I don't disagree with the psychology here. His comment about the D was funny and implied they can do even better. No benefit in calling out Jake specifically at the presser and saying he had a shitty game, especially if the coaches don't put him in positions to be successful.
wait, am I reading that right or is Jood being sarcastic?
The D is supposed to score? What fucking alternate universe am I living in? I saw Cobra shitting his pants for 4 quarters....and the D is supposed to score?
I don’t understand Pete’s infatuation with Jake. Jake could go 0-30 with 30 INTs and Petersen would say he had a really good game just caught some tough breaks.
I get you don’t want to nuke your QBs confidence but holy shit let’s be critical of him when he deserves it. Throwing other players under the bus for his terrible play is retarded.
If you look at the best Petersen gifs they are when we are winning by quite a bit. He is the old school coach who rips the guys when they are up and builds them up when they are down. At least publicly.
Saban does the same thing. He is most miserable when they win by a lot and the media "rat poison" comes out.
If you look at the best Petersen gifs they are when we are winning by quite a bit. He is the old school coach who rips the guys when they are up and builds them up when they are down. At least publicly.
Saban does the same thing. He is most miserable when they win by a lot and the media "rat poison" comes out.
Now all of a sudden you dumbfucks are going to put stock in Pete's coachspeak? In reality, I'm guessing Browning can barely walk today after the new asshole Pete ripped him. Jake sucked, and everyone knows it. Who gives a shit what was said to the media?
UW's defensive mantra is literally, "Score or get the ball back." That was literally all Pete said about the defense other than when he said they played great again.
I'm sure our defensive coaches weren't happy about the performance by the defense either because they did neither of the two things that are the most important to them on defense.
Fuck Race ... I’m 100% confident that I could verbally undress him and have him sucking his thumb within a 5-10 minute rant ... if I (or anybody) can get in your face and you back down like a giant pussy then sports of any kind isn’t an environment for you
It's time for Peterman to LEAVE.
The D is supposed to score? What fucking alternate universe am I living in? I saw Cobra shitting his pants for 4 quarters....and the D is supposed to score?
Jake blows. Use the real talent in your backfield.
I get you don’t want to nuke your QBs confidence but holy shit let’s be critical of him when he deserves it. Throwing other players under the bus for his terrible play is retarded.
Saban does the same thing. He is most miserable when they win by a lot and the media "rat poison" comes out.
Having said all that
Fuck Browning. He sucks donkey dick
**coaching truth accepted by all coaches from the Highest Classification Of Youth Coaching In America(HCOYCIA)
I'm sure our defensive coaches weren't happy about the performance by the defense either because they did neither of the two things that are the most important to them on defense.
All that being said, Jake Browning sucks.
This IS the new bored motto