Is it too much to ask for one fucking commercial break with some hot chick telling me what to buy rather than some awkward 35 year old pretending to be a millenial in flannel or someone screaming at me in a foreign accent of what food I should eat?
So I'm over at UW hospital in their ICU with my kid. He had open heart surgery a couple days ago and is on the mend here.
I'm streaming the game and trying not to erupt in joy and rage like I usually do because it's frowned upon on this floor apparently.
Every time the Dwags make a big play, I can hear the stadium a couple seconds later. When my kid hears it, he's asking what's going on. I get the feeling he's going to play the heart patient card and make a move for the computer.
Little fucker. He's got me dead to rights.
I'm thinking of taking an Uber over to the hotel and watching the second half in their lounge. I'm just trying to figure out if that plan will also be frowned upon.
my best to your kid dude. jesus. that's awful. hope he's OK