Fixed to guarantee proper order of operations, but this function still likely never returns true.
So, it's hard to dicktaste what the fucktions NOW() and YEAR() actually return, butt with no arguments passed in, I would assume NOW() == NOW() and YEAR() == YEAR(), so simplified, you are basically saying: SPECIAL is if X = X + 2. Which will never be true.
Current 247 Four Star or Better Recruits on our 2018 Roster
2018 Recruiting Class - 12 (factors Kaho couch sale) 2017 Recruiting Class - 9 2016 Recruiting Class - 7 2015 Recruiting Class - 5 2014 Recruiting Class - 1
Total: 35 Blue Chips
This is the most talented roster we've had in long god damned time and damn close to 40 or more In Progress objective.
Not USC-talented. That would be sacrilege.
Talent only matters when you have a good fucking corch. No one fucking cares about USC until they find their second good corch in 40 years of trying.
Wish I could post the look on my USC booster friends face when asked about Helton followed by several seconds of silence and then, "Well he's going to get one more season...or at least part of one more season anyways."
Current 247 Four Star or Better Recruits on our 2018 Roster
2018 Recruiting Class - 12 (factors Kaho couch sale) 2017 Recruiting Class - 9 2016 Recruiting Class - 7 2015 Recruiting Class - 5 2014 Recruiting Class - 1
Total: 35 Blue Chips
This is the most talented roster we've had in long god damned time and damn close to 40 or more In Progress objective.
Not USC-talented. That would be sacrilege.
Talent only matters when you have a good fucking corch. No one fucking cares about USC until they find their second good corch in 40 years of trying.
Wish I could post the look on my USC booster friends face when asked about Helton followed by several seconds of silence and then, "Well he's going to get one more season...or at least part of one more season anyways."
Respeck. Show respeck!