Bruh -respect Mountain Meadows for Brigham Young's sake.
Brah, we're playing the Utes not BYE.
They! all look alike
Mountain Meadows was perpetrated mostly by Mormons and not injuns.
Never argue with Snow on the histories.
I am just a pretend history expurt. If you want the true higher level, ivory tower stuff, you gotta call up the Aptos carpool driver- aka @BearsWiin .
That spat with @HoustonHusky re Reagan's role in the fall of the Soviet Union still has to be reconciled for me to renew my fanboy subsription to @BearsWiin Quarterly. Houston really handed the Bear his ass on that one. I'm still embarrassed for him, and I'm a Kewg ... we don't embarrass easily.
... and Houston still hasn't read the fucking article
What did Reagan give to Gorbachev, and what did he tell him to do with it? If you can't answer those quereys, you didn't read the fucking article.
Reading the first two pages on Jstor or doesn't qualify, because that's where the author talks about what other people are saying about the issue. What he has to say about the issue comes later, which isn't available online unless you have a subscription to Jstor or NatInt.
you're as ignorant as Houston, cuog
Yes, because I read each page of the article and quoted extensively from it to show how you were and are completely full of shit somehow I managed not to "read the fucking article".
Shouldn't you get back to gardening soon?
This just keeps getting worse for the Bear. The whole discussion is somewhat of a waste of tim, unless you have a hard-on for Reagan or a hard-on for anti-Reagan.
If you have no agenda, and I don't, then you know that whatever influence he had or did not have was secondary to the inherent flaw of Soviet-style Communism and its fate to be doomed in and of itself. If it had been a sustainable political economy, then it would be chintresting to explore what external forces brought it down. As it stands, such forces can only really be said to have hastened its demise.
I myself believe that it wasn't going to work in no small part because it was trying to do something new outside of any natural evolutionary order, and it was trying to do it on a Yuge! scale before technology could catch up even in Russia, much less the ass-backwards outposts of the Soviet empire. Too big, too backwards, too soon. That's my hunch.
I'll give Reagan some credit on the margin, but that was going to happen, that year or the next.
Plus, I still haven't forgiven Ronnie for the Alzheimers or for his part in the legitimization of the religious fundy right, which has all but swallowed up gentlemanly conservatism.