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Why does everyone give a fuck about Trump's shit holes?



  • dncdnc Member Posts: 56,614

    They are shitholes. Another non issue being blown out of proportion.

    Not the point. (Again, if he said it). I couldn't care less about whether Haiti is offended either. Fuck Haiti.

    I do think it would be shitty for a standing US President to say that he doesn't want people from there but would rather have well-trained socialists from northern Europe. Call me crazy. On what possible basis would he make that distinction? We both know. Whatever.

    It's just a way to slam the countries, sure. But it's also a shot across the bow at the "other people." We do better here with more, not less, of those other people, the vast majority of which come here to work hard and do better than they can where they came from.

    Do we really need a bunch more Norwegians and Swedes in the U.S.? What the fuck for? This is still, last I checked, a country based on capitalism. Not unfettered capitalism, sure, and we have our problems, sure, but that's still the deal here. A bunch of people used to working 9 to 4 with a 1.5 hour lunch break, free everything, a year off for maternity and paternity leave, etc. etc.

    Yeah, we need more of THOSE guys.

    Just fuck.
    Europeans come here because they can make more money.

    You know that right?
    No, really?

    People who want to work hard, appreciate the opportunity here and are willing to do things for a real market rate belong here. Everyone else can stay put where they are.

    Do you have an issue with that? It's a simple point of view to understand.
    My point is that Europeans coming here are fine.

    You claimed you don't want them because they are socialist.

    I don't care how hungry some unskilled dude from Somalia is.
    Why can't Somalia have skilled people?
    Axe Allah
  • HoustonHuskyHoustonHusky Member Posts: 5,962

    2001400ex said:

    @Swaye I don't put you as a Trump dick sucker like Race. And I really don't give a shit if Trump calls them shit holes. However, people in those countries do care. Do you think at this point in time, we really need to alienate our country from literally every other country in the world? Except Norway I guess.

    There is no evidence that Trump spoke this truth and Swaye pointing out that it is true has nothing to do with your fantasies about sucking dick

    I don't know anything about Durbin but I would take almost anyone's word over the Stable Genius, who has zero credibility and proven to be a pathological liar

    Do you think those countries are shitholes?
    I wouldn't know, I've never been. You're missing the point though. The outrage isn't that he insulted the countries, it's that he said "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?" which is basically saying "why are we letting more brown people in?". While I'm sure you and your fellow Troomps share the same sentiment, that is a ridiculous statement for the president to make in a formal meeting.
    Hiding behind ignorance isn't a good look. Simple question - are they shitholes or not?

    That's the point

    He didn't say anything about brown people in what he may or may not have said

    Calling me and Trump voters racist is all you really care about. It won't work any better next time than it did last time

    Its you that has the focus on skin color for the reason the place is a shithole.
    It's funny that you continue to deny that Troomps are racist. While you're not as blatantly racist as others, look at your fellow deplorable Troomps on this board who are openly racist - OBK, Sledog, doogie, pawz, etc. You are the company you keep.

    So back to the Stable Genius, why do you think he questions why we should let more immigrants in from the "shithole" countries if it's not the color of their skin?
    Let me tell you something kid. I've experienced a lot of real racism over the last 35 years. Its probably the only issue I actually take seriously here.

    I don't care if some ignorant twit like you calls me a racist. I care about the devaluation of racism by the left. If everything is racist nothing is and the racists get an excuse to ignore the remaining real racism left here.

    The democrats need to actually put forward a platform to help all Americans including minorities rather than running on the GOP is racist and so are their voters so vote for us!

    Hillary had no answers so she sat home and let Trump take the 3 states he needed. He's doing things for this economy that will get him reelected. Nothing from the dems but more cries of racism. Its all you have.

    Trump and others have been clear that American immigration policy should help America. It has nothing to do with color. It has to do with skills and the ability to self support once here.

    @creepycoug 's happy janitor notwithstanding

    I don't disagree with that at all. I also tend to accept it as a reality of life.

    Guess what? People dislike other people for all manner of sane, rational, smart, stupid, insane, irrational, biased and other reasons. It's the way it is. I don't take it personally, but I don't pretend it's not there either.
    In my opinion the best we can do is get equal treatment under the law, equality in employment and housing, and the elimination of other institutional racism that effects lives.

    If the standard is to get everyone thinking equality we'll never get there. The point about white racism is the historical institutions that were tainted by it.

    But your right, all sorts of different races hate other races and everyone hates whitey. So there's that.

    My point is the dems need a better campaign than calling everyone racist. It really does water it down to a meaningless thing. Because elections are about public policy and economic policy should benefit the most Americans regardless of race. A tax cut is not racist. How stupid does that look in print yet that's one of the arguments against it.
    If Trump just focused on the economy, people would like him.
    He is...large, unregulated immigration has been one of the main drivers in keeping wages down across all skill fronts.

    You think most people are going to hear 'Trump wants to limit immigration from "shithole" countries' and think 'hummm, that's not a good idea?'

    Better enjoy the hysteria for the next couple of days...Monday could be interesting.

  • CirrhosisDawgCirrhosisDawg Member Posts: 6,390

    2001400ex said:

    @Swaye I don't put you as a Trump dick sucker like Race. And I really don't give a shit if Trump calls them shit holes. However, people in those countries do care. Do you think at this point in time, we really need to alienate our country from literally every other country in the world? Except Norway I guess.

