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WW2 question



  • YellowSnowYellowSnow Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 34,943 Founders Club
    PurpleJ said:

    Because the western powers were pussies and only true Aryans had the courage to fight the communist scourge.

    Grandpappy Yella was 100% aryan and stormed the beaches of Normandy to kill those kraut bastards
  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,087 Standard Supporter

    It is one of the very odd aspects of world war 2 that the UK and French went to war over Poland's independence, only to have the war end with Poland being controlled by another country. I believe the reason said earlier is correct, that the allies did not want to fight Germany and Russia. Listening to ww2 radio from the time, one of the concerns among the general public was that Hitler would ultimate make an alliance with Stalin (although I'm not sure how much of a concern that was for people in power). A similar problem faced the allies after the USSR invaded Finland. The problem was a practical one. People also forget that the soviet union helped Hitler immensely, sending raw goods the Germany right up until the Germans invade (I believe the trains stopped the day of the invasion). So despite all the help the soviets played in beating Hitler, they also deserve quite a bit of blame.

    Poland was handed to Russia by Churchill. Look up the "naughty document". Churchill met with Stalin secretly and they carved up Europe.

    Sure seems stupid. Should have listened to Patton and knocked the commies out!
  • PurpleJPurpleJ Member Posts: 36,917 Founders Club

    PurpleJ said:

    Because the western powers were pussies and only true Aryans had the courage to fight the communist scourge.

    Grandpappy Yella was 100% aryan and stormed the beaches of Normandy to kill those kraut bastards
    My grandpappy was in Korea and my great uncle survived the Bataan death march. The true Aryan kraut grandpa was too young for Korea and became a heart surgeon. Beat THAT!!!!1
  • YellowSnowYellowSnow Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 34,943 Founders Club
    PurpleJ said:

    PurpleJ said:

    Because the western powers were pussies and only true Aryans had the courage to fight the communist scourge.

    Grandpappy Yella was 100% aryan and stormed the beaches of Normandy to kill those kraut bastards
    My grandpappy was in Korea and my great uncle survived the Bataan death march. The true Aryan kraut grandpa was too young for Korea and became a heart surgeon. Beat THAT!!!!1
    Well other grandpappy Yella hit France a few weeks post D Day. He earned 2 Silver Stars, 3 Bronze Stars and 2 Purple Hearts. At the time in 1944, the Silver Star was the 3rd highest medal that could be earned for valor in combat. Only behind the CMH and the distinguished service cross.

    So I got not one, but two infantry, rilfleman kraut killer grandpappies.
  • Pitchfork51Pitchfork51 Member Posts: 26,851

    PurpleJ said:

    PurpleJ said:

    Because the western powers were pussies and only true Aryans had the courage to fight the communist scourge.

    Grandpappy Yella was 100% aryan and stormed the beaches of Normandy to kill those kraut bastards
    My grandpappy was in Korea and my great uncle survived the Bataan death march. The true Aryan kraut grandpa was too young for Korea and became a heart surgeon. Beat THAT!!!!1
    Well other grandpappy Yella hit France a few weeks post D Day. He earned 2 Silver Stars, 3 Bronze Stars and 2 Purple Hearts. At the time in 1944, the Silver Star was the 3rd highest medal that could be earned for valor in combat. Only behind the CMH and the distinguished service cross.

    So I got not one, but two infantry, rilfleman kraut killer grandpappies.
    Lame. Gulag or bust
  • YellowSnowYellowSnow Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 34,943 Founders Club

    PurpleJ said:

    PurpleJ said:

    Because the western powers were pussies and only true Aryans had the courage to fight the communist scourge.

    Grandpappy Yella was 100% aryan and stormed the beaches of Normandy to kill those kraut bastards
    My grandpappy was in Korea and my great uncle survived the Bataan death march. The true Aryan kraut grandpa was too young for Korea and became a heart surgeon. Beat THAT!!!!1
    Well other grandpappy Yella hit France a few weeks post D Day. He earned 2 Silver Stars, 3 Bronze Stars and 2 Purple Hearts. At the time in 1944, the Silver Star was the 3rd highest medal that could be earned for valor in combat. Only behind the CMH and the distinguished service cross.

    So I got not one, but two infantry, rilfleman kraut killer grandpappies.
    Lame. Gulag or bust
    Americans (excepting POWs) don't get sent to gulags and what not, because we are a Winner country.
  • BasemanBaseman Member Posts: 12,365
    edited August 2018
    BaldwinIV said:

    Loved Yella's thread but didn't like seeing it hijacked so I'll create separate one. I'm a history buff but more medieval (hence my moniker here) and my WW2 is limited.

    The Western powers declare war on Germany because under their pact they agree to declare war on anyone who attacks Poland.

    OK got it.

    But....The USSR also attacked Poland several weeks later, why then did not Britain and France declare war on the USSR as well? Same offense right?

