You just said to rely on benning for our pass rush 76? Uh, did you notice he switched positions this year buttfuck? Of course you didnt. Puddyasses like you come and go dont do much coming so ill assume you'll be like the goer's, however unnoticed!
Oh, you think our pass rushh suffered a little because we lost both nfl corners? No, that had nothing to do with it
I never said anything of the sort.
You seem to have some mental health issues. That's okay. This is a safe space.
Uh, safe spaces are primarily found on college campuses... created because skinny jeany tenderfooted fayboys like yourself allowed them to happen without resistance. Golly, you missed out on fun and free college life and im sorry, but dont whine to HH because Ma and pa(?) are paying to have UW groom you into the pussy you were destined to be...then again who is mom or dad at home really?
Dont come to HH talking tough. The finger waving slows down your typing. There are no safe spaces here either...dont (') know if that was made clear
tl, dr
But... I understand that free writing can be a valuable therapy technique. You can lean on me. We are all part of the resistance here. #nevertrump
Over 140 characters got your concentration all messed up?
Consensus among those in the know...whereas you and your hoops expertise now seem irrelevant in terms of football.
Your queer little cunt and Fatters both said after the fiesta bowl that Petersen still isnt recruiting at a pac12 level. No wonder nobody subscribes...that and 24-7 has destroyed your site...unemployment pays pretty good, but not enough for the good wine you lie about drinking. Boone's baby
Consensus among those in the know...whereas you and your hoops expertise now seem irrelevant in terms of football.
Your queer little cunt and Fatters both said after the fiesta bowl that Petersen still isnt recruiting at a pac12 level. No wonder nobody subscribes...that and 24-7 has destroyed your site...unemployment pays pretty good, but not enough for the good wine you lie about drinking. Boone's baby
Seems like a real dumbass. PM for the 411