- Visited Utah, Cal, USC, Colorado, UCLA, Vandy, Duke, and Oregon before coming to UW this past weekend (Thanks to Delta Airlines) - Told Roof it was his best visit he's taken to this point - His family came with and used it as an opportunity to spend time with relatives in Federal Way - Said UW coaches are genuine whereas at other schools you can tell coaches are lying and just trying to sell you the whole time
[taamu74This picture just made my day!!! Time to be a HUSKY @troy_fautanu43 !!! @uw_football@uw_fbrecruiting But you gotta put on that 74 !!! Lol #TroyFautanu #CommitNOW #HUSKYNATION idesaiga27That’s what I said he looks good in purple right?! @troy_fautanu43 troyfaut55got a new instagram, but much love man! looked up to you growing up now it’s time for me to continue the legacy at the next level! and it might be with the huskies, we will just have to wait and see! taamu74@idesaiga27 yes taamu74@troyfaut55 do whatever is best for YOU. I’m soo proud of you!! Continue to put GOD first in everything you do. Send my love to moms and pops.!! Alofa aku tana_amosaLol that’s crazy! taamu74@tana_amosa means you’re getting old lol tana_amosa@taamu74 lol you’re older than me]
[taamu74This picture just made my day!!! Time to be a HUSKY @troy_fautanu43 !!! @uw_football@uw_fbrecruiting But you gotta put on that 74 !!! Lol #TroyFautanu #CommitNOW #HUSKYNATION idesaiga27That’s what I said he looks good in purple right?! @troy_fautanu43 troyfaut55got a new instagram, but much love man! looked up to you growing up now it’s time for me to continue the legacy at the next level! and it might be with the huskies, we will just have to wait and see! taamu74@idesaiga27 yes taamu74@troyfaut55 do whatever is best for YOU. I’m soo proud of you!! Continue to put GOD first in everything you do. Send my love to moms and pops.!! Alofa aku tana_amosaLol that’s crazy! taamu74@tana_amosa means you’re getting old lol tana_amosa@taamu74 lol you’re older than me]
This kid has it made! Dad works for Delta so he gets free airfare. He's already hit Utah, Cal, Colorado, USC, UCLA, Vandy, and is at Duke today.
He says UW, UO, and ND are next in line. Had planned to be here next week but coaches are heading out so he's going to reschedule.
Grew up in Federal Way, says he still has family and "close friends" there. His mom is close with the family of Alameda Ta'amu.
Played RB and FB growing up, and I love him.
My dream class is: Kalepo, Buelow, ElderVimahi and Fautanu.
We have a realistic shot at this. Prayingdoog.gif
Plus Lucky Luciano to fill in depth.
Luciano is fucking fantastic. I just count him in the Kirkland/Norgy/Bain class.
Please to be taking 4 a year instead of 3 a year Scott Huff.
Thank you.
Is that really Huff's call though? I assume Pete is making the calls about how many per position, no?
At this point I think Pete realizes that getting ass fucked in the trenches not going to get him wins
It's that you need more depth. It's all well and good to have great starters with projects in the works behind them when you can count on those starters staying relatively healthy for the year and only having a few teams on the schedule that can take advantage of a backup anyways. Having the depth to overcome injuries week in and week out is the new paradigm he's having to learn.
- Told Roof it was his best visit he's taken to this point
- His family came with and used it as an opportunity to spend time with relatives in Federal Way
- Said UW coaches are genuine whereas at other schools you can tell coaches are lying and just trying to sell you the whole time
[taamu74This picture just made my day!!! Time to be a HUSKY @troy_fautanu43 !!! @uw_football @uw_fbrecruiting But you gotta put on that 74 !!! Lol #TroyFautanu #CommitNOW #HUSKYNATION
idesaiga27That’s what I said
troyfaut55got a new instagram, but much love man! looked up to you growing up now it’s time for me to continue the legacy at the next level! and it might be with the huskies, we will just have to wait and see!
taamu74@idesaiga27 yes
taamu74@troyfaut55 do whatever is best for YOU. I’m soo proud of you!! Continue to put GOD first in everything you do. Send my love to moms and pops.!! Alofa aku
tana_amosaLol that’s crazy!
taamu74@tana_amosa means you’re getting old lol
tana_amosa@taamu74 lol you’re older than me]
Plus Lucky Luciano to fill in depth.
Please to be taking 4 a year instead of 3 a year Scott Huff.
Thank you.
It's a strategy that is deeply flawed and stupid.