    It's like they knew the USSR was up to no good (and reverted to hating them immediately after V-E day), why let their warcrimes slide until late '45?

    The French were pussies. They had no appetite to mount an offensive strike and hoped their vaunted Maginot Line would stymie any aggressions the Huns might throw their way. It didn’t.

    Wearing fag helmets, eating cheese, while sipping wine, deep in their cement bunkers, the French happily took a safety and reached for the white flag when the Panzers came rolling.

    England had issues of their own. Neville Chamberlin. Nuff said on that. Pucker up buttercup. And he did. Appeasement was special. Hitler had found his bitch.

    Getting froggish with the Russians wasn’t going to happen. No guns. No planes. And a paper tiger at the helm. Only the Lend/Lease, a faggy wink deal with the US offered hope for the isle. Tensions were high. Hitlers Wolfpack encircled the isles, dropping some tonnage and with it the hopes of all the Queens men.

    Dire circumstances, no doubt. France Franced. The Blitz ripped, headed for the coast, ready to deliver the knockout blow.

    On the sands, the brave boys stiffened. The Stukas Stuka’d. The Brits were hearing the inevitable sounds of the droning Diesel engines driving the squealing metal tracks in the distance. A shit ton of iron and a mighty 88.

    In that desperate moment, Parliment made a decision. Chamberlin was out, replaced by an old drunk and morphine addict.

    Fishing boats and a balsy speech made good movie. They don’t get you to Stalingrad, by way of the Reich.

    It would be almost two years of the Blitz. Buzz bombs and Junkers. Messerschmidts and shit.

    The clouds were dark. It all looked bleak. Then came a Sunday morning. A sleepy little Oahu harbor. 7 am. December 7, 1941, the English landed their 5 star in spades.

    1944 was shaping up to be special.
  • PostGameOrangeSlicesPostGameOrangeSlices Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 25,482 Swaye's Wigwam

    Countries had been shitting on #MyPoles for a long tim. The pre-WW2 borders had only been in place a few decades, correct?

    The Commonwealth had a good run. Winged hussars are the biggest badasses of all time.

    But yeah, being stuck between the Germans, Russians, and Swedes (who were actually tuff til recently) is no fun
  • KaepskneeKaepsknee Member Posts: 14,844

    PurpleJ said:

    Because the western powers were pussies and only true Aryans had the courage to fight the communist scourge.

    Grandpappy Yella was 100% aryan and stormed the beaches of Normandy to kill those kraut bastards
    Mine was a gunner laying waste to all that dared to roam the sky in Italy in the belly of a B-25 whose moniker was the Idaho Lassie. It did get shot to shit and crashed and then he continued to serve in a craft called Wet Dreams.

  • SwayeSwaye Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 41,357 Founders Club
    Baseman said:

    BaldwinIV said:

    Loved Yella's thread but didn't like seeing it hijacked so I'll create separate one. I'm a history buff but more medieval (hence my moniker here) and my WW2 is limited.

    The Western powers declare war on Germany because under their pact they agree to declare war on anyone who attacks Poland.

    OK got it.

    But....The USSR also attacked Poland several weeks later, why then did not Britain and France declare war on the USSR as well? Same offense right?

    It's like they knew the USSR was up to no good (and reverted to hating them immediately after V-E day), why let their warcrimes slide until late '45?

    The French were pussies. They had no appetite to mount an offensive strike and hoped their vaunted Maginot Line would stymie any aggressions the Huns might throw their way. It didn’t.

    Wearing fag helmets, eating cheese, while sipping wine, deep in their cement bunkers, the French happily took a safety and reached for the white flag when the Panzers came rolling.

    England had issues of their own. Neville Chamberlin. Nuff said on that. Pucker up buttercup. And he did. Appeasement was special. Hitler had found his bitch.

    Getting froggish with the Russians wasn’t going to happen. No guns. No planes. And a paper tiger at the helm. Only the Lend/Lease, a faggy wink deal with the US offered hope for the isle. Tensions were high. Hitlers Wolfpack encircled the isles, dropping some tonnage and with it the hopes of all the Queens men.

    Dire circumstances, no doubt. France Franced. The Blitz ripped, headed for the coast, ready to deliver the knockout blow.

    On the sands, the brave boys stiffened. The Stukas Stuka’d. The Brits were hearing the inevitable sounds of the droning Diesel engines driving the squealing metal tracks in the distance. A shit ton of iron and a mighty 88.

    In that desperate moment, Parliment made a decision. Chamberlin was out, replaced by an old drunk and morphine addict.

    Fishing boats and a balsy speech made good movie. They don’t get you to Stalingrad, by way of the Reich.

    It would be almost two years of the Blitz. Buzz bombs and Junkers. Messerschmidts and shit.

    The clouds were dark. It all looked bleak. Then came a Sunday morning. A sleepy little Oahu harbor. 7 am. December 7, 1941, the English landed their 5 star in spades.

    1944 was shaping up to be special.
    This is technically gifted writing.
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