    There is no evidence that Trump spoke this truth and Swaye pointing out that it is true has nothing to do with your fantasies about sucking dick

    I don't know anything about Durbin but I would take almost anyone's word over the Stable Genius, who has zero credibility and proven to be a pathological liar

    Do you think those countries are shitholes?
    I wouldn't know, I've never been. You're missing the point though. The outrage isn't that he insulted the countries, it's that he said "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?" which is basically saying "why are we letting more brown people in?". While I'm sure you and your fellow Troomps share the same sentiment, that is a ridiculous statement for the president to make in a formal meeting.
    Hiding behind ignorance isn't a good look. Simple question - are they shitholes or not?

    That's the point

    He didn't say anything about brown people in what he may or may not have said

    Calling me and Trump voters racist is all you really care about. It won't work any better next time than it did last time

    Its you that has the focus on skin color for the reason the place is a shithole.
    It's funny that you continue to deny that Troomps are racist. While you're not as blatantly racist as others, look at your fellow deplorable Troomps on this board who are openly racist - OBK, Sledog, doogie, pawz, etc. You are the company you keep.

    So back to the Stable Genius, why do you think he questions why we should let more immigrants in from the "shithole" countries if it's not the color of their skin?
    Let me tell you something kid. I've experienced a lot of real racism over the last 35 years. Its probably the only issue I actually take seriously here.

    I don't care if some ignorant twit like you calls me a racist. I care about the devaluation of racism by the left. If everything is racist nothing is and the racists get an excuse to ignore the remaining real racism left here.

    The democrats need to actually put forward a platform to help all Americans including minorities rather than running on the GOP is racist and so are their voters so vote for us!

    Hillary had no answers so she sat home and let Trump take the 3 states he needed. He's doing things for this economy that will get him reelected. Nothing from the dems but more cries of racism. Its all you have.

    Trump and others have been clear that American immigration policy should help America. It has nothing to do with color. It has to do with skills and the ability to self support once here.

    @creepycoug 's happy janitor notwithstanding

    I don't disagree with that at all. I also tend to accept it as a reality of life.

    Guess what? People dislike other people for all manner of sane, rational, smart, stupid, insane, irrational, biased and other reasons. It's the way it is. I don't take it personally, but I don't pretend it's not there either.
    In my opinion the best we can do is get equal treatment under the law, equality in employment and housing, and the elimination of other institutional racism that effects lives.

    If the standard is to get everyone thinking equality we'll never get there. The point about white racism is the historical institutions that were tainted by it.

    But your right, all sorts of different races hate other races and everyone hates whitey. So there's that.

    My point is the dems need a better campaign than calling everyone racist. It really does water it down to a meaningless thing. Because elections are about public policy and economic policy should benefit the most Americans regardless of race. A tax cut is not racist. How stupid does that look in print yet that's one of the arguments against it.
    If Trump just focused on the economy, people would like him.
    Like paying a pornstar to shut her whore mouth? Milton Friedman calls that “stimulative.”

    Wall Street journal is my source.
  • 2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457

    2001400ex said:

    @Swaye I don't put you as a Trump dick sucker like Race. And I really don't give a shit if Trump calls them shit holes. However, people in those countries do care. Do you think at this point in time, we really need to alienate our country from literally every other country in the world? Except Norway I guess.

    There is no evidence that Trump spoke this truth and Swaye pointing out that it is true has nothing to do with your fantasies about sucking dick

    I don't know anything about Durbin but I would take almost anyone's word over the Stable Genius, who has zero credibility and proven to be a pathological liar

    Do you think those countries are shitholes?
    I wouldn't know, I've never been. You're missing the point though. The outrage isn't that he insulted the countries, it's that he said "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?" which is basically saying "why are we letting more brown people in?". While I'm sure you and your fellow Troomps share the same sentiment, that is a ridiculous statement for the president to make in a formal meeting.
    Hiding behind ignorance isn't a good look. Simple question - are they shitholes or not?

    That's the point

    He didn't say anything about brown people in what he may or may not have said

    Calling me and Trump voters racist is all you really care about. It won't work any better next time than it did last time

    Its you that has the focus on skin color for the reason the place is a shithole.
    It's funny that you continue to deny that Troomps are racist. While you're not as blatantly racist as others, look at your fellow deplorable Troomps on this board who are openly racist - OBK, Sledog, doogie, pawz, etc. You are the company you keep.

    So back to the Stable Genius, why do you think he questions why we should let more immigrants in from the "shithole" countries if it's not the color of their skin?
    Let me tell you something kid. I've experienced a lot of real racism over the last 35 years. Its probably the only issue I actually take seriously here.

    I don't care if some ignorant twit like you calls me a racist. I care about the devaluation of racism by the left. If everything is racist nothing is and the racists get an excuse to ignore the remaining real racism left here.

    The democrats need to actually put forward a platform to help all Americans including minorities rather than running on the GOP is racist and so are their voters so vote for us!

    Hillary had no answers so she sat home and let Trump take the 3 states he needed. He's doing things for this economy that will get him reelected. Nothing from the dems but more cries of racism. Its all you have.

    Trump and others have been clear that American immigration policy should help America. It has nothing to do with color. It has to do with skills and the ability to self support once here.

