Have Seen 😜.
For all of y’all that voted “Yes”...

For youse that voted “NO”...(props to grundle caus thought it funny as hell)

Sincere in my email. I’m not here to troll or bring down this bored in any way. Awesome bored. Sent many here just to get gifs I’ve collected from the “classics” bored that they see me send them. Traffic. 😉. I’m here to entertain myself, my wife loves me here caus I’m conversing and not hammer texting peeps we know late night(no pics, been informed that’s not the MO here), entertain my late night comrades(HI J, Bazel, WAC, et al) and make grundle grumble...
Thanks DJ, put on a pitch count if want, understand I can shotgun post, one member said something about a chat room and is kinda what I used to, post what’s on my mind...another member mentioned inverse of
@Tequilla, he one post 3000 words and I do 3000 posts one word...sorry.
@PurpleBaze also said it good, “old unc that comes in univited, grabs a barely from fridge and sits over by himself, laughing and you wondering wtf he laughing at and say fuck that assole and go to bed and wake up and when you wake up he gone and mysteriously made his way home OK. Pretty accurate.
But Thanks for the invite back. You bunch’s Slack jawed lib faggots. 😉
If can’t appreciate that “band”(symphony), ones not appreciative of music..
Let the WTFs drop...watch em..
Things had been going well, but as of late, I've been getting shut down for just about anything I post – as if anything I post doesn't deserve any attention (only ridicule). It seems to always turn into mudslinging. I try to be cool about it and play along, but it's gotten to the point where I feel like I serve zero purpose here. I've had thick skin for a while, but unfortunately, I've reached the tipping point.
Roasting entails humor or cleverness, but it has nothing to do with "go kill yourself", "loser", "buttfuckee", etc.. I tried to contribute and play along with the responses. I can't do it anymore. If you would be please kind enough to deactivate my account, that would be much appreciated. Overall, you've done a good job here. It's good to be able to talk sports when our wives won't allow it. Keep it up. This just isn't the place for me, and I hope you respect my request.