Coaches coach football not solve societies ills. The assistant and his wife are adults.
If you want to sermonize go to church where the Priest is a bulwark of our society
This. He's an excellent football coach. Who gives a shit if Urban is a great guy or not?
Zach Smith was a family friend of Urban's so he got away with some shit. A lot of people tend to look the other way when someone they are close to is doing fucked up things. It's really not that strange of a story or situation.
Ohio State wants to win games and championships. They aren't solving the world's problems. Just enjoy the football.
i hold no illusions about defending pete to the death if the situations were flipped. i do find it amusing how stupid he was to keep smith around and then claim a health condition (again). at florida it was his heart and now it's his unreliable memory. lmao
Having lived through two episodes here where one great coach got fired / quit for non football reason and another RB winning coach got fired in June for non football winning reasons which led to Gilby and death, I remember how many doogman posters thought the Rick firing was such a great fucking thing
Football coaches should be fired in December for not winning enough. Period.
If Urban healed sick children and turned in every wife abuser in Columbus and went 7 and 4 and lost to Michigan he would get fired.
Coaches coach.
I always defended Rick, in part because I thought he was a good coach (flawed, but good), and it part because I liked him. Best guy I've seen to get the general community to rally around the program. Actually knew how to relate to people when interacting with the fan base. Compare/contrast Gilby and Ty, who were as socially awkward as people get.
Zach Smith was a family friend of Urban's so he got away with some shit. A lot of people tend to look the other way when someone they are close to is doing fucked up things. It's really not that strange of a story or situation.
Ohio State wants to win games and championships. They aren't solving the world's problems. Just enjoy the football.
No lie, my high school was part of a famous scandal where some of the priests were indicted and convicted of sex crimes against young boys.