"The sticking point is said to be China, who lost a lot of face by joining up with the PAC 12. The Chinese have asked Larry Scott to meet with them in a North Korean death camp to iron out the details.
Looking ahead to next season there will be a full slate of truck races and late night ball games on Tuesday and Thursday followed by a quick turnaround for a Saturday morning game in Beijing."
i chortled nice work old man
Chortled is very old man
I used chortled in a conversation yesterday while talking to a woman colleague. To which I immediately thought, "well that probably sounded retarded."
"The sticking point is said to be China, who lost a lot of face by joining up with the PAC 12. The Chinese have asked Larry Scott to meet with them in a North Korean death camp to iron out the details.
Looking ahead to next season there will be a full slate of truck races and late night ball games on Tuesday and Thursday followed by a quick turnaround for a Saturday morning game in Beijing."
i chortled nice work old man
Chortled is very old man
I used chortled in a conversation yesterday while talking to a woman colleague. To which I immediately thought, "well that probably sounded retarded."
Uh oh. Watch out for the headlines that Derek has been accused of harassment.
"Mr Johnson has been harassing women in the workplace. Also suspicious is his communist cesspool of a hobby site."
"Mr Johnson has been harassing women in the workplace. Also suspicious is his communist cesspool of a hobby site."