I can see it now. "Oh we are the only program to wear purple and gold. That's unique. Great from a branding perspective. Better fuck that up and play dress up like a bunch of faggots."
Holy shit, great accidental triggering of you uniform feegs as always. Gotta keep that in mind for later.
Guilty, I anxiously googled. I don't want this signature win fouled by replays and highlights as the purple headed yogurt slingers. It's hard enough watching Dillon clips
Holy shit, great accidental triggering of you uniform feegs as always. Gotta keep that in mind for later.
Guilty, I anxiously googled. I don't want this signature win fouled by replays and highlights as the purple headed yogurt slingers. It's hard enough watching Dillon clips
Automatic loss...
I can see it now. "Oh we are the only program to wear purple and gold. That's unique. Great from a branding perspective. Better fuck that up and play dress up like a bunch of faggots."
Fuck the purple helmets. Fuck the chrome helmets. Fuck the black helmets. Fuck the American flag helmets.
We are 100% going to lose now, and we deserve to lose