That is a separate issue, but that’s what Trump supporters do. They avoid answering the question/criticism by pointing to something else.
Yes, the tape should be produced. I certainly am no fan of Omarosa. But that doesn’t channge the fact that Trump and his people pile lies upon lies about what they knows and when they knew it. They can’t (or won’t) get their stories straight because they are habitual liars. Also, they know that their base voters don’t care if they tell the truth.
By the way, love that you posted a fox news story. LOL.
I am in the tug?
Unless YOU have proof in’s speculation for YOU. ‘Those who know’....meaning YOU are not a ‘THOSE’. I didn’t create the English language but ‘speculation’ is pretty cut and dry. Unless you are an eye witness, YOU are speculating. Word of mouth is not proof.
That is a separate issue, but that’s what Trump supporters do. They avoid answering the question/criticism by pointing to something else.
Yes, the tape should be produced. I certainly am no fan of Omarosa. But that doesn’t channge the fact that Trump and his people pile lies upon lies about what they knows and when they knew it. They can’t (or won’t) get their stories straight because they are habitual liars. Also, they know that their base voters don’t care if they tell the truth.
By the way, love that you posted a fox news story. LOL.
You're either a blind old racist or you just don't care
I randomly listened to a conference of champions podcast months ago and they were both supremely confident WSU would win the 2017 Apple Cup. Yeah no thanks.
It's a lousy podcast. They get beat writers for each team that know nothing except for a few players. The two hosts are fat greasy mouth breathing bRuin and troojs. Only entertainment is each rep having to admit how depressing their team's season is going to be.
Of course Ute.89% emails in with his usual "Hey guy! Remember Utah? We're in your conference too!" fucking gay diatribe.
so next week the 'beat writers' are the 247 reps from the Washington schools. IE lemon party trio will be there to field questions and be losers. and unless you go full ute89 they will read your questions verbatim.
its tim for everyone to do their part and troll the shit out of dawgman on that pood by writing an email to and let the fun begin.
maybe cinq raisons, maybe some pumpy copypasta, maybe mention of lost members only jackets, maybe something about real-estate in renton, maybe abundance.
I’m tempted to write in under the name @UT_Sister_Wife98 and complain to the hosts how @89ute is giving the Utah fan base a bad name.
It's a lousy podcast. They get beat writers for each team that know nothing except for a few players. The two hosts are fat greasy mouth breathing bRuin and troojs. Only entertainment is each rep having to admit how depressing their team's season is going to be.
Of course Ute.89% emails in with his usual "Hey guy! Remember Utah? We're in your conference too!" fucking gay diatribe.
so next week the 'beat writers' are the 247 reps from the Washington schools. IE lemon party trio will be there to field questions and be losers. and unless you go full ute89 they will read your questions verbatim.
its tim for everyone to do their part and troll the shit out of dawgman on that pood by writing an email to and let the fun begin.
maybe cinq raisons, maybe some pumpy copypasta, maybe mention of lost members only jackets, maybe something about real-estate in renton, maybe abundance.
I’m tempted to write in under the name @UT_Sister_Wife98 and complain to the hosts how @89ute is giving the Utah fan base a bad name.
Y’all dont be giving Ute a hard time. Wood go kill some fine animals in that fine state anytime that dude sent out the invite. Beautiful country and state.
Y’all dont be giving Ute a hard time. Wood go kill some fine animals in that fine state anytime that dude sent out the invite. Beautiful country and state.
As the saying goes, you only tease the ones you love!
Please do not acquiesce to Bernie's little dick move of complaining "about the F-word" on behalf of his nephew's father. Let's break this down. Does Bernie not have the penis girth to register the complaint himself? I bet Bernies is the type of guy who handles a noisy neighbor by saying "my wife would really appreciate if you would quiet down". Classic little dick move.
