The ncaa finished its investigation. There was nothing there. Wouldn’t that be the troomp viindication you are claiming but that doesn’t yet exist? Why are you scared of lipo?
I'm sure the hammer will drop by at least 2024. There's no doubt.
I keep hearing Hillary and Obama are going to jail any time now.
The ncaa finished its investigation. There was nothing there. Wouldn’t that be the troomp viindication you are claiming but that doesn’t yet exist? Why are you scared of lipo?
I'm sure the hammer will drop by at least 2024. There's no doubt.
I keep hearing Hillary and Obama are going to jail any time now.
The ncaa finished its investigation. There was nothing there. Wouldn’t that be the troomp viindication you are claiming but that doesn’t yet exist? Why are you scared of lipo?
I'm sure the hammer will drop by at least 2024. There's no doubt.
I keep hearing Hillary and Obama are going to jail any time now.
Doog bot doesn't know the difference between making fun of people's current comments (the first one) and calling people out for blaming the previous admin.
I’m hearing mueller has nothing!! That’s why trumptards post about it every day.
You're a trumptard?
You idiots going to pretend you weren't all in on collusion now?
I like to say “mueller has nothing!” I also like to fire the AG and Deputy AG overseeing mueller because he has nothing! Makes me sound like I’m not hiding shit by lipo. I like to do that.
When people like our extremely idiotic president say "Mueller has nothing and it is a hoax" it's beyond imbecilic, for the simple reason that the same has already produced convictions and long list of indictments. Even today, that fuckbrains idiot beyond all idiots, I speak of none other than our fuckbrains president, again called the investigation "a hoax." How on earth, can anybody, not just with half a brain, but say just 1/10 of brain, call this "nothing" and a "hoax."
I’m hearing mueller has nothing!! That’s why trumptards post about it every day.
You're a trumptard?
You idiots going to pretend you weren't all in on collusion now?
I like to say “mueller has nothing!” I also like to fire the AG and Deputy AG overseeing mueller because he has nothing! Makes me sound like I’m not hiding shit by lipo. I like to do that.
When people like our extremely idiotic president say "Mueller has nothing and it is a hoax" it's beyond imbecilic, for the simple reason that the same has already produced convictions and long list of indictments. Even today, that fuckbrains idiot beyond all idiots, I speak of none other than our fuckbrains president, again called the investigation "a hoax." How on earth, can anybody, not just with half a brain, but say just 1/10 of brain, call this "nothing" and a "hoax."
Long list of Russian bots
Where is the collusion you tin foil hat wearing fucking moron?
I’m hearing mueller has nothing!! That’s why trumptards post about it every day.
You're a trumptard?
You idiots going to pretend you weren't all in on collusion now?
I like to say “mueller has nothing!” I also like to fire the AG and Deputy AG overseeing mueller because he has nothing! Makes me sound like I’m not hiding shit by lipo. I like to do that.
When people like our extremely idiotic president say "Mueller has nothing and it is a hoax" it's beyond imbecilic, for the simple reason that the same has already produced convictions and long list of indictments. Even today, that fuckbrains idiot beyond all idiots, I speak of none other than our fuckbrains president, again called the investigation "a hoax." How on earth, can anybody, not just with half a brain, but say just 1/10 of brain, call this "nothing" and a "hoax."
Long list of Russian bots
Where is the collusion you tin foil hat wearing fucking moron?
I’m hearing mueller has nothing!! That’s why trumptards post about it every day.
You're a trumptard?
You idiots going to pretend you weren't all in on collusion now?
I like to say “mueller has nothing!” I also like to fire the AG and Deputy AG overseeing mueller because he has nothing! Makes me sound like I’m not hiding shit by lipo. I like to do that.
When people like our extremely idiotic president say "Mueller has nothing and it is a hoax" it's beyond imbecilic, for the simple reason that the same has already produced convictions and long list of indictments. Even today, that fuckbrains idiot beyond all idiots, I speak of none other than our fuckbrains president, again called the investigation "a hoax." How on earth, can anybody, not just with half a brain, but say just 1/10 of brain, call this "nothing" and a "hoax."
