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So how many of you AOC fans agree with this statement



  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,480 Founders Club

    And kill all the people who wear glasses

    Anyone want to guess how many millions of Americans will need to be killed to get in line? What if they don't re use their grocery bag?
  • Dude61Dude61 Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 1,246 Swaye's Wigwam
    2001400ex said:

    She’s selling envy, trying to stoke the Mob. nothing more.

    And that has worked for others. She's an idiot, or rather a useful idiot, but that doesn't mean she won't be effective. She's photogenic, the MSM is head over heals in love with her, and we've had a few decades of k-12 "education" run by people who think like her and have been "educating" people to think as she does. They're becoming voters now. Her Marxist philosophy is not only acceptable, but preferable to many of these young and easily influenced "minds". She and her ilk will make a dent, that's my prediction.
    Please to be explaining Marxism then relating that to her plans.
    AOC's 70% marginal tax rate on high earners is right out of Marx' Communist Manifesto. Money is a collective product according to Marx’s doctrine. The earning of money and acquiring of private property is the result of “the united action of all members of society.” You didn’t build that (Thanks Obama) AOC wraps it in vague terms like social justice, but in reality it is economic equality for all, regardless of their efforts to earn it. In her socially just society, the government collects the money and then distributes it evenly to all. Her Green Deal is just another New Deal works project, that has so far been rejected at the committee level by Pelosi.
  • HardlyClothedHardlyClothed Member Posts: 937
    SFGbob said:

    Billionaires are fine.

    I wouldn't necessarily have a problem if there were regulations enacted limiting CEO pay to a multiple of some function of the mean employee salaries. Some of those cats are just raking in dough for having minions and not doing shit. I've met them - they aren't worth 100,000 times the wage of a line worker. They just aren't.

    I don't have an issue if their rewards are commensurate with Share Price or some such measurement.

    I find AOC likes to drop the 'immoral' line regularly. Eventually that just wears off.

    And she best be careful with playing the morality card too often because you know her nude pics/sex with goats videos are being held in a remote server somewhere just waiting to be unleashed on the world.

    There was Clinton era law that capped CEO pay so they went to stock options which pay better and are taxed lower

    That showed them

    Why do people get paid so much? Because they can
    There's a new disclosure requirement for public companies that now require Executive pay be compared to the median of the workers. The hope is that the market will recognize the robber barons and punish their share price.

    That's the hope any way.

    As you say, they'll figure out ways around it.

    The disclosure requirement is the perfect enscapulation of the failures of modern liberalism. As if simply making public the pay disparity would create a change instead of doing actual politics and using political power to change it. But Democrats since Carter have been terrified of actually wielding state power for their constituents benefit.

    But it looks like that’s starting to change at least.

    Yeah, they need to wield state power and start confiscating wealth and killing off the rich.
    I was thinking more along the lines of capping CEO pay to a ratio (10:1?) of the average workers salary, increasing the collective bargaining rights of unions, steeper marginal tax rates on the ultra wealthy to compress inequality, anti-trust protections for the tech era, minimum wage increases to 1970s inflation adjusted levels.

    You know, all things that would be achieved by legislation if the current Democrats had the balls of New Dealers.

    Always entertaining to see the conservative bunker mentality on display, to think this stuff is going to lead the secret police to your front door.
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,480 Founders Club

    SFGbob said:

    Billionaires are fine.

    I wouldn't necessarily have a problem if there were regulations enacted limiting CEO pay to a multiple of some function of the mean employee salaries. Some of those cats are just raking in dough for having minions and not doing shit. I've met them - they aren't worth 100,000 times the wage of a line worker. They just aren't.

    I don't have an issue if their rewards are commensurate with Share Price or some such measurement.

    I find AOC likes to drop the 'immoral' line regularly. Eventually that just wears off.

    And she best be careful with playing the morality card too often because you know her nude pics/sex with goats videos are being held in a remote server somewhere just waiting to be unleashed on the world.

    There was Clinton era law that capped CEO pay so they went to stock options which pay better and are taxed lower

    That showed them

    Why do people get paid so much? Because they can
    There's a new disclosure requirement for public companies that now require Executive pay be compared to the median of the workers. The hope is that the market will recognize the robber barons and punish their share price.

    That's the hope any way.

    As you say, they'll figure out ways around it.

    The disclosure requirement is the perfect enscapulation of the failures of modern liberalism. As if simply making public the pay disparity would create a change instead of doing actual politics and using political power to change it. But Democrats since Carter have been terrified of actually wielding state power for their constituents benefit.

    But it looks like that’s starting to change at least.

    Yeah, they need to wield state power and start confiscating wealth and killing off the rich.
    I was thinking more along the lines of capping CEO pay to a ratio (10:1?) of the average workers salary, increasing the collective bargaining rights of unions, steeper marginal tax rates on the ultra wealthy to compress inequality, anti-trust protections for the tech era, minimum wage increases to 1970s inflation adjusted levels.

