It’s funny how things can get misinterpreted and twisted by some out here. At times, it’s like the game of telephone. I get e-mails about things I’ve supposedly said, posted, written, etc, that aren’t even remotely close to what I’ve said.
If Chris Petersen is going to contend for championships, which appears to be the expectation out here, he’ll need to recruit and close on better players. I’d compare the guys he recruited at BSU to the guys Mike Riley recruits to Oregon State. I think it’s a pretty fair comparison. Both Petersen and Riley have done a great job in getting guys under the radar and developing the crap out of them. They’ve done a great job at it. But is recruiting to that level good enough here? Is being as good as OSU good enough?
I’ve seen some out here saying I compared Petersen to Tyrone. Really? The only comparison I’ve made is the fans reaction. When Tyrone was hired, anything remotely questioning the man resulted in posters and fans freaking out and coming to his defense automatically no matter what. I’m seeing the saker thing by some out here. When I mention the recruiting stuff, there are some out here who just flip out, rip me, and try to discredit me saying I’m anti pete, I’m a Sark guy, I’m pissed because of lack of access, etc. It’s just silly at times.
When it comes to Sark, I think he did a pretty good job. The way he left sucked, but that doesn’t change what he did while he was here. Please don’t turn this into a bashing sark thread and listing all the resin he sucked. Way too much out here. he turned the program around, changed the culture, helped get the stadium built, brought in a lot of good players, made the program relevant again, and left it in pretty good shape. You can’t deny that. I give him credit for what he did. Thank him for that, and hopefully kick his as when UW plays him, and root for him against Oregon. No need in this thread to bring up all the things you didn’t like. heard it all before, Start another thread instead of hijacking this one.
Tired of guys saying we’ve run off people with dissenting opinions and we delete posts out here we don’t agree with. It’s nonsense. Why would we? It’s tough to get banned and thrown off the site. It’s usually after multiple warnings, enamels, PM’s etc. The most common response from the handful who have as to what they did to get thrown off the site “nothin ” or ” I didn’t agree with their agenda” We have no agenda, except to have the best site out there. We have guidelines and rules that some just don’t care about. The people who don’t abide by the guidelines use these excuses for their bad behavior. If you have any issues, send us a note. We’re not going to hash it out out here.
Access……..some like to try and discredit us by saying our opinions are based on us afraid of losing access. What access? We’ve been credentialed since the day we started in 1997. Since we’ve been doing this, we’ve never seen an incident of anybody having credentials revoked Never seen it once. To think we’re worried about that is just silly and actually more of a slam against the UW admins than us. They may not like everything we do, but the truth of the matter is they’ve never said one word when it comes to their dissatisfaction with anything we do. They’re professionals, and so are we.
With that being said, we’re shills and mouthpieces for the Athletic Department. So we’re anti UW and Pete when we’re shills and mouthpieces when we’re not. I guess if it’s split 50/50 we’re doing something right
If you have issues, problems, or questions, shoot us a note. Like I always say, we don’t take care of customer service issues in the middle of the store. We’re always receptive.
We work our tails off. We do the best we can. But we are human as well. We have our good days, and we also have a bad day here and there. We get beat up pretty regularly. Most of the time , we brush it off. But we have our moments. Butt don’t ever think we don’t care, we don’t work our butts off, or we’re constantly not trying to make this the best site out there. I think if you left for a month and tired some other team sites, you might have a better perspective. It isn’t easy doing what we do. Somebody is always posed off. Somebody is always taking shots at us, and yet we’ve been around nearly 17 years . hard to believe, but this is the sixth coaching staff we’ve dealt with , not including Tui.
One more thing…….I’m not a writer. Dawgman says my writing style most closely resembles that of a ransom not. My spelling sucks, my grammar is worse. I think this is the longest post I’ve ever made out here
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So KFG thinks it's an insult to suggest someone would deny others access and a voice simply because they disagree with their message?
My irony meter will never work again.