As new-cumer of the year of the past 2 years - everyone's saying it so it must be true - I think we should have the new recruits DM me for advice on how to make it and not that MickDoog guy.
This place can be a harsh playground. It's sort of like the military. You show up at boot camp or OCS and get beat on and it all sucks ass. Then later on you get to do some cool stuff in your job and it's okay. Fast forward several more months and you have your middle finger in a hookers ass while putting a ping pong ball in the glory hole at a bar in Thailand thinking "this is the best job ever." It just takes time, for those that can hack it.
This place is not for everyone. It is juvenile, cruel, hostile, overtly sexist, and we say fag all the time. At the same time, we have great recruiting info, an inspired and loyal fan base, knowledgeable posters, and some of the most hilarious motherfuckers you could ever meet. And from 17 (BTP) to 700 (Race), with a red, a yellow, a black, a woman and a jew. This place is like a goddamn diversity convention. We have college professors and airline pilots, orkin lay abouts and hedge fund managers, Dunkin Donuts employees and more than one drug dealer. We are even run by a technically gifted and published author.
My point is, we have all ages, and most colors represented, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting three queers, jobs from super rich to dirt poor, and everything in between. So, the only "type" we have, or thing all these miscreants have in common is a love of college football, a loathing of Hondo, a thick skin and some goddamn game. It isn't for everybody, but we have lots of newcomers in the last year who are thriving here. We don't need to change anything. We just need more folks who can hang. And fair winds and following seas to those who can't.
Here's some boobs for reading all my drivel. Kill yourself.
Mickdoog is a legend...