For real.
My basic rule of thumb is that if a recruit commits to what is currently considered a better program than us (Bama, SC, Clemson, Oklahoma, Ohio State etc) it's over for us when they commit there. Obviously there are exceptions (hi Tuli), but we know Clemson isn't going to be incompetent with Joe like SC is.
But Ngata's the one recruit I feel differently about. I never bought into the "we have every advantage for him" line, Clemson has two massive ones - recent natty and first round WR's on top of first round WR's. Those things are huge.
But they won't change between here and signing day. They are static advantages.
UW's advantages OTOH are dynamic.
Who is he going to talk to more between now and signing day, UW players or Clemson players? UW
Who is he going to spend more time with between now and signing day, UW players or Clemson players? UW
Who is he going to talk to more in person between now and signing day, UW coaches or Clemson coaches? UW
Where will he spend more time between now and signing day, Montlake or Death Valley (the lesser)? Montlake
Whose games will he see more of between now and signing day, UW or Clemson? We don't know but there's a real shot it's UW
Whose games will he attend more between now and signing day, UW or Clemson? Almost certainly UW
Yes, UW had all of these advantages last year and he still committed to Clemson. He's probably going to Clemson. But Ngata's in the rare position where he's still likely to be exposed to a ton of pro UW influence over the next four months. He's also in the rare spot where a) UW doesn't need someone at his position we are just holding a spot for him because he's special b) we aren't going to quit recruiting him because he committed elsewhere. UW's advantages are strongest during the football season, and 81% of the time between now and signing day is football season.
Now if UW takes another WR commit you can discard all this . But if we? don't (and we shouldn't), I think we still make a strong push for Ngata.
As a crazed bi-polar teen boy stocking maniac once said, it's not over til they sign.
Don't change
@SpiritHorse's name to Elmer just yet.
I think we have a better chance at flipping Charbonnet than Ngata
UW will continue recruiting Ngata. There is a LONG way to go. A lot going on behind the scenes. Trust me on this.
Ngata’s father didn’t make the trip. Heard he doesn’t like long flights. Sure, Ngata commited. Yes, Clemson is a top-5 program.
It’s a Long way to the east coast. This a tight family. Dad doesn’t like airplanes, especially long flights that aren’t non-stop. Don’t underestimate big brother, Arial’s influence here.
Also, and this needs to stay HERE, Swinney has pissed a lot of coaches off with his tactics. Lots of red flags and smoke about how they get players. Hearing the NCAA has gotten wind of this. Only a matter of time before the media does too. Once mom, hears what’s out there on Swinney, she’s not going to like it. At all
DDY and Coker will have a POD up soon and explain more. Lots of stuff going on behind the scenes. They’ll share what they can.
Reminder: What’s said on the POD, stays on the POD. No exceptions. If we catch someone putting it out on the boards or tweeting it out—we know who you are