Fascism is right-wing by definition. Anarchism/communism/socialism are left-wing by definition. You can argue that communists and socialists are authoritarian but that is different from fascism, which is the point that you are too stupid to understand.
National Socialist German Workers' Party. That's the official name of Hitlers merry band of morons. Fuck you're stupid.
Lol “you could argue communists and socialists are authoritarian”. Lol. Holy fuck. That’s the best thing ever read in days. Yeah... there might be case to be made if you look at it from a certain perspective. Lol.
Jesus Christ HardlyClothed is either trolling or perhaps dumber than Hondo.
Lol “the body count is really all you need to know”. Moron.
Twitter took this video down. Wonder how long it will be until Google owned-youtube does the same.
The logic of this post is that all political assassination is fascist. What a fucking moron you are.
The logic is that you're a stupid piece of shit supporting a fascist movement.
The anarchists/communists/socialists/trade-unionists that make up antifa are on the polar opposite end of the political ideological spectrum from fascism. I hope this helps you understand how stupid you are but it probably won’t.
No, they're not. Strictly speaking, fascism is an Italian form of socialism, very much in the philosophical and tactical mold of progressive movements such as Antifa. Also strictly speaking it can be argued that the left-right political spectrum supports the idea that increasing centralized control describes the left end of the spectrum in general.
Fascism is right-wing by definition. Anarchism/communism/socialism are left-wing by definition. You can argue that communists and socialists are authoritarian but that is different from fascism, which is the point that you are too stupid to understand.
National Socialist German Workers' Party. That's the official name of Hitlers merry band of morons. Fuck you're stupid.
Lol “you could argue communists and socialists are authoritarian”. Lol. Holy fuck. That’s the best thing ever read in days. Yeah... there might be case to be made if you look at it from a certain perspective. Lol.
Jesus Christ HardlyClothed is either trolling or perhaps dumber than Hondo.
Lol “the body count is really all you need to know”. Moron.
Ok dumbfuck and mr high school 20th century history class. Do a bit of research on the communist body count in the last 100 years and report back. Fucking low information stooge
Twitter took this video down. Wonder how long it will be until Google owned-youtube does the same.
The logic of this post is that all political assassination is fascist. What a fucking moron you are.
The logic is that you're a stupid piece of shit supporting a fascist movement.
The anarchists/communists/socialists/trade-unionists that make up antifa are on the polar opposite end of the political ideological spectrum from fascism. I hope this helps you understand how stupid you are but it probably won’t.
No, they're not. Strictly speaking, fascism is an Italian form of socialism, very much in the philosophical and tactical mold of progressive movements such as Antifa. Also strictly speaking it can be argued that the left-right political spectrum supports the idea that increasing centralized control describes the left end of the spectrum in general.
Fascism is right-wing by definition. Anarchism/communism/socialism are left-wing by definition. You can argue that communists and socialists are authoritarian but that is different from fascism, which is the point that you are too stupid to understand.
National Socialist German Workers' Party. That's the official name of Hitlers merry band of morons. Fuck you're stupid.
Lol “you could argue communists and socialists are authoritarian”. Lol. Holy fuck. That’s the best thing ever read in days. Yeah... there might be case to be made if you look at it from a certain perspective. Lol.
Jesus Christ HardlyClothed is either trolling or perhaps dumber than Hondo.
Lol “the body count is really all you need to know”. Moron.
Ok dumbfuck and mr high school 20th century history class. Do a bit of research on the communist body count in the last 100 years and report back. Fucking low information stooge
Stalin killed lots of people! Mao killed lots of people! They are the only examples of state violence in all of recorded history!
Fascism is right-wing by definition. Anarchism/communism/socialism are left-wing by definition. You can argue that communists and socialists are authoritarian but that is different from fascism, which is the point that you are too stupid to understand.
National Socialist German Workers' Party. That's the official name of Hitlers merry band of morons. Fuck you're stupid.
Remind me what Hitler did to the national socialists that were really enthusiastic about the socialism part. How about the communists and other leftists? What was their fate?
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea must be a thriving liberal democracy, it’s in the name after all.
You really are daft. The nazi's and communists hate each other because they basically are competing ideologies and have very similar systems of misery, Are you 12?
So 24 dipshits show up for a “rally” and the left uses it as proof that racism is “alive and well” in the USA and that the KKK is running rampant and they are now “emboldened”.
