Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.
What is your DM.com banning story?
Mine: I had many “time outs”. Was told less is more a few times. Was told my schtick was funny the first 23 times. Lots of butting heads with Kim. Shit got serious when Sark was hired. I wasn’t on the hype train. I wanted to see results from a hire that had never been a head coach. I mocked the “Sark gets it” shit after his first “kick ass presser” where he said “It’s about time UW gets back to rose bowls” or something. I was all over Sark when he decided to remain at USC after he was hired at UW. The whole “ Free Pub” thing came out of that. I was banned in January 2010 I believe. Before Sark ever coached a down.
Almost 10 years ago. Where did the time go!!
What’s yours? If your stil there how do you manage?
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First tim was mocking the recruiting bored looking like the OL "We need BEEF bored" rght before the "Kholer and Co. bumper crop" bullshit. Then they actually started an OL Bored...
Second one was when he found a bunch of us poasting here. Mass bannings commenced.
I knew then that they had no integrity.
I had already known they were dumbshits, but having no integrity was the tipping point for me.
Fuck you losers that did.
A buddy of mine had a programming contract in the same building that dawgman was once in, and met one of their site's developers. Said he was the biggest dumbshit he'd ever talked to when it comes to software developers.
I got a "time out" for pointing out how dumb fetters is. Cancelled that shit as soon as I discovered hhbs.
I think they got $30 out of me and I'm still pissed about it.
Kim was always lenient with me because of DFI and because I called him a good guy. I wasn't auto banned for HHB but I'm pretty sure that was the end. One day I had no more free access to dawgtales then no access at all
Old man HuskyClaus got me a 7-day timeout after I called him a dried up prune. Fetters gave me the "be better to our senior posters" PM.
We mended fences here at HCH briefly... then he bailed here to post by himself on the free-bird.
Greg was a favorite of mine as a player but man was he a Tybot