@MikeDamone care to continue the discussion? I looked up the books. They look interesting.
You have stated many times that the corporate tax rate should be zero. Care to discuss that and the reasons for it? And the effect you expect to have in the economy.
Read the books.
So you can't articulate late 1700 views on the economy. Got it.
You’re a dumb fuck. Got it.
Then present your argument. Type it out.
Oh fuck off, Jesus Christ. You’re such a fucking dip shit. At least read Hazlitt and tell me why it’s wrong. Oh you won’t, because it requires effort and not just reading memes on facebook and screaming about trickle down.
Fuck, start with Thomas Sowell if that’s easier.
You’re a retard. And that’s an insult to retards.
I don't have time to sit and read a 1,000 page book at the moment. Give me your Cliff notes. I'm not being a dick. I'm genuine curious your position and thought process.
But you do have time to hang out here all day, everyday.
I’d have as much inclination to go to the zoo and discuss it with chimps. It will be time consuming, they won’t get it, and will just start screaming and flinging shit. Waste of time. You’re not genuinely curious about anything. Tha Hazlitt book is 230 pages and free online.
Once again, fuck off.
You asked for that one Hondo.
A book is a time commitment. This is just fucking off during meetings and shit.
And it should go to them. The top 1% pay 40% of the country’s taxes. While the bottom 90% pay only 29%. But yeah, let’s give the bottom 90% more breaks. Dumbfuck Hondo at it again.
Did you read the article?
Not to mention your view of macroeconomics is fucked. So I'll break it down for you. If you want to cut taxes cause the government has too much money, then you cut from the wealthy. If you want to cut taxes to spur economic growth and create jobs, you give the tax cuts to the middle class. Where they will take the tax cuts and spend every penny. Spending creates growth.
No, productivity creates growth/wealth.
No. It doesn't. You can build a bunch of shit. But if no one buys it. What happened in the economy? That's where supply side economics fails. Without demand and consumption, there is no economy.
Hey dumb fuck, you can’t buy anything without someone first being productive. You can’t spend a dollar without first being productive enough to generate a dollar. You can’t eat out of your garden without first producing the food. “Spending” doesn’t create growth. Unless you susbscribe to Krugman broken window theory nonsense that a good hurricane is good for the economy.
Consumption and spending always follow production and wealth creation.
If you grow something no one wants, you get nothing for it. Demand drives the economy. That's why supply side economics was shit in the 80s/early 90s and we took off in the late 90s when that shit was gone.
Jesus Christ. You’re an ignorant dumbshit.
Care to make an argument with facts or information? Or just flail around looking dumb saying shit like "grow it and they will buy it".
You’ve provided no facts or information. Just showed your ignorance. No matter what I say you will never concede my position is correct. Do your own fucking research. Start with reading the Wealth of Nations. Then read Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson. Then FA Hayeks The Road to Serfdom. I usually ask those who are ignorant to start there, then we can debate those points on there merit. Idiots who start with “Tickle down” and bullshit that only exists as political terms aren’t worth the time. The starting position of their knowledge is too low to have any dialogue.
I didnt say “grow it and they will buy it”. I said ther person doing the buying has to first have something buy it with. I.e. they needs to br productive first. The person growing has to be productive and invest before there can be anything to selll. Productivity creates wealth. It always has and always will.
Ok now we are getting somewhere. While trickle down is a political term. It's used by politicians to sell people on tax cuts for the wealthy. When politicians have limited means to move the economy. They use taxes and the fed uses interest rates. When reality is, consumer spending, which is about 70% of the economy, drives the economy. The best thing politicians can do for the economy is drive consumer confidence, not manipulate taxes. That's one point in posting the GDP chart, tax rates and taxes as a percent of GDP don't dictate growth.
So it comes down to consumer demand. Consumer demand went through the toilet in 07 so businesses didn't have the demand so they laid people off. Which further reduced demand. (Not to mention all the foreclosures and shit). Now the run up to the recession.... Years from about 02 to 07, access to money was easy. There was no wealth, just fake increases in home prices. But because people could use their homes as ATM machines, they had money to spend, which drove the economy up. Just another example where your "productively creates wealth" comment is wrong. There was no productively driving they growth, just consumer spending.
