That's the key to my counterfactual- i.e., quality of George's 1969- 70 songwriting. He had pulled even with John and Paul and had the best of first 3 former Beatle solo albums.
That fucko Wes has been plagiarizing my shitty soundtrack ideas for year. The Who's "A Quick One While He's Away" was heavy in my rotation well before Rushmore.
Watch your tone when you talk about a Houston legend.
That fucko Wes has been plagiarizing my shitty soundtrack ideas for year. The Who's "A Quick One While He's Away" was heavy in my rotation well before Rushmore.
Watch your tone when you talk about a Houston legend.
All this Beatles discussion without the bored remembering that the Fab 4 provided Tiffany the inspiration for the soundtrack for the TSIO bored and basically this entire shithole?
"I Saw Him Standing There" (originally by The Beatles)
I saw him standing there I saw him standing there You were just seventeen way beyond compare
Well, he was just seventeen And you know what I mean And the way he looked was way beyond compare I never danced with another Whoo, when I saw him standing there
The thing is, John was like the banana in a banana split. You take him out of that shit, you've just got a banana... but it sets off the ice cream and ice cream by itself is better than ice cream with something a little bitter or natural; so Paul was always a little too goofy and shit, but the Wings albums are pretty fucking money.
Still, let's never forget that Lennon did fucking 'Whatever gets you through the night'. Let's not act like he was some fucking amazing artist in the 70s. He was a madman when he lived in LA and used to hang out at my favorite LA bar, the Rainbow with Mickey Dolenz, Alice Cooper, Harry Nilsson, Ringo Starr, Keith Moon and Bob Brown.
My favorite Lennon song following the Beatles (well, I suppose he was still technically in the Beatles) is 'Hold on John'.
But his albums past imagine are dry as fuck. Ringo never did anything worthwhile and George had like 3 good songs (Wah Wah, What is Life, Awaiting on You All, maybe a couple more).
Wings has endless fucking amazing songs. Sure, some are corny - but Jet is fucking amazing, Let Me Roll It, the aforementioned Every Night, Some People Never Know, Tomorrow... Another Day.
Fucking Lennon went to shit, man. He had Imagine and Jealous Guy and that's pretty much it. Oh Yoko is okay if you're in the mood.
The Rainbow is awesome. A little too much of an older crowd for my likes, but still a cool place.
That fucko Wes has been plagiarizing my shitty soundtrack ideas for year. The Who's "A Quick One While He's Away" was heavy in my rotation well before Rushmore.
Watch your tone when you talk about a Houston legend.
You probably went to St John's School.
I went to Lamar across the street, aka "Grover Cleveland" in Rushmore.
The thing is, John was like the banana in a banana split. You take him out of that shit, you've just got a banana... but it sets off the ice cream and ice cream by itself is better than ice cream with something a little bitter or natural; so Paul was always a little too goofy and shit, but the Wings albums are pretty fucking money.
Still, let's never forget that Lennon did fucking 'Whatever gets you through the night'. Let's not act like he was some fucking amazing artist in the 70s. He was a madman when he lived in LA and used to hang out at my favorite LA bar, the Rainbow with Mickey Dolenz, Alice Cooper, Harry Nilsson, Ringo Starr, Keith Moon and Bob Brown.
My favorite Lennon song following the Beatles (well, I suppose he was still technically in the Beatles) is 'Hold on John'.
But his albums past imagine are dry as fuck. Ringo never did anything worthwhile and George had like 3 good songs (Wah Wah, What is Life, Awaiting on You All, maybe a couple more).
Wings has endless fucking amazing songs. Sure, some are corny - but Jet is fucking amazing, Let Me Roll It, the aforementioned Every Night, Some People Never Know, Tomorrow... Another Day.
Fucking Lennon went to shit, man. He had Imagine and Jealous Guy and that's pretty much it. Oh Yoko is okay if you're in the mood.
No love for "Mother"? Mother you had me, but I never had you, is as Fast Strategy as it gets. Lennon's first 2 solo efforts - i.e., Plastic Ono and Imagine - we're both classic and ground breaking in their own way. George's first album had closer to 7 or 8 really good songs. Paul had good songs all the way through Band on the Run including all that you mentioned. Hell, I can even get into Venus and Mars / Rock Show when I'm in the mood.
Yep. I’m with you on most of this... but John basically said “Fuck writing melodies” once Paul was gone.
The thing is, John was like the banana in a banana split. You take him out of that shit, you've just got a banana... but it sets off the ice cream and ice cream by itself is better than ice cream with something a little bitter or natural; so Paul was always a little too goofy and shit, but the Wings albums are pretty fucking money.
Still, let's never forget that Lennon did fucking 'Whatever gets you through the night'. Let's not act like he was some fucking amazing artist in the 70s. He was a madman when he lived in LA and used to hang out at my favorite LA bar, the Rainbow with Mickey Dolenz, Alice Cooper, Harry Nilsson, Ringo Starr, Keith Moon and Bob Brown.
My favorite Lennon song following the Beatles (well, I suppose he was still technically in the Beatles) is 'Hold on John'.
But his albums past imagine are dry as fuck. Ringo never did anything worthwhile and George had like 3 good songs (Wah Wah, What is Life, Awaiting on You All, maybe a couple more).
Wings has endless fucking amazing songs. Sure, some are corny - but Jet is fucking amazing, Let Me Roll It, the aforementioned Every Night, Some People Never Know, Tomorrow... Another Day.
Fucking Lennon went to shit, man. He had Imagine and Jealous Guy and that's pretty much it. Oh Yoko is okay if you're in the mood.
No love for "Mother"? Mother you had me, but I never had you, is as Fast Strategy as it gets. Lennon's first 2 solo efforts - i.e., Plastic Ono and Imagine - we're both classic and ground breaking in their own way. George's first album had closer to 7 or 8 really good songs. Paul had good songs all the way through Band on the Run including all that you mentioned. Hell, I can even get into Venus and Mars / Rock Show when I'm in the mood.
Yep. I’m with you on most of this... but John basically said “Fuck writing melodies” once Paul was gone.
This video proves why young John Lennon was the best. Sadly, you just don't see many musicians mock retarded people during their concerts anymore these days.
This video proves why young John Lennon was the best. Sadly, you just don't see many musicians mock retarded people during their concerts anymore these days.
"I Saw Him Standing There"
(originally by The Beatles)
I saw him standing there
I saw him standing there
You were just seventeen way beyond compare
Well, he was just seventeen
And you know what I mean
And the way he looked was way beyond compare
I never danced with another
Whoo, when I saw him standing there