    You know, all things that would be achieved by legislation if the current Democrats had the balls of New Dealers.

    Always entertaining to see the conservative bunker mentality on display, to think this stuff is going to lead the secret police to your front door.
    Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. If the results of socialism and communism were taught honestly no one would want it

  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,358
    Taxation isn’t socialist or communist. Remind us which countries don’t have taxation, won’t you?
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,480 Founders Club
    HHusky said:

    Taxation isn’t socialist or communist. Remind us which countries don’t have taxation, won’t you?

    Thanks hondo for bringing up points not in question
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,944

    SFGbob said:

    Billionaires are fine.

    I wouldn't necessarily have a problem if there were regulations enacted limiting CEO pay to a multiple of some function of the mean employee salaries. Some of those cats are just raking in dough for having minions and not doing shit. I've met them - they aren't worth 100,000 times the wage of a line worker. They just aren't.

    I don't have an issue if their rewards are commensurate with Share Price or some such measurement.

    I find AOC likes to drop the 'immoral' line regularly. Eventually that just wears off.

    And she best be careful with playing the morality card too often because you know her nude pics/sex with goats videos are being held in a remote server somewhere just waiting to be unleashed on the world.

    There was Clinton era law that capped CEO pay so they went to stock options which pay better and are taxed lower

    That showed them

    Why do people get paid so much? Because they can
    There's a new disclosure requirement for public companies that now require Executive pay be compared to the median of the workers. The hope is that the market will recognize the robber barons and punish their share price.

    That's the hope any way.

    As you say, they'll figure out ways around it.

    The disclosure requirement is the perfect enscapulation of the failures of modern liberalism. As if simply making public the pay disparity would create a change instead of doing actual politics and using political power to change it. But Democrats since Carter have been terrified of actually wielding state power for their constituents benefit.

    But it looks like that’s starting to change at least.

    Yeah, they need to wield state power and start confiscating wealth and killing off the rich.
    I was thinking more along the lines of capping CEO pay to a ratio (10:1?) of the average workers salary, increasing the collective bargaining rights of unions, steeper marginal tax rates on the ultra wealthy to compress inequality, anti-trust protections for the tech era, minimum wage increases to 1970s inflation adjusted levels.

    You know, all things that would be achieved by legislation if the current Democrats had the balls of New Dealers.

    Always entertaining to see the conservative bunker mentality on display, to think this stuff is going to lead the secret police to your front door.
    So which other area of the economy are you wanting to control? Should we limit how much sports figures and entertainers should be paid? How about the amount of money former presidents should make? Who gets to make these decisions? Are you going to limit the pay of all executives or just the CEOs?

  • 2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
    Dude61 said:

    2001400ex said:

    She’s selling envy, trying to stoke the Mob. nothing more.

    And that has worked for others. She's an idiot, or rather a useful idiot, but that doesn't mean she won't be effective. She's photogenic, the MSM is head over heals in love with her, and we've had a few decades of k-12 "education" run by people who think like her and have been "educating" people to think as she does. They're becoming voters now. Her Marxist philosophy is not only acceptable, but preferable to many of these young and easily influenced "minds". She and her ilk will make a dent, that's my prediction.
    Please to be explaining Marxism then relating that to her plans.
    AOC's 70% marginal tax rate on high earners is right out of Marx' Communist Manifesto. Money is a collective product according to Marx’s doctrine. The earning of money and acquiring of private property is the result of “the united action of all members of society.” You didn’t build that (Thanks Obama) AOC wraps it in vague terms like social justice, but in reality it is economic equality for all, regardless of their efforts to earn it. In her socially just society, the government collects the money and then distributes it evenly to all. Her Green Deal is just another New Deal works project, that has so far been rejected at the committee level by Pelosi.
    Who is talking about acquiring private property for the government?

    You do realize the context of "you didn't build that" right? He was talking about the infrastructure, but it does make a great Fox news talking point.

    Who is asking for the government to collect money is distribute it evenly?

    Again, please to be explaining how Marxism relates to AOC policies.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,944
    edited January 2019
    You do realize the context of "you didn't build that" right? He was talking about the infrastructure, but it does make a great Fox news talking point.

    Pure crap. The "context" was Obama explaining all the reasons he believed that someone couldn't say that they built a businesses on their own. He wasn't only talking about infrastructure, he was talking about how no one could say the were successful on their own because the government helped them at some point along the line and he didn't limit it only to roads and bridges.

    Liar or moron Hondo?

    There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me — because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t — look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. (Applause.)

    If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

    The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.