Next, is the nephew complaining? NO, in fact, he's got the world of porn in the palm of his hand and Bernie is concerned, on behalf of his nephew's father, that the nephew is hearing the F-word. Hey Bernie, two things here. The word is FUCK, and your 15-year-old nephew is working out because he wants to look good BECAUSE HE WANTS TO GET LAID. There's a word for that Bernie, and it involves the letter F and your nephew is just fine with it.
So Ryan and Dave, here is my suggestion. Say fuck SIX times on the podcast. Hopefully, you're halfway there already. Bernie's nephew's father is not a listener, so fuck him. The nephew is now stoked as hell that someone has come to his defense and you now have him as a listener for life. Nephew is going to social media the shit out this particular podcast because he's going to tell everyone about this section of the podcast that is all about him and what a penis challenged putz his uncle Bernie is. Hopefully, we lose Bernie but I guaran-damn-tee you that you just reached and grew that younger audience that Bernie seems to be so concerned about reaching.
So Bernie, drink a tall glass of bleach and stick to Disney podcasts.
Thoroughly enjoying the previews, keep up the good work and let the words flow from your mouth as they may.
The Ducks mod said that the team looks like “Alabama lite”.
So which one of you Quooks is Kevin Wade? Fess up.
Wade and the Stanford guy have been the honkiest interviewees. Wade is living that #RevengeFactor life.
The Cal mod they had on in spring is no longer covering the team, but that dude was calling for a 10 win season, and both the hosts afterwards were laughing at him a bit.
Not mentioned cuz couch sale, but yeah, no one has topped that douche.
New Cal reporter sounds kinda cute, and seems to get it that Cal is too damned high.
Who was the autistic girl that was co-hosting with them during the Arizona previews? Her media day interviews at the end were the most awkward conversations I've ever heard.
The Ducks mod said that the team looks like “Alabama lite”.
So which one of you Quooks is Kevin Wade? Fess up.
Wade and the Stanford guy have been the honkiest interviewees. Wade is living that #RevengeFactor life.
The Cal mod they had on in spring is no longer covering the team, but that dude was calling for a 10 win season, and both the hosts afterwards were laughing at him a bit.
New Cal reporter sounds kinda cute, and seems to get it that Cal is too damned high.
So happy to be in the Pac 12! Did you know we were the only team in the Pac 12 to win our bowl game? Did you know who we played? Neither do I, was so wasted off 1.5% beer LOL can't remember a thing from that game LOL.
Dearest Ryan and Dave
Please do not acquiesce to Bernie's little dick move of complaining "about the F-word" on behalf of his nephew's father. Let's break this down. Does Bernie not have the penis girth to register the complaint himself? I bet Bernies is the type of guy who handles a noisy neighbor by saying "my wife would really appreciate if you would quiet down". Classic little dick move.
Next, is the nephew complaining? NO, in fact, he's got the world of porn in the palm of his hand and Bernie is concerned, on behalf of his nephew's father, that the nephew is hearing the F-word. Hey Bernie, two things here. The word is FUCK, and your 15-year-old nephew is working out because he wants to look good BECAUSE HE WANTS TO GET LAID. There's a word for that Bernie, and it involves the letter F and your nephew is just fine with it.
So Ryan and Dave, here is my suggestion. Say fuck SIX times on the podcast. Hopefully, you're halfway there already. Bernie's nephew's father is not a listener, so fuck him. The nephew is now stoked as hell that someone has come to his defense and you now have him as a listener for life. Nephew is going to social media the shit out this particular podcast because he's going to tell everyone about this section of the podcast that is all about him and what a penis challenged putz his uncle Bernie is. Hopefully, we lose Bernie but I guaran-damn-tee you that you just reached and grew that younger audience that Bernie seems to be so concerned about reaching.
So Bernie, drink a tall glass of bleach and stick to Disney podcasts.
Thoroughly enjoying the previews, keep up the good work and let the words flow from your mouth as they may.
So happy to be in the Pac 12! Did you know we were the only team in the Pac 12 to win our bowl game? Did you know who we played? Neither do I, was so wasted off 1.5% beer LOL can't remember a thing from that game LOL.