You can hang your suit off the nipples of a small teat. Best kind. Usually there's a firm ass associated with a tight tiny titty too. Always pup's fave. I married a set of tight tiny teeters. With those came thr best ass on planet. Big ole punching bags always means a fat sloppy-assed woman in her late 30's. ALWAYS. big tits=big ass. Stinky, dimply, saggy ass. I'm sure there's some suckers here who would agree, although too proud to admit it
You can hang your suit off the nipples of a small teat. Best kind. Usually there's a firm ass associated with a tight tiny titty too. Always pup's fave. I married a set of tight tiny teeters. With those came thr best ass on planet. Big ole punching bags always means a fat sloppy-assed woman in her late 30's. ALWAYS. big tits=big ass. Stinky, dimply, saggy ass. I'm sure there's some suckers here who would agree, although too proud to admit it
Pumpy always had an eye for the punters and kickers (former soccer players. Firm tushies)
Look forward to the postives of facing Auburn.
big (tight) ass > fake boobs is the crux of this argument