So you’re not going to read the books?
“It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is, after all, a specialized discipline and one that most people consider to be a ‘dismal science.’ But it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance.”
Murray N. Rothbard
No, I don't have time to read the books right now. Care to further the discussion?
Yet you have all the time in the world to shitpoast your brains out on here?
@MikeDamone care to continue the discussion? I looked up the books. They look interesting.
You have stated many times that the corporate tax rate should be zero. Care to discuss that and the reasons for it? And the effect you expect to have in the economy.
Read the books.
So you can't articulate late 1700 views on the economy. Got it.
You’re a dumb fuck. Got it.
Then present your argument. Type it out.
Oh fuck off, Jesus Christ. You’re such a fucking dip shit. At least read Hazlitt and tell me why it’s wrong. Oh you won’t, because it requires effort and not just reading memes on facebook and screaming about trickle down.
Fuck, start with Thomas Sowell if that’s easier.
You’re a retard. And that’s an insult to retards.
I don't have time to sit and read a 1,000 page book at the moment. Give me your Cliff notes. I'm not being a dick. I'm genuine curious your position and thought process.
But you do have time to hang out here all day, everyday.
I’d have as much inclination to go to the zoo and discuss it with chimps. It will be time consuming, they won’t get it, and will just start screaming and flinging shit. Waste of time. You’re not genuinely curious about anything. Tha Hazlitt book is 230 pages and free online.
Once again, fuck off.
You asked for that one Hondo.
A book is a time commitment. This is just fucking off during meetings and shit.
@MikeDamone care to continue the discussion? I looked up the books. They look interesting.
You have stated many times that the corporate tax rate should be zero. Care to discuss that and the reasons for it? And the effect you expect to have in the economy.
Read the books.
So you can't articulate late 1700 views on the economy. Got it.
You’re a dumb fuck. Got it.
Then present your argument. Type it out.
Oh fuck off, Jesus Christ. You’re such a fucking dip shit. At least read Hazlitt and tell me why it’s wrong. Oh you won’t, because it requires effort and not just reading memes on facebook and screaming about trickle down.
Fuck, start with Thomas Sowell if that’s easier.
You’re a retard. And that’s an insult to retards.
I don't have time to sit and read a 1,000 page book at the moment. Give me your Cliff notes. I'm not being a dick. I'm genuine curious your position and thought process.
But you do have time to hang out here all day, everyday.
I’d have as much inclination to go to the zoo and discuss it with chimps. It will be time consuming, they won’t get it, and will just start screaming and flinging shit. Waste of time. You’re not genuinely curious about anything. Tha Hazlitt book is 230 pages and free online.
Once again, fuck off.
Mike just change the cover to "Why Socialism is Bestest" and Hondo will read it!
And it should go to them. The top 1% pay 40% of the country’s taxes. While the bottom 90% pay only 29%. But yeah, let’s give the bottom 90% more breaks. Dumbfuck Hondo at it again.
Did you read the article?
Not to mention your view of macroeconomics is fucked. So I'll break it down for you. If you want to cut taxes cause the government has too much money, then you cut from the wealthy. If you want to cut taxes to spur economic growth and create jobs, you give the tax cuts to the middle class. Where they will take the tax cuts and spend every penny. Spending creates growth.
No, productivity creates growth/wealth.
No. It doesn't. You can build a bunch of shit. But if no one buys it. What happened in the economy? That's where supply side economics fails. Without demand and consumption, there is no economy.
Hey dumb fuck, you can’t buy anything without someone first being productive. You can’t spend a dollar without first being productive enough to generate a dollar. You can’t eat out of your garden without first producing the food. “Spending” doesn’t create growth. Unless you susbscribe to Krugman broken window theory nonsense that a good hurricane is good for the economy.
Consumption and spending always follow production and wealth creation.
If you grow something no one wants, you get nothing for it. Demand drives the economy. That's why supply side economics was shit in the 80s/early 90s and we took off in the late 90s when that shit was gone.
Jesus Christ. You’re an ignorant dumbshit.
Care to make an argument with facts or information? Or just flail around looking dumb saying shit like "grow it and they will buy it".