    @creepycoug 's happy janitor notwithstanding

    I don't disagree with that at all. I also tend to accept it as a reality of life.

    Guess what? People dislike other people for all manner of sane, rational, smart, stupid, insane, irrational, biased and other reasons. It's the way it is. I don't take it personally, but I don't pretend it's not there either.
    In my opinion the best we can do is get equal treatment under the law, equality in employment and housing, and the elimination of other institutional racism that effects lives.

    If the standard is to get everyone thinking equality we'll never get there. The point about white racism is the historical institutions that were tainted by it.

    But your right, all sorts of different races hate other races and everyone hates whitey. So there's that.

    My point is the dems need a better campaign than calling everyone racist. It really does water it down to a meaningless thing. Because elections are about public policy and economic policy should benefit the most Americans regardless of race. A tax cut is not racist. How stupid does that look in print yet that's one of the arguments against it.
    You act like liberals have monopoly on calling people racist. I seem to recall a number of people calling Obama a racist.

    Anyone who says that tax cut is racist is fucktarded. There are stupid people on both sides.
  • HoustonHuskyHoustonHusky Member Posts: 5,962
    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    @Swaye I don't put you as a Trump dick sucker like Race. And I really don't give a shit if Trump calls them shit holes. However, people in those countries do care. Do you think at this point in time, we really need to alienate our country from literally every other country in the world? Except Norway I guess.

    There is no evidence that Trump spoke this truth and Swaye pointing out that it is true has nothing to do with your fantasies about sucking dick

    I don't know anything about Durbin but I would take almost anyone's word over the Stable Genius, who has zero credibility and proven to be a pathological liar

    Do you think those countries are shitholes?
    I wouldn't know, I've never been. You're missing the point though. The outrage isn't that he insulted the countries, it's that he said "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?" which is basically saying "why are we letting more brown people in?". While I'm sure you and your fellow Troomps share the same sentiment, that is a ridiculous statement for the president to make in a formal meeting.
    Hiding behind ignorance isn't a good look. Simple question - are they shitholes or not?

    That's the point

    He didn't say anything about brown people in what he may or may not have said

    Calling me and Trump voters racist is all you really care about. It won't work any better next time than it did last time

    Its you that has the focus on skin color for the reason the place is a shithole.
    It's funny that you continue to deny that Troomps are racist. While you're not as blatantly racist as others, look at your fellow deplorable Troomps on this board who are openly racist - OBK, Sledog, doogie, pawz, etc. You are the company you keep.

    So back to the Stable Genius, why do you think he questions why we should let more immigrants in from the "shithole" countries if it's not the color of their skin?
    Let me tell you something kid. I've experienced a lot of real racism over the last 35 years. Its probably the only issue I actually take seriously here.

    I don't care if some ignorant twit like you calls me a racist. I care about the devaluation of racism by the left. If everything is racist nothing is and the racists get an excuse to ignore the remaining real racism left here.

    The democrats need to actually put forward a platform to help all Americans including minorities rather than running on the GOP is racist and so are their voters so vote for us!

    Hillary had no answers so she sat home and let Trump take the 3 states he needed. He's doing things for this economy that will get him reelected. Nothing from the dems but more cries of racism. Its all you have.

    Trump and others have been clear that American immigration policy should help America. It has nothing to do with color. It has to do with skills and the ability to self support once here.

    @creepycoug 's happy janitor notwithstanding

    I don't disagree with that at all. I also tend to accept it as a reality of life.

    Guess what? People dislike other people for all manner of sane, rational, smart, stupid, insane, irrational, biased and other reasons. It's the way it is. I don't take it personally, but I don't pretend it's not there either.
    In my opinion the best we can do is get equal treatment under the law, equality in employment and housing, and the elimination of other institutional racism that effects lives.

    If the standard is to get everyone thinking equality we'll never get there. The point about white racism is the historical institutions that were tainted by it.

    But your right, all sorts of different races hate other races and everyone hates whitey. So there's that.

    My point is the dems need a better campaign than calling everyone racist. It really does water it down to a meaningless thing. Because elections are about public policy and economic policy should benefit the most Americans regardless of race. A tax cut is not racist. How stupid does that look in print yet that's one of the arguments against it.
    You act like liberals have monopoly on calling people racist. I seem to recall a number of people calling Obama a racist.

    Anyone who says that tax cut is racist is fucktarded. There are stupid people on both sides of my mirror.
    A FS poast fixed.
  • KaepskneeKaepsknee Member Posts: 14,844

    They are shitholes. Another non issue being blown out of proportion.

    Not the point. (Again, if he said it). I couldn't care less about whether Haiti is offended either. Fuck Haiti.

    I do think it would be shitty for a standing US President to say that he doesn't want people from there but would rather have well-trained socialists from northern Europe. Call me crazy. On what possible basis would he make that distinction? We both know. Whatever.

    It's just a way to slam the countries, sure. But it's also a shot across the bow at the "other people." We do better here with more, not less, of those other people, the vast majority of which come here to work hard and do better than they can where they came from.

    Do we really need a bunch more Norwegians and Swedes in the U.S.? What the fuck for? This is still, last I checked, a country based on capitalism. Not unfettered capitalism, sure, and we have our problems, sure, but that's still the deal here. A bunch of people used to working 9 to 4 with a 1.5 hour lunch break, free everything, a year off for maternity and paternity leave, etc. etc.

