New fish, make your picks or get off HH. As an insignificant little HH poster, this is your chance for immediate board cred with Pup. Your quickest way to noteriety here. Or be a puss like J and get made fun of your short time here.
And Minion , Here's your chance new fish, SECdawg? Could be your tickets to Pup's higher discussion board. Or be left on the outside looking in like J.
Go out on a limb, pick a non-favorite. It's what makes college football the shit. Be different, original like Pup. Make your own picks, take a flyer on Sparty, Penn St (best qb in Cuntry), Michigan (pups pick b4 Desmond's vs UW in big12 championship game), Oregon? Utah? TCU, TEXAS, VT, Auburn, cowbells,Have fun with it. That's the point .
Or spend 26,875 posts in hiding, getting made fun of every post, sitting fat behind a keyboard all day, gutless girlless, feckless, dickless, confidenceless, clueless....join the cool crowd.
What exactly is the point of picking loser teams anyway?
We know who is going to be there. I prefer to not be wrong all the time like Pumpeii but that's me
You've never picked Race, wouldnt that be hard to do? Kinda like girls and fucking.. Despite your claims you've never had to choose, nor has anyone chose you ,
Unless YOU have proof in’s speculation for YOU. ‘Those who know’....meaning YOU are not a ‘THOSE’. I didn’t create the English language but ‘speculation’ is pretty cut and dry. Unless you are an eye witness, YOU are speculating. Word of mouth is not proof.
Who gives 2 shits about a sugared up puppies dong ....PS I won't read your comeback puffy cause I'm drunk when I post and forget the thread I posted in regularly kind of a stick and move processs up in this bitch
Nice dodge J. You have posters with 1500 posts picking conference teams. You have 26k and not 1 conference pick. You look like the biggest jackass at HH.
Nice dodge J. You have posters with 1500 posts picking conference teams. You have 26k and not 1 conference pick. You look like the biggest jackass at HH.
Pumpy you are bordering on a full Cockus takeover on this board. Stick your metro, woman loving point of view up your butt. I don't really think women should be relegated to the kitchen. They should cook dinner then tie themselves to the master bed on their belly, pucker nice and high, for a thorough ass fucking when daddy gets home. Every night and no questions asked. Any lip then the bedside duck tape gets applied. You're such a puss pumper.
In not giving your page any hits. Post em here chump. But kudos Race. Of all the nerds here, you're not too bad. Taking credit for ACC and SEC is kinda dumb though agree? Now if u take Auburn or Miss St then I'll give u many props
Today Pumpy acknowledged... Imma need a min
I pick you, Pumpy! I choose YOU!
Go out on a limb, pick a non-favorite. It's what makes college football the shit. Be different, original like Pup. Make your own picks, take a flyer on Sparty, Penn St (best qb in Cuntry), Michigan (pups pick b4 Desmond's vs UW in big12 championship game), Oregon? Utah? TCU, TEXAS, VT, Auburn, cowbells,Have fun with it. That's the point .
Or spend 26,875 posts in hiding, getting made fun of every post, sitting fat behind a keyboard all day, gutless girlless, feckless, dickless, confidenceless, clueless....join the cool crowd.
We know who is going to be there. I prefer to not be wrong all the time like Pumpeii but that's me