All the FREE PUB I gave @TierbsHsotBoobs and that useless fuck doesn't even come here to collect his glory. FTG.
Hope baabs shows up, J? Maybe u can explain why u were too chickenshit to make any picks, instead holding out to pounce on others who have the sack to make picks. Rarely do the experts get all their picks right, but they're willing to take a stab at it.. kinda makes you look like a pussy huh ?
I'm really no expert by even the remotest of definitions but the general media coverage of our? DWAGS is so bad that as DDY says, if you read this bored and spend even a little bit of tim looking at all the info all the poasters here cite/poast you'll sound like a sexpert in comparison to someone like Jude or Fetters.
I hear you. I feel like a Husky Football PhD when talking with all my Doog frens. But still, I don't know shit about the game. Maybe in another 10 yrs I'll have my reads down.
Grundle character is seriously in question. My dog growled most times he spoke. So i just wasted 70 minutes straining to hear pod over growling of dog. Least he helped me pick out who was actually talking at specific times.
People Forget that Growling Dog was noble warrior.
Super bowel of podcasts.