The best voices I've ever heard are Sinatra and Sam Cooke. Bet rock n roll voice is probably Robert Plant.
Hard to say who the greatest female vocalist is of the post WWII era in popular music. If it's not Aretha, she's still Top 5- 10 at the bare minimum. The other thing she had going for her was backing musicians who were the best in the bidness- i.e., Muscle Shoals, ALABAMA.
Sam Cooke, BTW, was probably the best male soul/ R&B singer of all time. Also one of the more chinteresting / sketchy couch sales in the history of music.
I marched down the streets of Seattle in the great Nuclear Freeze movement of the early 80's and Chain of Fools was the warm up music
I can actually be identified in the Seattle Times photo of the march which might be why my phone has clicked ever since. It was huge, really big, many people have commented on how big the march was
I marched down the streets of Seattle in the great Nuclear Freeze movement of the early 80's and Chain of Fools was the warm up music
I can actually be identified in the Seattle Times photo of the march which might be why my phone has clicked ever since. It was huge, really big, many people have commented on how big the march was
Man, you used to be such a doveish, liberal pussy.
Peace out Retha.
Chain of fools
Sam Cooke, BTW, was probably the best male soul/ R&B singer of all time. Also one of the more chinteresting / sketchy couch sales in the history of music.
I can actually be identified in the Seattle Times photo of the march which might be why my phone has clicked ever since. It was huge, really big, many people have commented on how big the march was
I watched Blues Brothers last night in her honor.