    Yeah, we need more of THOSE guys.

    Just fuck.
    Your pressing

    When you go TQ its a tell
    TQ = Tequilla?

    Sure, that's fair.

    I'm not sure which part you find to be pressing, or that I even know what pressing means here anymore, so to be clear, I posit:

    - I hereby discriminate against the white Norwegian socialist;
    - I want all the hungry brown and other color people we can get (as a guy pushing REITs you should agree with this);
    - I don't know what Donnie said;
    - I suspect Donnie is somewhat uncomfortable with non-white people;
    - I don't care if he is or isn't; and
    - It's entirely ok to call other countries "shit holes" if they are.

    The rest is chit chat. It would be terribly unusual for a standing US Pres to say such a thing, but we know that Donnie, love him or hate him, is unusual. We also have enough to draw some inference that he's not a big fan of poor brown people from elsewhere. At least a lot of us believe that to be the case.

    PS: timber REITs are particularly nice, because your dividend was always taxed at the capital gains rate, and sometimes you get a return of capital in your dividend and pay no tax on that portion at all. You're welcome.
    Once again 1000 characters with no real point to be made other than:

    A- You love to chase your tail.

    B- Some weak ass wannabe investment advice not relative to anything.

  • CirrhosisDawgCirrhosisDawg Member Posts: 6,390

    2001400ex said:

    @Swaye I don't put you as a Trump dick sucker like Race. And I really don't give a shit if Trump calls them shit holes. However, people in those countries do care. Do you think at this point in time, we really need to alienate our country from literally every other country in the world? Except Norway I guess.

    There is no evidence that Trump spoke this truth and Swaye pointing out that it is true has nothing to do with your fantasies about sucking dick

    I don't know anything about Durbin but I would take almost anyone's word over the Stable Genius, who has zero credibility and proven to be a pathological liar

    Do you think those countries are shitholes?
    I wouldn't know, I've never been. You're missing the point though. The outrage isn't that he insulted the countries, it's that he said "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?" which is basically saying "why are we letting more brown people in?". While I'm sure you and your fellow Troomps share the same sentiment, that is a ridiculous statement for the president to make in a formal meeting.
    Hiding behind ignorance isn't a good look. Simple question - are they shitholes or not?

    That's the point

    He didn't say anything about brown people in what he may or may not have said

    Calling me and Trump voters racist is all you really care about. It won't work any better next time than it did last time

    Its you that has the focus on skin color for the reason the place is a shithole.
    It's funny that you continue to deny that Troomps are racist. While you're not as blatantly racist as others, look at your fellow deplorable Troomps on this board who are openly racist - OBK, Sledog, doogie, pawz, etc. You are the company you keep.

    So back to the Stable Genius, why do you think he questions why we should let more immigrants in from the "shithole" countries if it's not the color of their skin?
    Let me tell you something kid. I've experienced a lot of real racism over the last 35 years. Its probably the only issue I actually take seriously here.

    I don't care if some ignorant twit like you calls me a racist. I care about the devaluation of racism by the left. If everything is racist nothing is and the racists get an excuse to ignore the remaining real racism left here.

    The democrats need to actually put forward a platform to help all Americans including minorities rather than running on the GOP is racist and so are their voters so vote for us!

    Hillary had no answers so she sat home and let Trump take the 3 states he needed. He's doing things for this economy that will get him reelected. Nothing from the dems but more cries of racism. Its all you have.

    Trump and others have been clear that American immigration policy should help America. It has nothing to do with color. It has to do with skills and the ability to self support once here.

    @creepycoug 's happy janitor notwithstanding

    I don't disagree with that at all. I also tend to accept it as a reality of life.

    Guess what? People dislike other people for all manner of sane, rational, smart, stupid, insane, irrational, biased and other reasons. It's the way it is. I don't take it personally, but I don't pretend it's not there either.
    In my opinion the best we can do is get equal treatment under the law, equality in employment and housing, and the elimination of other institutional racism that effects lives.

    If the standard is to get everyone thinking equality we'll never get there. The point about white racism is the historical institutions that were tainted by it.

    But your right, all sorts of different races hate other races and everyone hates whitey. So there's that.

    My point is the dems need a better campaign than calling everyone racist. It really does water it down to a meaningless thing. Because elections are about public policy and economic policy should benefit the most Americans regardless of race. A tax cut is not racist. How stupid does that look in print yet that's one of the arguments against it.
    If Trump just focused on the economy, people would like him.
    He is...large, unregulated immigration has been one of the main drivers in keeping wages down across all skill fronts.

    You think most people are going to hear 'Trump wants to limit immigration from "shithole" countries' and think 'hummm, that's not a good idea?'

    Better enjoy the hysteria for the next couple of days...Monday could be interesting.

    Yeah, Monday could be interesting. Lol!
  • Pitchfork51Pitchfork51 Member Posts: 26,851

    They are shitholes. Another non issue being blown out of proportion.

    Not the point. (Again, if he said it). I couldn't care less about whether Haiti is offended either. Fuck Haiti.

    I do think it would be shitty for a standing US President to say that he doesn't want people from there but would rather have well-trained socialists from northern Europe. Call me crazy. On what possible basis would he make that distinction? We both know. Whatever.

