I've planned poorly, fly in Friday night, plan on blacking out somewhere, sleep on sidewalk, wake up and tailgate with any of you degenerates, party after, miss return flight at 745am, stay for new year's while ignoring Shane's calls to return to mom's basement in Sac. He says the Martinelli's sparkling is on ice!
You guys will be outnumbered big time.
Beating Purdue in the Sun Bowl was much tuffer than beating Drew Breeze in the Rose Bowl
The Holiday Bowl is as big a bowl as the Fiesta Bowl
Sorry, Baze. But this event will continue to BLEED theta up until kickoff
Thought I'd offer it up to the assholes on this bored.
I've planned poorly, fly in Friday night, plan on blacking out somewhere, sleep on sidewalk, wake up and tailgate with any of you degenerates, party after, miss return flight at 745am, stay for new year's while ignoring Shane's calls to return to mom's basement in Sac. He says the Martinelli's sparkling is on ice!