Long list of Russian bots
Where is the collusion you tin foil hat wearing fucking moron?
It was when Trump Jr met with a representative of the Russian government offering dirt on the opposition but did not immediately notify the FBI of the intent of the Russian government, then upon seeing hacked emails dumped via wikileaks still did not notify the FBI, then Trump fires Comey saying it is due to the "Russia thing," then fires a couple of AGs, installs Sessions, then fires him for failing to stop the Mueller investigation although it had already found a mass of at the very least circumstantial evidence but more importantly convictions and indictements of Trump's staff. Careful Race, it sounds like your dentures are wobbling.
I’m hearing mueller has nothing!! That’s why trumptards post about it every day.
You're a trumptard?
You idiots going to pretend you weren't all in on collusion now?
I like to say “mueller has nothing!” I also like to fire the AG and Deputy AG overseeing mueller because he has nothing! Makes me sound like I’m not hiding shit by lipo. I like to do that.
It's been 2 years
Put up or shut up
Isn't the Benghazi investigation still going?
You want the Russian collusion and obstruction investigation to wrap up faster?
What about Trump's investigation of Obama's forged birth certificate? When will that investigation be over?
This is a good update on recent events including claims that "the special counsel appears to be intensely focused on Stone." and "or claims he made in the 2016 campaign that suggested he was in contact with WikiLeaks." so it looks like the investigation might have testimony that Stone was in contact with wikileaks, Stone being a Trump associate...
I’m hearing mueller has nothing!! That’s why trumptards post about it every day.
You're a trumptard?
You idiots going to pretend you weren't all in on collusion now?
I like to say “mueller has nothing!” I also like to fire the AG and Deputy AG overseeing mueller because he has nothing! Makes me sound like I’m not hiding shit by lipo. I like to do that.
When people like our extremely idiotic president say "Mueller has nothing and it is a hoax" it's beyond imbecilic, for the simple reason that the same has already produced convictions and long list of indictments. Even today, that fuckbrains idiot beyond all idiots, I speak of none other than our fuckbrains president, again called the investigation "a hoax." How on earth, can anybody, not just with half a brain, but say just 1/10 of brain, call this "nothing" and a "hoax."
Long list of Russian bots
Where is the collusion you tin foil hat wearing fucking moron?
It was when Trump Jr met with a representative of the Russian government offering dirt on the opposition but did not immediately notify the FBI of the intent of the Russian government, then upon seeing hacked emails dumped via wikileaks still did not notify the FBI, then Trump fires Comey saying it is due to the "Russia thing," then fires a couple of AGs, installs Sessions, then fires him for failing to stop the Mueller investigation although it had already found a mass of at the very least circumstantial evidence but more importantly convictions and indictements of Trump's staff. Careful Race, it sounds like your dentures are wobbling.
I’m hearing mueller has nothing!! That’s why trumptards post about it every day.
You're a trumptard?
You idiots going to pretend you weren't all in on collusion now?
I like to say “mueller has nothing!” I also like to fire the AG and Deputy AG overseeing mueller because he has nothing! Makes me sound like I’m not hiding shit by lipo. I like to do that.
When people like our extremely idiotic president say "Mueller has nothing and it is a hoax" it's beyond imbecilic, for the simple reason that the same has already produced convictions and long list of indictments. Even today, that fuckbrains idiot beyond all idiots, I speak of none other than our fuckbrains president, again called the investigation "a hoax." How on earth, can anybody, not just with half a brain, but say just 1/10 of brain, call this "nothing" and a "hoax."
Long list of Russian bots
Where is the collusion you tin foil hat wearing fucking moron?