  • MikeDamoneMikeDamone Member Posts: 37,781
    2001400ex said:

    Dude61 said:

    2001400ex said:

    She’s selling envy, trying to stoke the Mob. nothing more.

    And that has worked for others. She's an idiot, or rather a useful idiot, but that doesn't mean she won't be effective. She's photogenic, the MSM is head over heals in love with her, and we've had a few decades of k-12 "education" run by people who think like her and have been "educating" people to think as she does. They're becoming voters now. Her Marxist philosophy is not only acceptable, but preferable to many of these young and easily influenced "minds". She and her ilk will make a dent, that's my prediction.
    Please to be explaining Marxism then relating that to her plans.
    AOC's 70% marginal tax rate on high earners is right out of Marx' Communist Manifesto. Money is a collective product according to Marx’s doctrine. The earning of money and acquiring of private property is the result of “the united action of all members of society.” You didn’t build that (Thanks Obama) AOC wraps it in vague terms like social justice, but in reality it is economic equality for all, regardless of their efforts to earn it. In her socially just society, the government collects the money and then distributes it evenly to all. Her Green Deal is just another New Deal works project, that has so far been rejected at the committee level by Pelosi.
    Who is talking about acquiring private property for the government?

    You do realize the context of "you didn't build that" right? He was talking about the infrastructure, but it does make a great Fox news talking point.

    Who is asking for the government to collect money is distribute it evenly?

    Again, please to be explaining how Marxism relates to AOC policies.
    Money is private property. HTH
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,480 Founders Club
    Swaye said:

    HHusky said:

    Taxation isn’t socialist or communist. Remind us which countries don’t have taxation, won’t you?

    Are you a Hondo alt?
  • 2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457

    2001400ex said:

    Dude61 said:

    2001400ex said:

    She’s selling envy, trying to stoke the Mob. nothing more.

    And that has worked for others. She's an idiot, or rather a useful idiot, but that doesn't mean she won't be effective. She's photogenic, the MSM is head over heals in love with her, and we've had a few decades of k-12 "education" run by people who think like her and have been "educating" people to think as she does. They're becoming voters now. Her Marxist philosophy is not only acceptable, but preferable to many of these young and easily influenced "minds". She and her ilk will make a dent, that's my prediction.
    Please to be explaining Marxism then relating that to her plans.
    AOC's 70% marginal tax rate on high earners is right out of Marx' Communist Manifesto. Money is a collective product according to Marx’s doctrine. The earning of money and acquiring of private property is the result of “the united action of all members of society.” You didn’t build that (Thanks Obama) AOC wraps it in vague terms like social justice, but in reality it is economic equality for all, regardless of their efforts to earn it. In her socially just society, the government collects the money and then distributes it evenly to all. Her Green Deal is just another New Deal works project, that has so far been rejected at the committee level by Pelosi.
    Who is talking about acquiring private property for the government?

    You do realize the context of "you didn't build that" right? He was talking about the infrastructure, but it does make a great Fox news talking point.

    Who is asking for the government to collect money is distribute it evenly?

    Again, please to be explaining how Marxism relates to AOC policies.
    Money is private property. HTH
    So every country is Marxist. Are you going to move to Mars to escape it?
  • UW_Doog_BotUW_Doog_Bot Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 15,395 Swaye's Wigwam
    2001400ex said:

    Dude61 said:

    2001400ex said:

    She’s selling envy, trying to stoke the Mob. nothing more.

    And that has worked for others. She's an idiot, or rather a useful idiot, but that doesn't mean she won't be effective. She's photogenic, the MSM is head over heals in love with her, and we've had a few decades of k-12 "education" run by people who think like her and have been "educating" people to think as she does. They're becoming voters now. Her Marxist philosophy is not only acceptable, but preferable to many of these young and easily influenced "minds". She and her ilk will make a dent, that's my prediction.
    Please to be explaining Marxism then relating that to her plans.
    AOC's 70% marginal tax rate on high earners is right out of Marx' Communist Manifesto. Money is a collective product according to Marx’s doctrine. The earning of money and acquiring of private property is the result of “the united action of all members of society.” You didn’t build that (Thanks Obama) AOC wraps it in vague terms like social justice, but in reality it is economic equality for all, regardless of their efforts to earn it. In her socially just society, the government collects the money and then distributes it evenly to all. Her Green Deal is just another New Deal works project, that has so far been rejected at the committee level by Pelosi.
    Who is talking about acquiring private property for the government?

    You do realize the context of "you didn't build that" right? He was talking about the infrastructure, but it does make a great Fox news talking point.

    Who is asking for the government to collect money is distribute it evenly?

    Again, please to be explaining how Marxism relates to AOC policies.
    but but but The ROADS! Who will build the roads!

    This is the best deflection you've got? At least make it a deflection leading somewhere you want to go.
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