Driving on Highway 2 or Blewett Pass late or fucking early is a really cool experience, man. Until a deer or elk decides it wants to commit suicide. Had some close calls
Got a flat tire on Blewett about 25 minutes out of Cle Elum on the way to Chelan on a weekday evening several summers back. Had no cell phone service and one of those Lego car sized spare tires. Amazing lack of traffic up there at that time.
Really fun night.
The best part of that 30 minute stretch of nightmare highway is there is no service even with Verizon. Even more fun in January.
The best part was I had a car with a super specific size of OEM tire and there was literally no place to get one East of the mountains until Spokane. So once I limped the car back to Cle Elum, I got to wait in the gas station parking lot with the local tweakers until the tow truck came in from Ellensburg to tow me back to Bellevue. And they were blasting that night on I-90.
Fishes well from the bank, cataraft or DB.