Very little passion about this one either way, could have been the one and two seeds. Both bands who self destructed (if for different reasons) before putting out a huge body of work but what they did out together is fucking legendary. Ultimately smack > yayo.
Very little passion about this one either way, could have been the one and two seeds. Both bands who self destructed (if for different reasons) before putting out a huge body of work but what they did out together is fucking legendary. Ultimately smack > yayo.
Nirvana though had 2 great studio albums vs 1 for GNR. Nirvana basically brought a whole new genre to the forefront. GNR took Stones, Stooges, New York Dolls, Zeppelin, Aereosmith, etc, and blended it into an updated gritty and ballsy type of hard rock / metal, but I don't think it was as revolutionary as Nirvana.
My cousins friend was a total grunge fag. I remember him making fun of me for sticking with hair bands when we were drinking and driving 95 while my cousin did blow off his girlfriend's tits or whatever (only a small exaggeration) on Highway 200 in Idaho and Montana in June of '93. Backpack and Jstyles or whatever, don't act like this. Bill PSA.
Oh yeah, my point: I hated grunge and grunge snobs for a long time. Go GNR
Very little passion about this one either way, could have been the one and two seeds. Both bands who self destructed (if for different reasons) before putting out a huge body of work but what they did out together is fucking legendary. Ultimately smack > yayo.
Nirvana though had 2 great studio albums vs 1 for GNR. Nirvana basically brought a whole new genre to the forefront. GNR took Stones, Stooges, New York Dolls, Zeppelin, Aereosmith, etc, and blended it into an updated gritty and ballsy type of hard rock / metal, but I don't think it was as revolutionary as Nirvana.
It is amazing watching everyone trying to rationalize not voting for Nirvana. We get it. You're not a Northwest stereotype. Not impressed. GNR is good and all but nothing compared to Nirvana. Also Duff is a Husky Fan you wretched homers.
Absolutely easy choice. Was grunge even a thing after 1995? I still listen to Appetite Lies and Illusion, haven't heard a Nirvana song in maybe ten years
Absolutely easy choice. Was grunge even a thing after 1995? I still listen to Appetite Lies and Illusion, haven't heard a Nirvana song in maybe ten years
Was GNR even a thing after 1991? No, because Nirvana killed them ded.
Absolutely easy choice. Was grunge even a thing after 1995? I still listen to Appetite Lies and Illusion, haven't heard a Nirvana song in maybe ten years
Was GNR even a thing after 1991? No, because Nirvana killed them ded.
GnR resuscitated hard rock when it was on life support after being pussified by hair/glam bullshit. Nirvana headed the grunge movement. Both were flavors of the month that lasted a couple years. GnR stands the test of time for me; Nirvana, not at all. Nirvana didn't kill GnR; they did it to themselves, just like Kurt
Absolutely easy choice. Was grunge even a thing after 1995? I still listen to Appetite Lies and Illusion, haven't heard a Nirvana song in maybe ten years
Was GNR even a thing after 1991? No, because Nirvana killed them ded.
GnR resuscitated hard rock when it was on life support after being pussified by hair/glam bullshit. Nirvana headed the grunge movement. Both were flavors of the month that lasted a couple years. GnR stands the test of time for me; Nirvana, not at all. Nirvana didn't kill GnR; they did it to themselves, just like Kurt
And Styx sucks
And GnR did a damn good job of it. I still listen to Appetite regularly. Still, Nirvana wasn't just the leader of the grunge pack, rather, they made alternative the mainstream style of the 90s, which was a YUGE deal. Hell, even by '93 GnR was doing an album of punk covers, which is a testament to Nirvana's influence.
Oh yeah, my point: I hated grunge and grunge snobs for a long time. Go GNR
Nirvana changed popular music and culture.
Also, Fuck LA bands.
And Styx sucks