Purple Baze – Get the impression he is actually a refined wine drinker who dabbles in unpasteurized cheese and likes velvet smoking jackets. Tries to be tuff but doesn’t really pull it off. One of BTP’s two dads probably sucks down the bone dry pinot grigio wine “The Bazer” gets from his local wine club, right after he sucks the Bazer himself. What is a Baze, BTW? Sounds American Gladiator related. Or was it a pipe of some sort? Sounds more like a pipe. Oh, but since you contributed the hive of scum and villany line, we good.
OBK - Quality Poaster. A benefit to the bored. Your competence stands in stark contrast to most of my experiences in Portland. A whole city of dumb, ugly and stinky. My guess is you live in Bend. Bend fucking rocks. Assume your real life involves a lot of spandex, running and chaffing. And yelling coffee orders from the counter.
UWhuskytskeet - Cum stain on the ass of society is the first thought when I see a Poast. Skeet? Like shoot shoot sheet? I’m a bit slow on the uptake, WTF? Just irritating. Makes no sense. Handle and poasts.
Weak Arm Cobra – If you were a flavor you would be Sark’s boogers. Cobra…No Cobra’s in the northwest. Only rattlesnakes. Yeah, Browning was a Cobra. One look told me that was a nickname bestowed by those who have not enjoyed the company of Cobras. Cobra’s are not that durable.
TiersHsotBoobs – Jury is still out. sometimes funny and sometimes just spew. But occasionally I learn something. Really, I guess you remind me of Pumpeii’s alcoholic part-time father. Was never really there, but showed up one day when Pumpeii was 14 with a pack of Lucky’s, a bottle of Wild Irish Rose and a deck of cards. “Boy gotta learn to play poker drunk if he gonna make the street.” Good lesson but really all Pumpeii and I wanted was a hug. Asshole.
Pumpeii – This has to be an alternative for someone else. No one can be fucked up this much. Like a soup sandwich with a hot cum chaser.
Baseman – Given the average age here you may actually be DB Cooper. And Race might have manned the wheel for Dillinger. Decent poaster. Probably the most reasonable and rational poaster on the bored. Sorry, feel bad you got the worst insult I have ever given. You have a punchable aura about you. But not worth going down to the 7-11 on Aurora. Maybe the McDonalds in Greenlake.
PurpleJ - Everytime I see your avatar I think it’s mine and go – Oh, fuck, did I get hacked? Then I read a little bit and feel better. No one as dumb as you could hack an account. Not sure you can do multiplication. If Brownsux gets benched are you gonna change avatars? You should change now. A small change in your life may lead to larger changes down the road. Like getting out of Kent and not jacking off in your car on the way to work. Decent poaster, though. Don’t twist.
RoadDawg55 – Love the name. Mighty fine Poaster. Give me a chance and I can be the son you never had. Yeah fuck that. Felt too wholesome. But next time you are in the ‘Lou lets go to the eastside. Thursdays is visible scar night at Roxy’s. Shit gets interesting figuring out how the women got each scar. Appendix or stab wound? You wanna smell a mis-done appeziatomy? Smells like luv, actually.
Fetters - Bet your visual learning step daughter is always on top ‘cuz you can only fuck up. Quality entertainment, though. A reason to come to the site.
Thomas Freemont – I looked at how many poasts you had and figured I needed to include you. But seriously, no impression. If HCH was a spice cabinet you would be celery salt.
Fire marshall bill – Holy Shit, Fire Marshall Bill? That’s your handle? That damn nearly predates the internet (yeah, don’t give me a lecture on DARPA fucker, I’ve heard it.). Do you still think the Wayans brothers rule? You weren’t one of those modem geeks bastards that met at Round Table Pizza in the U district once a month in the early 90’s are you? Twatcone is still an open handle, if you’re interested.
Creepycoug -& Salemcoog- I get you two confused. It’s like you say the same thing. But admire the moxie and nominally – a quality poaster, if you add both of you together. I also secretly root for the Cuogs when they play other teams. Mostly because I am in love with Dolph Lundgren. He can practice organic chemistry in my house anytime. And you guys have the perfect coach for your team. He’s like a genius retard. Rare combo.
Mosster47 (or whatever) – Now this dickhead makes an impression. Total “Tuff Guy”. Gonna go huntin’ w my guns. Kill and cook my dinner. Find a hole, stick my dick in it to get some honey. Then suck my own dick and take shit on Debra’s desk. Bet he entered the Eugene equivalent of the Rim Rock back in the day saying “You don’t want a piece of this” to the tiny Korean bastards drinking in there. Gotta have a needle dick. More I type the more irritated I get with this POS. You need a bleach cocktail. Everything wrong with (Wh)Oregon.
Everyone else can eat shit.
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This guy gets it.