You’ve provided no facts or information. Just showed your ignorance. No matter what I say you will never concede my position is correct. Do your own fucking research. Start with reading the Wealth of Nations. Then read Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson. Then FA Hayeks The Road to Serfdom. I usually ask those who are ignorant to start there, then we can debate those points on there merit. Idiots who start with “Tickle down” and bullshit that only exists as political terms aren’t worth the time. The starting position of their knowledge is too low to have any dialogue.
I didnt say “grow it and they will buy it”. I said ther person doing the buying has to first have something buy it with. I.e. they needs to br productive first. The person growing has to be productive and invest before there can be anything to selll. Productivity creates wealth. It always has and always will.
I read Hazlitt's Lesson. It was only 5 pages or so. I stopped at Part 2, the broken window. It's hard.
This is impressive for someone who can't read. Still doing better than HondoFS.
And it should go to them. The top 1% pay 40% of the country’s taxes. While the bottom 90% pay only 29%. But yeah, let’s give the bottom 90% more breaks. Dumbfuck Hondo at it again.
Did you read the article?
Not to mention your view of macroeconomics is fucked. So I'll break it down for you. If you want to cut taxes cause the government has too much money, then you cut from the wealthy. If you want to cut taxes to spur economic growth and create jobs, you give the tax cuts to the middle class. Where they will take the tax cuts and spend every penny. Spending creates growth.
No, productivity creates growth/wealth.
No. It doesn't. You can build a bunch of shit. But if no one buys it. What happened in the economy? That's where supply side economics fails. Without demand and consumption, there is no economy.
Hey dumb fuck, you can’t buy anything without someone first being productive. You can’t spend a dollar without first being productive enough to generate a dollar. You can’t eat out of your garden without first producing the food. “Spending” doesn’t create growth. Unless you susbscribe to Krugman broken window theory nonsense that a good hurricane is good for the economy.
Consumption and spending always follow production and wealth creation.
If you grow something no one wants, you get nothing for it. Demand drives the economy. That's why supply side economics was shit in the 80s/early 90s and we took off in the late 90s when that shit was gone.
Jesus Christ. You’re an ignorant dumbshit.
Care to make an argument with facts or information? Or just flail around looking dumb saying shit like "grow it and they will buy it".
You’ve provided no facts or information. Just showed your ignorance. No matter what I say you will never concede my position is correct. Do your own fucking research. Start with reading the Wealth of Nations. Then read Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson. Then FA Hayeks The Road to Serfdom. I usually ask those who are ignorant to start there, then we can debate those points on there merit. Idiots who start with “Tickle down” and bullshit that only exists as political terms aren’t worth the time. The starting position of their knowledge is too low to have any dialogue.
I didnt say “grow it and they will buy it”. I said ther person doing the buying has to first have something buy it with. I.e. they needs to br productive first. The person growing has to be productive and invest before there can be anything to selll. Productivity creates wealth. It always has and always will.
I read Hazlitt's Lesson. It was only 5 pages or so. I stopped at Part 2, the broken window. It's hard.
This is impressive for someone who can't read. Still doing better than HondoFS.
When Mormons come to my trailer to try to convert me I trap them and make them read me things to be released. No cops called yet.
And it should go to them. The top 1% pay 40% of the country’s taxes. While the bottom 90% pay only 29%. But yeah, let’s give the bottom 90% more breaks. Dumbfuck Hondo at it again.
Did you read the article?
Not to mention your view of macroeconomics is fucked. So I'll break it down for you. If you want to cut taxes cause the government has too much money, then you cut from the wealthy. If you want to cut taxes to spur economic growth and create jobs, you give the tax cuts to the middle class. Where they will take the tax cuts and spend every penny. Spending creates growth.
No, productivity creates growth/wealth.
No. It doesn't. You can build a bunch of shit. But if no one buys it. What happened in the economy? That's where supply side economics fails. Without demand and consumption, there is no economy.
Hey dumb fuck, you can’t buy anything without someone first being productive. You can’t spend a dollar without first being productive enough to generate a dollar. You can’t eat out of your garden without first producing the food. “Spending” doesn’t create growth. Unless you susbscribe to Krugman broken window theory nonsense that a good hurricane is good for the economy.
Consumption and spending always follow production and wealth creation.