    It's just a way to slam the countries, sure. But it's also a shot across the bow at the "other people." We do better here with more, not less, of those other people, the vast majority of which come here to work hard and do better than they can where they came from.

    Do we really need a bunch more Norwegians and Swedes in the U.S.? What the fuck for? This is still, last I checked, a country based on capitalism. Not unfettered capitalism, sure, and we have our problems, sure, but that's still the deal here. A bunch of people used to working 9 to 4 with a 1.5 hour lunch break, free everything, a year off for maternity and paternity leave, etc. etc.

    Yeah, we need more of THOSE guys.

    Just fuck.
    Europeans come here because they can make more money.

    You know that right?
    No, really?

    People who want to work hard, appreciate the opportunity here and are willing to do things for a real market rate belong here. Everyone else can stay put where they are.

    Do you have an issue with that? It's a simple point of view to understand.
    My point is that Europeans coming here are fine.

    You claimed you don't want them because they are socialist.

    I don't care how hungry some unskilled dude from Somalia is.
    Why can't Somalia have skilled people?

    And those 43 percent should be the only ones.
  • dncdnc Member Posts: 56,614
    As long as Trump doesn't slow down the amount of West Africans moving here looking to better themselves and send their kids to get Built For Life IDRGAF
  • 2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
    Sledog said:

    Why do you hate vaginas?
  • CirrhosisDawgCirrhosisDawg Member Posts: 6,390

    2001400ex said:

    @Swaye I don't put you as a Trump dick sucker like Race. And I really don't give a shit if Trump calls them shit holes. However, people in those countries do care. Do you think at this point in time, we really need to alienate our country from literally every other country in the world? Except Norway I guess.

    There is no evidence that Trump spoke this truth and Swaye pointing out that it is true has nothing to do with your fantasies about sucking dick

    I don't know anything about Durbin but I would take almost anyone's word over the Stable Genius, who has zero credibility and proven to be a pathological liar

    Do you think those countries are shitholes?
    I wouldn't know, I've never been. You're missing the point though. The outrage isn't that he insulted the countries, it's that he said "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?" which is basically saying "why are we letting more brown people in?". While I'm sure you and your fellow Troomps share the same sentiment, that is a ridiculous statement for the president to make in a formal meeting.
    Hiding behind ignorance isn't a good look. Simple question - are they shitholes or not?

    That's the point

    He didn't say anything about brown people in what he may or may not have said

    Calling me and Trump voters racist is all you really care about. It won't work any better next time than it did last time

    Its you that has the focus on skin color for the reason the place is a shithole.
    It's funny that you continue to deny that Troomps are racist. While you're not as blatantly racist as others, look at your fellow deplorable Troomps on this board who are openly racist - OBK, Sledog, doogie, pawz, etc. You are the company you keep.

    So back to the Stable Genius, why do you think he questions why we should let more immigrants in from the "shithole" countries if it's not the color of their skin?
    Let me tell you something kid. I've experienced a lot of real racism over the last 35 years. Its probably the only issue I actually take seriously here.

    I don't care if some ignorant twit like you calls me a racist. I care about the devaluation of racism by the left. If everything is racist nothing is and the racists get an excuse to ignore the remaining real racism left here.

    The democrats need to actually put forward a platform to help all Americans including minorities rather than running on the GOP is racist and so are their voters so vote for us!

    Hillary had no answers so she sat home and let Trump take the 3 states he needed. He's doing things for this economy that will get him reelected. Nothing from the dems but more cries of racism. Its all you have.

    Trump and others have been clear that American immigration policy should help America. It has nothing to do with color. It has to do with skills and the ability to self support once here.

    @creepycoug 's happy janitor notwithstanding

    I don't disagree with that at all. I also tend to accept it as a reality of life.

    Guess what? People dislike other people for all manner of sane, rational, smart, stupid, insane, irrational, biased and other reasons. It's the way it is. I don't take it personally, but I don't pretend it's not there either.
    In my opinion the best we can do is get equal treatment under the law, equality in employment and housing, and the elimination of other institutional racism that effects lives.

    If the standard is to get everyone thinking equality we'll never get there. The point about white racism is the historical institutions that were tainted by it.

    But your right, all sorts of different races hate other races and everyone hates whitey. So there's that.

    My point is the dems need a better campaign than calling everyone racist. It really does water it down to a meaningless thing. Because elections are about public policy and economic policy should benefit the most Americans regardless of race. A tax cut is not racist. How stupid does that look in print yet that's one of the arguments against it.
    If Trump just focused on the economy, people would like him.
    He is...large, unregulated immigration has been one of the main drivers in keeping wages down across all skill fronts.

    You think most people are going to hear 'Trump wants to limit immigration from "shithole" countries' and think 'hummm, that's not a good idea?'

    Better enjoy the hysteria for the next couple of days...Monday could be interesting.

    Across all skill fronts? What you mean is that you lack the skills and competence to compete against a global workforce.

    Your scapegoating is cringeworthy and pathetic.
  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288

    2001400ex said:

    @Swaye I don't put you as a Trump dick sucker like Race. And I really don't give a shit if Trump calls them shit holes. However, people in those countries do care. Do you think at this point in time, we really need to alienate our country from literally every other country in the world? Except Norway I guess.

