Talent is trending up for sure but the same old problem positions remain. Line backers and pass rushers are nowhere to be found(granted Eifler and Kaho leaving fucked us but still). Offensive play calling is atrocious. If not for graduating Pete would probably start Jake at QB until he is 40 if he could... the same problems remain with no real sign that they're getting fixed. This team is good enough to shit stomp the pac 12 this year which will have the doogs popping off but we'll get drilled in our bowl game against a non-pretender of an elite program.
"Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results" - Alcoholics Anonymous handbook
Well if we aren't improving then what the fuck are we doing with Petersen? Lets get it over with and fire him and go get a coach who can win the big game.
I would stick it out with Peterman. He's the best UW can do. And he is a really good coach.
The entire game whenever my buddies would text me my only response was "I want to die".
Didn't matter what part of the game, winning or losing, "I want to die".
They asked why? I said "Because we? will go up by a score and Auburn will march down the field and score. Then it will be up to pants shitter to lead a drive for the win, and he won't, and I'll want to die."
Then the exact fucking thing happened, and they said sorry, and I just said "I want to die".
Everyone here is fucking retarded. How about we let the season play out a little bit longer before comparing the team to the 2016. Jesus holy fuck...
2016 is the ceiling for this team.
The season is over.
So we can't lose by 5 on the road to the upper SEC? We had to win that game, even if we win out?
Let's be real, you only have to swat Oregon aside, beat the usual brittle Cals/Wazzus and you get Stanford at home. UW's speed is just too much for them anyways. Doesn't even look challenging with what I just saw Saturday.
The season is coming down to having to beat Utah twice, or @ Utah, then SC or some surprise shit program ala 2016.
Then it's either playoffs or another chance at the Fiesta/Rose whatever.
Stop being fucking pussies and bringing up UCLA or "We'll drop one" right after talking about how shitty the conference is.
What's infuriating is that we were that fucking close to winning that game and could have had a level up moment for the program. Instead, as we all expected, Brownsocks shit himself yet again and held the program back in what's becoming a Sisyphean exercise. This makes three years of that with him, 2016~USC/Bama, 2017~ASU/Stanford/Penn, 2018~AU/??. We could have already been done with incremental progress and leveled the whole program up in 2016 with exactly ONE personnel/recruiting change. It was already frustrating but now it's becoming tiresome to continue to watch the Browning's ceiling put a cap on the potential success of the rest of the team/program. Wake me up if we win the PAC12 and have an opportunity to win the Rose bowel bc this team quarterback just wasted one of our only meaningful opportunities this year.
Didn't matter what part of the game, winning or losing, "I want to die".
They asked why? I said "Because we? will go up by a score and Auburn will march down the field and score. Then it will be up to pants shitter to lead a drive for the win, and he won't, and I'll want to die."
Then the exact fucking thing happened, and they said sorry, and I just said "I want to die".
The season is over.
If we cant even consistently own the Pac then who gives a fuck
Let's be real, you only have to swat Oregon aside, beat the usual brittle Cals/Wazzus and you get Stanford at home. UW's speed is just too much for them anyways. Doesn't even look challenging with what I just saw Saturday.
The season is coming down to having to beat Utah twice, or @ Utah, then SC or some surprise shit program ala 2016.
Then it's either playoffs or another chance at the Fiesta/Rose whatever.
Stop being fucking pussies and bringing up UCLA or "We'll drop one" right after talking about how shitty the conference is.
Someone shop in Petersen getting forked
teamquarterback just wasted one of our only meaningful opportunities this year.