When I lived in Germany, I'd go for a run in the morning and I swear to god, running makes me shit. There were at least 6 different times when I was in the middle of a forest preserve area and I stepped off the trail to shit.
Not to be the "shit your pants superiority guy". But that's recognizing a problem and dealing with it. Smith/Browning continually shit their pants.
When I lived in Germany, I'd go for a run in the morning and I swear to god, running makes me shit. There were at least 6 different times when I was in the middle of a forest preserve area and I stepped off the trail to shit.
Not to be the "shit your pants superiority guy". But that's recognizing a problem and dealing with it. Smith/Browning continually shit their pants.
I'm saving my actually pants shitting stories for the next HH lemon party meet up at the SEC Pub.
I've had alot of close calls, however, the one that comes to mind was when I was working with a crew at a Safeway porking lot back in the day and I kept having those nasty gut aching pains that would come and go and I knew it was a matter of time before I would have a New Orleans meltdown. I had Safeway to run to about 200 yards away or even closer, about 100yrds was a 7-11.....I know...I know.... 7-11's are for fighting, not shitting your pants. Anyways, I ventured into pants shitting purgatory as the crew moved farther out into the massive porking lot. Before I knew it, i could feel a storm welling up in the bowels....4.65/40 to 7-11......brb yo
Bama has a QB now which would make that game epically hilarious. The reality is UW is getting hammered by Auburn opening Saturday and ESPN will never mention another word about the Pac-12 for the rest of the year.
come at me
"well it's a 50 50 chance he might go to UW or USC I think it's UW or also maybe USC could be the pick here"
Bama has a QB now which would make that game epically hilarious. The reality is UW is getting hammered by Auburn opening Saturday and ESPN will never mention another word about the Pac-12 for the rest of the year.
If you can't beat Auburn you're not getting Bama.
Pinchi gringo.