My granny would make sure she had little Olys in the fridge when we came to visit. Little Olys are pretty cool when you're a little kid.
My granny would have had us in family court these days.
The Olympia brewery is now a dilapidated shit pile crumbling away into a heap.
The Brewery site should be the centerpiece of a rejuvenated Tumwater business district. But alas, it is like you say. Nice gol course though. Saw Jack and Arnie do an exhibition there as a kid
We'd do the tour on the three or four hot days a year to hang out in the cooling building.
My grandma gave us beers and smokes too. Maybe that's what happened
Sat between the 99 and the 5 you always knew when you were home
I really want to go to Mount Shuksan, never been on that side of Baker.
I recommend Dry Falls at dusk. That whole stretch from Ephrata to Grand Coulee is cool. Why more people (myself included) don't weekend at Banks Lake is beyond me.
Mt. Shuksan / Artist point is great! You can get a south view of Shuksan and eastern view from Baker Lake. When I was in Colorado a little diner had a big mural of Shuksan on the wall. I don't think they realized it was in Washington. I also personally enjoy Whitehorse Mountain outside of Darrington. Virtually rises like 6500 feet from the valley floor.
I really want to go to Mount Shuksan, never been on that side of Baker.
I recommend Dry Falls at dusk. That whole stretch from Ephrata to Grand Coulee is cool. Why more people (myself included) don't weekend at Banks Lake is beyond me.
Mt. Shuksan / Artist point is great! You can get a south view of Shuksan and eastern view from Baker Lake. When I was in Colorado a little diner had a big mural of Shuksan on the wall. I don't think they realized it was in Washington. I also personally enjoy Whitehorse Mountain outside of Darrington. Virtually rises like 6500 feet from the valley floor.
Shuksan from Baker Lake:
White Horse:
Mt. Baring:
Dry Falls is super cool. Caught some big trout outta there in my float tube.
Dry Falls and the Coulee is pretty cool
Liberty Bell / Washington Pass, and Mt. Baring are cool.
Rainier obvi
St. Helens
Seneca Rocks, WV
Flat Irons in Boulder, CO
Roan Cliffs / Grand Valley, CO
Bucket List
Liberty Bell is cool.
I really want to go to Mount Shuksan, never been on that side of Baker.
My granny would have had us in family court these days.
The Olympia brewery is now a dilapidated shit pile crumbling away into a heap.
We'd do the tour on the three or four hot days a year to hang out in the cooling building.
My grandma gave us beers and smokes too. Maybe that's what happened
Sat between the 99 and the 5 you always knew when you were home
Mt. Shuksan / Artist point is great! You can get a south view of Shuksan and eastern view from Baker Lake. When I was in Colorado a little diner had a big mural of Shuksan on the wall. I don't think they realized it was in Washington. I also personally enjoy Whitehorse Mountain outside of Darrington. Virtually rises like 6500 feet from the valley floor.
Shuksan from Baker Lake:
White Horse:
Mt. Baring:
People love it. Really they do
I just drag my kids to bars