Notify the authorities. You can trace somebody on the internet unless they use a system like Tails with the screen modified. Most idiots won't go to those lengths though.
Notify the authorities. You can trace somebody on the internet unless they use a system like Tails with the screen modified. Most idiots won't go to those lengths though.
Notify the authorities. You can trace somebody on the internet unless they use a system like Tails with the screen modified. Most idiots won't go to those lengths though.
Notify the authorities. You can trace somebody on the internet unless they use a system like Tails with the screen modified. Most idiots won't go to those lengths though.
Going to call the internet police?
The government is not involved now that net neutrality is gone.
I guess I need to bring my readers with me to the basement. Getting old is awesome.
Then I wonder about the sanity of somebody who gets a timeout, but is so desperate to get back into the cesspool that he sends off an unhinged email.
Then I get a little nervous.
Note the yuge balls