It was when Trump Jr met with a representative of the Russian government offering dirt on the opposition but did not immediately notify the FBI of the intent of the Russian government, then upon seeing hacked emails dumped via wikileaks still did not notify the FBI, then Trump fires Comey saying it is due to the "Russia thing," then fires a couple of AGs, installs Sessions, then fires him for failing to stop the Mueller investigation although it had already found a mass of at the very least circumstantial evidence but more importantly convictions and indictements of Trump's staff. Careful Race, it sounds like your dentures are wobbling.
Sessions has nothing to do with the "investigation" (witch hunt). HTH
Of course he does, since all Trump needs to do is fire him, which he did, and replace him with one of his attack dogs, which he did, and then have the attack dog fire or restrain Mueller, which is probably going to happen soon.
I’m hearing mueller has nothing!! That’s why trumptards post about it every day.
You're a trumptard?
You idiots going to pretend you weren't all in on collusion now?
I like to say “mueller has nothing!” I also like to fire the AG and Deputy AG overseeing mueller because he has nothing! Makes me sound like I’m not hiding shit by lipo. I like to do that.
When people like our extremely idiotic president say "Mueller has nothing and it is a hoax" it's beyond imbecilic, for the simple reason that the same has already produced convictions and long list of indictments. Even today, that fuckbrains idiot beyond all idiots, I speak of none other than our fuckbrains president, again called the investigation "a hoax." How on earth, can anybody, not just with half a brain, but say just 1/10 of brain, call this "nothing" and a "hoax."
Long list of Russian bots
Where is the collusion you tin foil hat wearing fucking moron?
It was when Trump Jr met with a representative of the Russian government offering dirt on the opposition but did not immediately notify the FBI of the intent of the Russian government, then upon seeing hacked emails dumped via wikileaks still did not notify the FBI, then Trump fires Comey saying it is due to the "Russia thing," then fires a couple of AGs, installs Sessions, then fires him for failing to stop the Mueller investigation although it had already found a mass of at the very least circumstantial evidence but more importantly convictions and indictements of Trump's staff. Careful Race, it sounds like your dentures are wobbling.
I’m hearing mueller has nothing!! That’s why trumptards post about it every day.
You're a trumptard?
You idiots going to pretend you weren't all in on collusion now?
I like to say “mueller has nothing!” I also like to fire the AG and Deputy AG overseeing mueller because he has nothing! Makes me sound like I’m not hiding shit by lipo. I like to do that.
When people like our extremely idiotic president say "Mueller has nothing and it is a hoax" it's beyond imbecilic, for the simple reason that the same has already produced convictions and long list of indictments. Even today, that fuckbrains idiot beyond all idiots, I speak of none other than our fuckbrains president, again called the investigation "a hoax." How on earth, can anybody, not just with half a brain, but say just 1/10 of brain, call this "nothing" and a "hoax."
Long list of Russian bots
Where is the collusion you tin foil hat wearing fucking moron?
It was when Trump Jr met with a representative of the Russian government offering dirt on the opposition but did not immediately notify the FBI of the intent of the Russian government, then upon seeing hacked emails dumped via wikileaks still did not notify the FBI, then Trump fires Comey saying it is due to the "Russia thing," then fires a couple of AGs, installs Sessions, then fires him for failing to stop the Mueller investigation although it had already found a mass of at the very least circumstantial evidence but more importantly convictions and indictements of Trump's staff. Careful Race, it sounds like your dentures are wobbling.
All of which is tinfoil hat bullshit
Russia and Trump stole the election remember?
Simple minded fucks
Make an argument from facts and the law
You first
my argument was full of profanity but still had a lot of facts. If we take "if you have the facts pound the facts, if you have the law pound the law, if you have neither you pound the table" you are pounding the table. They didn't tell you this in law school I suppose.
Where is the collusion you tin foil hat wearing fucking moron?
You want the Russian collusion and obstruction investigation to wrap up faster?
What about Trump's investigation of Obama's forged birth certificate? When will that investigation be over?
Russia and Trump stole the election remember?
Simple minded fucks