Or a rational human would look at it and think that racism isn’t tolerated by the vast majority and this is proof that it’s a pretty small number of people who actually do this shit.
Or a rational human would look at it and think that after the significant white nationalist demonstrations in Charlottesville a year ago that direct action by antifa, the IWW, and black lives matter confronting Nazis in the streets scares them off.
No sy
Those KKK and any other idiots that gathered had a permit to do so. ANTIFA and the other commie/fascist asshats did not. KKK rallies etc. are small and meaningless and generally nothing happens. But in this instance ANTIFA etc. showed with their clubs and weapons and started shit. When you feloniously assault people they tend to get angry and bad shit happens so don't complain too much when they begin to return the violence. HTH
But they had a PERMIT!!1!
Stfu, doog.
We're a nation of laws. Obviously you don't think they apply to your causes.
Laws change. But being a Nazi sympathizer lasts forever. Congrats.
Not sympathizing with anyone. You show up and do violence yet expect none in return could be the definition of stupidity.
You seem pretty upset about the Nazis having their little rally spoiled. Was there even any violence, I thought they all snuck away?
I was talking about the original event last year. I don't give two shits but I do care about ANTIFA. Ask the dead ANTIFA guy from the UW Milo rally how it worked out for him when he tried to stab his victim and got hot lead in return from a lawful CCW holder. Didn't you wonder why that disappeared from the news so fast? The communist press doesn't like reporting on the legal killing of their own operatives. Oh and the KKK and ANTIFA are democrat organizations founded, funded and manned. So the left is your enemy.
Fascism is right-wing by definition. Anarchism/communism/socialism are left-wing by definition. You can argue that communists and socialists are authoritarian but that is different from fascism, which is the point that you are too stupid to understand.
National Socialist German Workers' Party. That's the official name of Hitlers merry band of morons. Fuck you're stupid.
Lol “you could argue communists and socialists are authoritarian”. Lol. Holy fuck. That’s the best thing ever read in days. Yeah... there might be case to be made if you look at it from a certain perspective. Lol.
Jesus Christ HardlyClothed is either trolling or perhaps dumber than Hondo.
Lol “the body count is really all you need to know”. Moron.
Ok dumbfuck and mr high school 20th century history class. Do a bit of research on the communist body count in the last 100 years and report back. Fucking low information stooge
Stalin killed lots of people! Mao killed lots of people! They are the only examples of state violence in all of recorded history!
Fuck, imagine being that stupid.
Lol. So just sidestep the question with a logical fallacy. So what the body count? Tell us how many your beloved communists have killed and are killing to this day? Fuck head
So 24 dipshits show up for a “rally” and the left uses it as proof that racism is “alive and well” in the USA and that the KKK is running rampant and they are now “emboldened”.
Or a rational human would look at it and think that racism isn’t tolerated by the vast majority and this is proof that it’s a pretty small number of people who actually do this shit.
Or a rational human would look at it and think that after the significant white nationalist demonstrations in Charlottesville a year ago that direct action by antifa, the IWW, and black lives matter confronting Nazis in the streets scares them off.
No sy
Those KKK and any other idiots that gathered had a permit to do so. ANTIFA and the other commie/fascist asshats did not. KKK rallies etc. are small and meaningless and generally nothing happens. But in this instance ANTIFA etc. showed with their clubs and weapons and started shit. When you feloniously assault people they tend to get angry and bad shit happens so don't complain too much when they begin to return the violence. HTH
But they had a PERMIT!!1!
Stfu, doog.
We're a nation of laws. Obviously you don't think they apply to your causes.
Laws change. But being a Nazi sympathizer lasts forever. Congrats.
Not sympathizing with anyone. You show up and do violence yet expect none in return could be the definition of stupidity.
You seem pretty upset about the Nazis having their little rally spoiled. Was there even any violence, I thought they all snuck away?
I was talking about the original event last year. I don't give two shits but I do care about ANTIFA. Ask the dead ANTIFA guy from the UW Milo rally how it worked out for him when he tried to stab his victim and got hot lead in return from a lawful CCW holder. Didn't you wonder why that disappeared from the news so fast? The communist press doesn't like reporting on the legal killing of their own operatives.
They don't even know how many Mao and Stalin killed let alone Cambodia, Soviet satellites, N. Korea, Vietnam etc. etc.
Fuck, imagine being that stupid.
You're a NAZI
No...you're a NAZI
Even Wiki doesn't sugar coat it too much.
Got sent to that Siberian shit.
So fuck the Russians