Seriously though who actually sells a couch? We just gave ours away on Buy Nothing.
dude clearly you doing well economically, there are ppl out there that buy used shit because that is all they could afford.
You’re missing the poont. There’s a website where you can just give the couch to someone deserving free of charge. Free, used stuff is more affordable than cheap used stuff if my maff is accurate.
Wait. Hold the fuck on here. 5x’s doesn’t mean shit if last years bonus was $5. A good couch is like $100. Pro tip: Don’t spend it all at once sport and watch out for money grabbers.
Seriously though who actually sells a couch? We just gave ours away on Buy Nothing.
We actually sold our couch when we sold our house. It was a perfect fit for the living room and the buyers bought it.
Yeah but was it a separate bill of sale or did you just include is in the purchase agreement for the home?
It was only last month and I don't know. When I moved into the house, I had a second couch (I'm rich and own multiple couches) that I sold for $20. I then turned around and used that $20 on hookers & blow handed that money to my wife.
This makes my day, thanks brah
real lulz
used that $20 on hookers & blowhanded that money to my wife.Fixed for accuracy.