Psalm is hilarious. The hate he got here was hilarious. And in the end, it was Browning, Smith, Petersen, and the offense in general that doomed us, not Psalm.
Psalm as the weak link on an NC caliber defense >>>>>Browning
For what it's worth, my buddy played rugby with Psalm at UW and said he was the biggest fucking dick he's ever met. The kind of dude that would intentionally hurt his own teammates during practice. He even got kicked out of practice a couple times for that reason.
For what it's worth, my buddy played rugby with Psalm at UW and said he was the biggest fucking dick he's ever met. The kind of dude that would intentionally hurt his own teammates during practice. He even got kicked out of practice a couple times for that reason.
For what it's worth, my buddy played rugby with Psalm at UW and said he was the biggest fucking dick he's ever met. The kind of dude that would intentionally hurt his own teammates during practice. He even got kicked out of practice a couple times for that reason.
Psalm is hilarious. The hate he got here was hilarious. And in the end, it was Browning, Smith, Petersen, and the offense in general that doomed us, not Psalm.
Psalm as the weak link on an NC caliber defense >>>>>Browning
Psalm as the weak link on an NC caliber defense >>>>>Browning