If you grow something no one wants, you get nothing for it. Demand drives the economy. That's why supply side economics was shit in the 80s/early 90s and we took off in the late 90s when that shit was gone.
Jesus Christ. You’re an ignorant dumbshit.
Care to make an argument with facts or information? Or just flail around looking dumb saying shit like "grow it and they will buy it".
You’ve provided no facts or information. Just showed your ignorance. No matter what I say you will never concede my position is correct. Do your own fucking research. Start with reading the Wealth of Nations. Then read Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson. Then FA Hayeks The Road to Serfdom. I usually ask those who are ignorant to start there, then we can debate those points on there merit. Idiots who start with “Tickle down” and bullshit that only exists as political terms aren’t worth the time. The starting position of their knowledge is too low to have any dialogue.
I didnt say “grow it and they will buy it”. I said ther person doing the buying has to first have something buy it with. I.e. they needs to br productive first. The person growing has to be productive and invest before there can be anything to selll. Productivity creates wealth. It always has and always will.
I read Hazlitt's Lesson. It was only 5 pages or so. I stopped at Part 2, the broken window. It's hard.
This is impressive for someone who can't read. Still doing better than HondoFS.
@MikeDamone care to continue the discussion? I looked up the books. They look interesting.
You have stated many times that the corporate tax rate should be zero. Care to discuss that and the reasons for it? And the effect you expect to have in the economy.
Read the books.
So you can't articulate late 1700 views on the economy. Got it.
You’re a dumb fuck. Got it.
Then present your argument. Type it out.
Oh fuck off, Jesus Christ. You’re such a fucking dip shit. At least read Hazlitt and tell me why it’s wrong. Oh you won’t, because it requires effort and not just reading memes on facebook and screaming about trickle down.
Fuck, start with Thomas Sowell if that’s easier.
You’re a retard. And that’s an insult to retards.
I don't have time to sit and read a 1,000 page book at the moment. Give me your Cliff notes. I'm not being a dick. I'm genuine curious your position and thought process.
But you do have time to hang out here all day, everyday.
I’d have as much inclination to go to the zoo and discuss it with chimps. It will be time consuming, they won’t get it, and will just start screaming and flinging shit. Waste of time. You’re not genuinely curious about anything. Tha Hazlitt book is 230 pages and free online.
Once again, fuck off.
You asked for that one Hondo.
A book is a time commitment. This is just fucking off during meetings and shit.
I'll wait for the excuse for why 3 minutes is too much of a commitment.
@MikeDamone care to continue the discussion? I looked up the books. They look interesting.
You have stated many times that the corporate tax rate should be zero. Care to discuss that and the reasons for it? And the effect you expect to have in the economy.
Read the books.
So you can't articulate late 1700 views on the economy. Got it.
You’re a dumb fuck. Got it.
Then present your argument. Type it out.
Oh fuck off, Jesus Christ. You’re such a fucking dip shit. At least read Hazlitt and tell me why it’s wrong. Oh you won’t, because it requires effort and not just reading memes on facebook and screaming about trickle down.
Fuck, start with Thomas Sowell if that’s easier.
You’re a retard. And that’s an insult to retards.
I don't have time to sit and read a 1,000 page book at the moment. Give me your Cliff notes. I'm not being a dick. I'm genuine curious your position and thought process.
But you do have time to hang out here all day, everyday.
I’d have as much inclination to go to the zoo and discuss it with chimps. It will be time consuming, they won’t get it, and will just start screaming and flinging shit. Waste of time. You’re not genuinely curious about anything. Tha Hazlitt book is 230 pages and free online.
Once again, fuck off.
You asked for that one Hondo.
A book is a time commitment. This is just fucking off during meetings and shit.
I'll wait for the excuse for why 3 minutes is too much of a commitment.
There's about 300,000 videos more that range from simple and short to complex and in depth on Economics on this site. You should check it out!
Just watched it. I feel corporations already have employees specialize in one task and pay people with harder jobs more money. And tariffs I agree with. What exactly is earth shattering here and what answers the question about no corporate income tax?
Fuck u all
I hope btp chokes on semen
There's about 300,000 videos more that range from simple and short to complex and in depth on Economics on this site. You should check it out!