    There is no evidence that Trump spoke this truth and Swaye pointing out that it is true has nothing to do with your fantasies about sucking dick

    If you have an issue take it up with MSN for putting out a unsubstantiated report.

    People that live in those countries know they are shitholes that's why they want to leave

    Back to the poont: if this is true, and as you point out, I've no idea if it is, then it was not only a shitty thing to say, but it's actually wrong and fs. I don't want some fucking socialist from northern Europe. Do you? I want the hungry guy who is working three jobs so that his kid can have it better.

    And let me bet clear about my position. Anyone who doesn't agree with that last point is fucking stupid. Racist? Probably, but I don't care. It's just better for everyone here to have the hungry guys. Not the Norwegian. I am discriminating against the Norwegian. He may be mighty white, but he's not going to be additive here.

    Did Donnie say it? Again, no clue. But you and I both know full well it's entirely plausible. He don't like browny, and you know it. Do I care? Not really. But I'm not going to cover for him either.
    Fuck the hungry guy and the Norwegian. We don't want either of them here.
  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288

    They are shitholes. Another non issue being blown out of proportion.

    Not the point. (Again, if he said it). I couldn't care less about whether Haiti is offended either. Fuck Haiti.

    I do think it would be shitty for a standing US President to say that he doesn't want people from there but would rather have well-trained socialists from northern Europe. Call me crazy. On what possible basis would he make that distinction? We both know. Whatever.

    It's just a way to slam the countries, sure. But it's also a shot across the bow at the "other people." We do better here with more, not less, of those other people, the vast majority of which come here to work hard and do better than they can where they came from.

    Do we really need a bunch more Norwegians and Swedes in the U.S.? What the fuck for? This is still, last I checked, a country based on capitalism. Not unfettered capitalism, sure, and we have our problems, sure, but that's still the deal here. A bunch of people used to working 9 to 4 with a 1.5 hour lunch break, free everything, a year off for maternity and paternity leave, etc. etc.

    Yeah, we need more of THOSE guys.

    Just fuck.
    Europeans come here because they can make more money.

    You know that right?
    No, really?

    People who want to work hard, appreciate the opportunity here and are willing to do things for a real market rate belong here. Everyone else can stay put where they are.

    Do you have an issue with that? It's a simple point of view to understand.
    My point is that Europeans coming here are fine.

    You claimed you don't want them because they are socialist.

    I don't care how hungry some unskilled dude from Somalia is.
    Why can't Somalia have skilled people?
    Who said they didn't?

  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288

    2001400ex said:

    @Swaye I don't put you as a Trump dick sucker like Race. And I really don't give a shit if Trump calls them shit holes. However, people in those countries do care. Do you think at this point in time, we really need to alienate our country from literally every other country in the world? Except Norway I guess.

    There is no evidence that Trump spoke this truth and Swaye pointing out that it is true has nothing to do with your fantasies about sucking dick

    I don't know anything about Durbin but I would take almost anyone's word over the Stable Genius, who has zero credibility and proven to be a pathological liar

    Do you think those countries are shitholes?
    I wouldn't know, I've never been. You're missing the point though. The outrage isn't that he insulted the countries, it's that he said "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?" which is basically saying "why are we letting more brown people in?". While I'm sure you and your fellow Troomps share the same sentiment, that is a ridiculous statement for the president to make in a formal meeting.
    Hiding behind ignorance isn't a good look. Simple question - are they shitholes or not?

    That's the point

    He didn't say anything about brown people in what he may or may not have said

    Calling me and Trump voters racist is all you really care about. It won't work any better next time than it did last time

    Its you that has the focus on skin color for the reason the place is a shithole.
    It's funny that you continue to deny that Troomps are racist. While you're not as blatantly racist as others, look at your fellow deplorable Troomps on this board who are openly racist - OBK, Sledog, doogie, pawz, etc. You are the company you keep.

    So back to the Stable Genius, why do you think he questions why we should let more immigrants in from the "shithole" countries if it's not the color of their skin?
    Let me tell you something kid. I've experienced a lot of real racism over the last 35 years. Its probably the only issue I actually take seriously here.

    I don't care if some ignorant twit like you calls me a racist. I care about the devaluation of racism by the left. If everything is racist nothing is and the racists get an excuse to ignore the remaining real racism left here.

    The democrats need to actually put forward a platform to help all Americans including minorities rather than running on the GOP is racist and so are their voters so vote for us!

    Hillary had no answers so she sat home and let Trump take the 3 states he needed. He's doing things for this economy that will get him reelected. Nothing from the dems but more cries of racism. Its all you have.

    Trump and others have been clear that American immigration policy should help America. It has nothing to do with color. It has to do with skills and the ability to self support once here.

    @creepycoug 's happy janitor notwithstanding

    I don't disagree with that at all. I also tend to accept it as a reality of life.

    Guess what? People dislike other people for all manner of sane, rational, smart, stupid, insane, irrational, biased and other reasons. It's the way it is. I don't take it personally, but I don't pretend it's not there either.
    In my opinion the best we can do is get equal treatment under the law, equality in employment and housing, and the elimination of other institutional racism that effects lives.

    If the standard is to get everyone thinking equality we'll never get there. The point about white racism is the historical institutions that were tainted by it.

