have explored the issue.
Wilson never told anyone that Browns arms were raised over his head as if he were surrendering and you know it and that's why you're playing lame ass word games.
Go ahead Kunt, quote what Wilson said.
There are so many things he didn't say. Yet when a team of lawyers who actually weren't defending him finally got involved and questioned both him and his sergeant, the city paid out a million-and-a-half bucks.
The point that's being missed is that his supporters enthusiastically supported the position he took on the matter, regardless of the slogans. I would not be surprised to start hearing "Love it or Leave it" and similar expressions, which isn't a good thing. But here's the rub: It will blow over when figures on the Right start telling the crowds, "She can believe or say what she wants. That's her right." (1st Amendment and all). Meanwhile the Left will be demanding censorship, de-platforming, and accusing all MAGA types of hate crimes, because they hate the 1st Amendment.
And Trump supporters support the position that the squad should be sent back to their country even tho 3 of the 4 were born here.
Stupid shit cuts both ways shitdick.
I'm a Trump supporter, I don't support that. Which Trump supporter here wants that?
I support a significant portion of what Trump is doing, but see him as a Dennis Rodman type character who gets under the oppositions skin like nothing I’ve ever seen. But he’s undeniably effective and baits his opposition to the point they lose their fucking minds, say ridiculous, hypocritical shit and make complete fools of themselves like Biden saying “no Russian collusion or involvement would happen under my watch” after whatever happened absolutely happened “on his watch.” Duh, Joe.
That’s his talent vs. a bunch of easily triggered hysterical Dems pandering and trying to play the race card all the way to the White House, which is simply pathetic.
Would I vote for Trump over that freak show? Definitely. All day long.
Darren Wilson: 'No Way' Michael Brown Had His Hands Up
But after you say whatever the fuck stupid shit you want, it's the other guy's turn to rebuke, dissect and dismantle whatever stupid shit is spewed forth. And that means you, Squad. You say stupid shit, you get hit because you say stupid shit not because you're black, green, purple, mormon, jew, palestinean....whatever. IT'S BECAUSE YOU SAY STUPID SHIT!!!!
Trump says stupid shit. Deal with it. Call out his stupid shit. But stupid shit lives on both ends of the bell curve.
Why was the Obama Administration in on this racist conspiracy O'Keefed?
Which is stupid shit said by the left. Edit ;to include the OP
I'll dig out a quote later today on a book I just finished by Michael Lewis. Bell curve, baby.
Go ahead Kunt, quote what Wilson said.
That’s his talent vs. a bunch of easily triggered hysterical Dems pandering and trying to play the race card all the way to the White House, which is simply pathetic.
Would I vote for Trump over that freak show? Definitely. All day long.