That was the fucking worst game in the history of the world. When I was leaving the game some fucking doog over heard me bashing Jake. Guy said, , "You're an idiot about Jake, he wins us tons of games." I said, "what games, Montana and fucking Fresno?" He couldn't name a single real team Jake had beaten.
Fuck me. Fuck you. Fuck everyone. And especially fuck Jake.
And also fuck the defense for all of the first downs on third and long.
I will say this, the halftime show by the band was weird as fuck but hilarious. Some Stanford trump fan in front of me got super triggered by it and booed repeatedly for like 5 minutes. I asked him how he liked the taste of Putins dick in his mouth. He didn't like that.
Fuck me. Fuck you. Fuck everyone. And especially fuck Jake.
And also fuck the defense for all of the first downs on third and long.
But mostly fuck Jake and Smith.