    But your right, all sorts of different races hate other races and everyone hates whitey. So there's that.

    My point is the dems need a better campaign than calling everyone racist. It really does water it down to a meaningless thing. Because elections are about public policy and economic policy should benefit the most Americans regardless of race. A tax cut is not racist. How stupid does that look in print yet that's one of the arguments against it.
    If Trump just focused on the economy, people would like him.
    He is...large, unregulated immigration has been one of the main drivers in keeping wages down across all skill fronts.

    You think most people are going to hear 'Trump wants to limit immigration from "shithole" countries' and think 'hummm, that's not a good idea?'

    Better enjoy the hysteria for the next couple of days...Monday could be interesting.

    Large, unregulated immigration has been one of the main drivers in keeping wages down across all skin fronts too. Large, unregulated immigration is racist because it primarily adversely affects minorities already living in the US.
  • 2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457

    They are shitholes. Another non issue being blown out of proportion.

    Not the point. (Again, if he said it). I couldn't care less about whether Haiti is offended either. Fuck Haiti.

    I do think it would be shitty for a standing US President to say that he doesn't want people from there but would rather have well-trained socialists from northern Europe. Call me crazy. On what possible basis would he make that distinction? We both know. Whatever.

    It's just a way to slam the countries, sure. But it's also a shot across the bow at the "other people." We do better here with more, not less, of those other people, the vast majority of which come here to work hard and do better than they can where they came from.

    Do we really need a bunch more Norwegians and Swedes in the U.S.? What the fuck for? This is still, last I checked, a country based on capitalism. Not unfettered capitalism, sure, and we have our problems, sure, but that's still the deal here. A bunch of people used to working 9 to 4 with a 1.5 hour lunch break, free everything, a year off for maternity and paternity leave, etc. etc.

    Yeah, we need more of THOSE guys.

    Just fuck.
    Europeans come here because they can make more money.

    You know that right?
    No, really?

    People who want to work hard, appreciate the opportunity here and are willing to do things for a real market rate belong here. Everyone else can stay put where they are.

    Do you have an issue with that? It's a simple point of view to understand.
    My point is that Europeans coming here are fine.

    You claimed you don't want them because they are socialist.

    I don't care how hungry some unskilled dude from Somalia is.
    Why can't Somalia have skilled people?
    Who said they didn't?

    OBK triggered
  • RubberfistRubberfist Member Posts: 1,373
    All this talk of shit holes is making me chub up.
  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,942

    2001400ex said:

    @Swaye I don't put you as a Trump dick sucker like Race. And I really don't give a shit if Trump calls them shit holes. However, people in those countries do care. Do you think at this point in time, we really need to alienate our country from literally every other country in the world? Except Norway I guess.

    There is no evidence that Trump spoke this truth and Swaye pointing out that it is true has nothing to do with your fantasies about sucking dick

    I don't know anything about Durbin but I would take almost anyone's word over the Stable Genius, who has zero credibility and proven to be a pathological liar

    Do you think those countries are shitholes?
    I wouldn't know, I've never been. You're missing the point though. The outrage isn't that he insulted the countries, it's that he said "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?" which is basically saying "why are we letting more brown people in?". While I'm sure you and your fellow Troomps share the same sentiment, that is a ridiculous statement for the president to make in a formal meeting.
    Hiding behind ignorance isn't a good look. Simple question - are they shitholes or not?

    That's the point

    He didn't say anything about brown people in what he may or may not have said

    Calling me and Trump voters racist is all you really care about. It won't work any better next time than it did last time

    Its you that has the focus on skin color for the reason the place is a shithole.
    It's funny that you continue to deny that Troomps are racist. While you're not as blatantly racist as others, look at your fellow deplorable Troomps on this board who are openly racist - OBK, Sledog, doogie, pawz, etc. You are the company you keep.

    So back to the Stable Genius, why do you think he questions why we should let more immigrants in from the "shithole" countries if it's not the color of their skin?
    Let me tell you something kid. I've experienced a lot of real racism over the last 35 years. Its probably the only issue I actually take seriously here.

    I don't care if some ignorant twit like you calls me a racist. I care about the devaluation of racism by the left. If everything is racist nothing is and the racists get an excuse to ignore the remaining real racism left here.

    The democrats need to actually put forward a platform to help all Americans including minorities rather than running on the GOP is racist and so are their voters so vote for us!

    Hillary had no answers so she sat home and let Trump take the 3 states he needed. He's doing things for this economy that will get him reelected. Nothing from the dems but more cries of racism. Its all you have.

    Trump and others have been clear that American immigration policy should help America. It has nothing to do with color. It has to do with skills and the ability to self support once here.

    @creepycoug 's happy janitor notwithstanding

    I don't disagree with that at all. I also tend to accept it as a reality of life.

    Guess what? People dislike other people for all manner of sane, rational, smart, stupid, insane, irrational, biased and other reasons. It's the way it is. I don't take it personally, but I don't pretend it's not there either.
    In my opinion the best we can do is get equal treatment under the law, equality in employment and housing, and the elimination of other institutional racism that effects lives.

    If the standard is to get everyone thinking equality we'll never get there. The point about white racism is the historical institutions that were tainted by it.

    But your right, all sorts of different races hate other races and everyone hates whitey. So there's that.

