Hardcore Husky has faced much adversity over the past three days, with what historians will refer to as
The WTF Crisis of 2019.

But after 48 hours of plotting, scheming and binge-watching Seinfeld reruns, we've returned with a plan.

We have some new features this morning. We have added Fuck Off and Not Your Best Effort reaction buttons.
I also discovered a backdoor way to manipulate the system, I think.
Vanilla has it set up so reactions with a negative tag are not visible. So I took one of their negative buttons that we haven't been using, which is "dislike". I changed it to have a positive tag, and altered its name to "Not Your Best Effort". I also took the unused "laugh out loud" button, and turned it into "Fuck Off". So when posters click either of these buttons, their avatars will show beneath the post in question. Hurt feelings and retaliation will ensue.
@CFetters_Nacho_Lover wanted Fucktard to be a button, and I wanted Fucktarded. But the people voted for Fuck Off. I want to try to create something for the Nacho Man Savage in that regard. So this is still a work in progress,
I'm keeping the WTF button in place so that we'll be able to continue burying Hondo's posts in the Tug Tavern.
When life hands you lemons, make a lemon party. Let this be a lesson to our young snot-nosed millennial,
Ok, maybe not.
Change “Not Your Best Effort” to NYBE
Also, do people use the Twitter and Fagbook tools? Probably not. Can those be removed? Might clean it up a bit.
Because if there are 20 buttons, I want to use all 20 buttons
Says the guy who doesn't donate.
"Flag sponsored by Bread" has a nice ring to it.
Or forcing the idiots into a back alley for the social punishment they deserve.
Feels like LA in April of 92.
Love it, feels like normal again.
Nothin’s changed with me, FWIW