    My point is the dems need a better campaign than calling everyone racist. It really does water it down to a meaningless thing. Because elections are about public policy and economic policy should benefit the most Americans regardless of race. A tax cut is not racist. How stupid does that look in print yet that's one of the arguments against it.
    A whole lot better ... we would need to start an entirely new thread on how the Dems fucked up their election, and how they continue to fuck themselves from relevance.

    As to the sociological point you make, entirely correct. Not only does it water it down, but it takes a good % of people who aren't overtly racist and who are mostly just a product of the era they were raised in and it converts them to being a little more opinionated about race. I am by marriage related to a bunch of people who I don't recall in my youth as being blatant racists who now actually say and post and support shit that is hard to argue is not straight-over-tackle racist. On that we agree.

    I'm hurt I didn't get an 'atta boy' for the Timber REIT contribution. Come on man.
  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,942

    They are shitholes. Another non issue being blown out of proportion.

    Not the point. (Again, if he said it). I couldn't care less about whether Haiti is offended either. Fuck Haiti.

    I do think it would be shitty for a standing US President to say that he doesn't want people from there but would rather have well-trained socialists from northern Europe. Call me crazy. On what possible basis would he make that distinction? We both know. Whatever.

    It's just a way to slam the countries, sure. But it's also a shot across the bow at the "other people." We do better here with more, not less, of those other people, the vast majority of which come here to work hard and do better than they can where they came from.

    Do we really need a bunch more Norwegians and Swedes in the U.S.? What the fuck for? This is still, last I checked, a country based on capitalism. Not unfettered capitalism, sure, and we have our problems, sure, but that's still the deal here. A bunch of people used to working 9 to 4 with a 1.5 hour lunch break, free everything, a year off for maternity and paternity leave, etc. etc.

    Yeah, we need more of THOSE guys.

    Just fuck.
    Europeans come here because they can make more money.

    You know that right?
    No, really?

    People who want to work hard, appreciate the opportunity here and are willing to do things for a real market rate belong here. Everyone else can stay put where they are.

    Do you have an issue with that? It's a simple point of view to understand.
    My point is that Europeans coming here are fine.

    You claimed you don't want them because they are socialist.

    I don't care how hungry some unskilled dude from Somalia is.
    You missed the point that was being made somewhat in jest. Don't take everything so literally.

    My point is that some dummy, be it Trump or someone else, decrying that we need fewer 'shit hole' immigrants and more Norwegian immigrants is probably loading a lot of bias in that view. The truth is, like it or not, the free flow of capital and labor is a good thing for everyone, and wishing some guy from Norway - some guy who grew up with government covering a lot of his standard of living - come here over some guy who's ready to work his ass off and make something for his family, is fs.

    It's a straw man to make the point. If some guy from Norway comes here and cures cancer then yippidy yi yay! In other words, I don't hate Europeans.
  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,942
    salemcoog said:

    They are shitholes. Another non issue being blown out of proportion.

    Not the point. (Again, if he said it). I couldn't care less about whether Haiti is offended either. Fuck Haiti.

    I do think it would be shitty for a standing US President to say that he doesn't want people from there but would rather have well-trained socialists from northern Europe. Call me crazy. On what possible basis would he make that distinction? We both know. Whatever.

    It's just a way to slam the countries, sure. But it's also a shot across the bow at the "other people." We do better here with more, not less, of those other people, the vast majority of which come here to work hard and do better than they can where they came from.

    Do we really need a bunch more Norwegians and Swedes in the U.S.? What the fuck for? This is still, last I checked, a country based on capitalism. Not unfettered capitalism, sure, and we have our problems, sure, but that's still the deal here. A bunch of people used to working 9 to 4 with a 1.5 hour lunch break, free everything, a year off for maternity and paternity leave, etc. etc.

    Yeah, we need more of THOSE guys.

    Just fuck.
    Your pressing

    When you go TQ its a tell
    TQ = Tequilla?

    Sure, that's fair.

    I'm not sure which part you find to be pressing, or that I even know what pressing means here anymore, so to be clear, I posit:

    - I hereby discriminate against the white Norwegian socialist;
    - I want all the hungry brown and other color people we can get (as a guy pushing REITs you should agree with this);
    - I don't know what Donnie said;
    - I suspect Donnie is somewhat uncomfortable with non-white people;
    - I don't care if he is or isn't; and
    - It's entirely ok to call other countries "shit holes" if they are.

    The rest is chit chat. It would be terribly unusual for a standing US Pres to say such a thing, but we know that Donnie, love him or hate him, is unusual. We also have enough to draw some inference that he's not a big fan of poor brown people from elsewhere. At least a lot of us believe that to be the case.

    PS: timber REITs are particularly nice, because your dividend was always taxed at the capital gains rate, and sometimes you get a return of capital in your dividend and pay no tax on that portion at all. You're welcome.
    Once again 1000 characters with no real point to be made other than:

    A- You love to chase your tail.

    B- Some weak ass wannabe investment advice not relative to anything.

    Salem Bro', you have a great difficulty of absorbing a situation, conversation or really anything without causation determining your conclusion. For you see it is possible to believe that your fellow cuog! makes poasts about shit-holes and raysism even though they reveal your lack of intellectual clarity and also not feel that deviation from said poasts are somehow comparable to those a crack baby would make.

    You feel me dum dum?
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